Conrad Link
Field of the Machinae is straight outta Phantasy Star Online-awesomeness.
You can't go wrong with this game. Words of warning: you have to reign in your "must collect everything, must have 100% completion", because the collectathon will drive people insane due to ridiculously punishing and random drop rate. One must realize collection quests here are entirely optional and you really don't need to complete every quest and collect every object for best ending or something like that.
I disagree. It's a very good track but I think "Field of the Machinae" is better.
Has anyone run this on the Dolphin Emulator? If so, i'd be quite interested in your experience.
I haven't played a great new JRPG since Lost Odyssey and if I can play this in HD I will be super excited.
..I preordered it already anyways.
Takes a pretty good CPU to run it, but it looks great:
Preordered in full! I'll just have to wait a little while to play it. I just started Dark Souls this week after having just completed LoZ: Syward Sword so that will probably keep my busy through April.
What would I need to play it smoothly(RAM, CPU, GPU)? I am also thinking about useing dolphin
Darn. Even though I knew better I still held the tiniest inkling of hope that it would be "The Secret File".
Does anyone know if the copies of that book that were given to the first 1,000 people to register Xenoblade in France were translated? Or were they just the untouched Japanese version? (if it was translated that's really unfair)
In any case, this'll be the first time I can think of where I've double-dipped on a game at full price both times.
Satorl Marsh is weird.
Dull and ugly during the day, magical at night.
Also also, on Gaur Plains, the first thing you should do is follow the northern wall all the way to the right until you see a small, long path leading to a supposed dead end. Trust me on dis.
You cruel, cruel person
I knew it ^_^
Everywhere, especially Valak Mountain, is better at night.
Its the best JRPG since the PSone era, you're in for a treat.So GAF, this is finally a goodRPG?J
Large overworld, good battle system, beautiful art style, wonderful music and no cliched anime themes in sight?(minus the art style)
Because just about every RPG I've played this gen has been disappointing. Except Eternal Sonata. Which was really good imo.
I really hope people aren't in hype overload mode at the moment, tbh. It's a good game, but it still has its share of issues. And I feel the same way. Good game, but I wouldn't put it in my top 20 either. Though this is my opinion, of course.The game is REALLY overhyped here at GAF. It's nowhere near the best RPG ever. I wouldn't even put it in my top 20.
I feel like a complete idiot, but I cannot figure out how to check my order status on Nintendo's website. I ordered a few months back and just want to do a gut-check, but I don't even see any way to login after I go to "check order status." Am I missing something totally obvious?
I really hope people aren't in hype overload mode at the moment, tbh. It's a good game, but it still has its share of issues. And I feel the same way. Good game, but I wouldn't put it in my top 20 either. Though this is my opinion, of course.
The game looks absolutely gorgeous though. I love the art direction so damn much. Use component cables!!
Also, I echo the people saying don't do all of the sidequests in one go because you WILL get burned out on them if you do that.
I feel like a complete idiot, but I cannot figure out how to check my order status on Nintendo's website. I ordered a few months back and just want to do a gut-check, but I don't even see any way to login after I go to "check order status." Am I missing something totally obvious?
So GAF, this is finally a goodRPG?J
Large overworld, good battle system, beautiful art style, wonderful music and no cliched anime themes in sight?(minus the art style)
Because just about every RPG I've played this gen has been disappointing. Except Eternal Sonata. Which was really good imo.
Component cables aside, the game is Progressive Scan compatible right? I know there are still some Wii games that arent for some reason. Surprised that there would still be people on GAF that dont have any of their systems connected the best way possible (if they have the means to).
Yep!Component cables aside, the game is Progressive Scan compatible right? I know there are still some Wii games that arent for some reason. Surprised that there would still be people on GAF that dont have any of their systems connected the best way possible (if they have the means to).
you have to go here and put in your zip code and order #.
under my status, it says backordered. can anyone who pre-ordered their copy a long time ago confirm what it says for them? might change order location if it means waiting a month
My knowledge about this game consists of:
2. What the OP has told me.
...and yet, I think I'm going to pre-order this today, and officially double my Wii collection.
Bit more on this front, they just DM'd me that they will begin shipping the games out on April 4th, although it seems there will be higher priority for non-free shipment options.
Its the best JRPG since the PSone era, you're in for a treat.
Never played DQ VII, but Xenoblade is something special. Just play it and you'll see for yourselfBetter than Dragon Quest VIII? That is my all time favorite JRPG. I put close to 200 hours on that bad boy!