Nice OT Mob. <3
Oh my god... It's almost here!
So, regular classic controller is still preferable to wii-remote right? Don't feel like getting the pro if I already have the regular
I've had my preorder paid in full at a (mildly far) Gamestop for several weeks now. I think I did it when they announced the artbook.
Anyway, I'm currently working my way through a bunch of fairly long games - Ass.Creed.Rev, Yakuza 4, amongst others.
When I pick up Xenoblade, I imagine I'll play for a couple hours before shelving it for quite some time. That is, unless it can somehow magically pull me in in the first 90 minutes or so. Problem is, I highly doubt that, as every.single.JRPG that I've ever played has been very slow to get exciting, IMO, outside of Final Fantasy IX.
So, for those of you who played it; about how much time do I need to put into it before the story really gets going, and the boring tutorial sessions are done?
I've been glancing at this on the store shelves for a while (EU). A couple of questions for those who have played it:
How hectic does the combat get? I like my RPG battle systems either relaxed and turn-based, or full 1st/3rd-person action; I generally dislike pseudo-realtime combat and hate the old FF ATB style. Juggling the skills of several characters doesn't sound like fun. Looks like the encounters aren't random, so that's a plus.
How's the immersion? Any depth to the characters? I'm no stranger to JRPG goofiness but I'd appreciate a bit of... mature storytelling, for lack of a better word.
Another bit of advice:
They are extremely well done and informative.
Another bit of advice:
They are extremely well done and informative.
and you will same yourself alot of walking
USE COMPONENT CABLES!!-- fairly obvious by now. Game looks a lot smoother.
Would kill to experience this from scratch again. Such a stunning game.
Think I'm going to boot my copy up again and do some more endgame content!
So, JP or EU voices are both fine, right? I'm trying to decide which to go with. I really want dat Wakamoto.
I think everyone was really surprised about the quality of the English dub. Also, Jenna Louise Coleman <3So, JP or EU voices are both fine, right? I'm trying to decide which to go with. I really want dat Wakamoto.
So, JP or EU voices are both fine, right? I'm trying to decide which to go with. I really want dat Wakamoto.
So, JP or EU voices are both fine, right? I'm trying to decide which to go with. I really want dat Wakamoto.
Higher level enemies automatically attack you while lower level ones leave you alone, unless you attack first.
This isn't true, the enemies attack under certain conditions as dictated by little symbols next to their health bar, for example some will attack if you enter their range of sight, others will attack if they hear you and others attack if you use magic near them. Many of them won't attack at all unless you do first, for example in the snowy mountain area you can run circles around the lvl 80+ horse guys and they wont do shit. And I'm not sure but I think enemies a few levels under you will try and avoid you.
Only if handhelds are excluded.
Man I should really finish this. I got to a dark swampy area and just lost interest.
You only control one character during battle, so it's not too hectic. I found it a bit confusing at first, but by the halfway point you should have the hang of it.
The maps are HUGE and each area is very unique and feels alive. NPC's have schedules and will move about during the day, certain monsters only come out at night and all enemies are on screen. Higher level enemies automatically attack you while lower level ones leave you alone, unless you attack first.
The majority of the characters aren't "original" but they are well done. Everyone acts maturely and they aren't whiny or complete idiots. Everyone is pretty likable.
how does this one hold up plot/character wise?
This isn't true, the enemies attack under certain conditions as dictated by little symbols next to their health bar, for example some will attack if you enter their range of sight, others will attack if they hear you and others attack if you use magic near them. Many of them won't attack at all unless you do first, for example in the snowy mountain area you can run circles around the lvl 80+ horse guys and they wont do shit. And I'm not sure but I think enemies a few levels under you will try and avoid you.
I think everyone was really surprised about the quality of the English dub. Also, Jenna Louise Coleman <3
Nice OT Mob. <3
Another bit of advice:
They are extremely well done and informative.
Oh god this.
and you will save yourself alot of walking
This. Remember that you got quick travel. Access the map or press '1' if you just want to be in the current area.
Wait so first we got Karen Gillian and now we get Coleman? Niiiiiiicccce.This. If anyone wants a sneak preview of the Doctor's next companion, you've got it right there.