Full version of one of the Battle Themes. Name is just a placeholder
here are some direct feed pics, since no one here seems to be posting them.
Full version of one of the Battle Themes. Name is just a placeholder
Full version of one of the Battle Themes. Name is just a placeholder
Isn't that during 'bigger' enemy battles? Or unique enemy battles, not sure.
I remember it playing when a guy on a steam was fighting a big ass dinosaur from the first part of the game.
Also, I played Xenogears until the end of the first village, yesterday. I'll be doing more tonight, seems like a A+ game so far.
Do we know if people on a NG+ save file can play online with non NG+'ers?
Is there even NG+? All I know about is that you can keep playing after the credits.
Some more direct feed shots from twitter, massive amounts of compression and all. Since apparently, I'm not posting enough of them.
Oof, it's over ¥9k to have the Wii U bundle shipped :/
Hmm, I thought I posted some a couple of pages back when most people went crazy with posting spoilers, but looks like the links are broken. Let's try again.Hoping some gaffers will upload some shots properly soon. Maybe Streets will save us once his copy arrives.![]()
Finished chapter 5 this morning. That was an...unexpected twist.
Hmm, I thought I posted some a couple of pages back when most people went crazy with posting spoilers, but looks like the links are broken. Let's try again.
I have some issues with uploading screenshots on Imgur because the upload process for whatever reasons is stucked on "pending". I'll see if it works properly again when I get home. So far what I have done is upload screenshots to copy.com and then reuploading the screens again to Imgur through my laptop >>Nice! Really liking those shots. And yeah, that twist shocked me when I first found out too.
Are you by chance making an album of those shots on imgur?
I have some issues with uploading screenshots on Imgur because the upload process for whatever reasons is stucked on "pending". I'll see if it works properly again when I get home. So far what I have done is upload screenshots to copy.com and then reuploading the screens again to Imgur through my laptop >>
I actually tried out abload this morning, but the upload process was stucked for some reasons. Guess I'll try to wire up the Wii U rather than using wireless when I get back.why not go with abload.de? I know it's in German and that's weird but it should still be easy to navigate (just select a pic and hit the upload button). No compression, etc.
Full version of one of the Battle Themes. Name is just a placeholder
Is there even NG+? All I know about is that you can keep playing after the credits.
This. I don't think there is a dedicated NG+.
Ah, that's nice.
Thought I heard Monolith saying that you can put any skin on any armorset in the NG+, but that's a possibility once you finish the story then?
Ah, that's nice.
Thought I heard Monolith saying that you can put any skin on any armorset in the NG+, but that's a possibility once you finish the story then?
Nice! Really liking those shots. And yeah, that twist shocked me when I first found out too.
Are you by chance making an album of those shots on imgur?
Amazon Japan is notorious for people giving 1-star scores to tons of games after launch, so although it's worth noting any common complaints, I wouldn't pay much attention to the scores, themselves.
I maintain my long-standing position that Amazon shouldn't allow people to rate/review things if they didn't buy it directly from Amazon.
Full version of one of the Battle Themes. Name is just a placeholder
"Neiteio, why are you wearing your pants on your head?"So for you guys wondering why the Sawano songs have such weird titles, I got my Kill la Kill Vol. 5 bluray in today, and Sawano mentions this point in the behind the scenes documentary that was included so I figured i'd share. It seems like he wants people to enjoy his music independent of their explicit purpose. To do that he makes the weird titles so it's more about the music than the name of the track, so to speak.
Just imagine.
Model Doll Amiibos that unlocked new Dolls in game when scanned...
They could use this for marketing.
Build them. Scan them. Play them.
so good.
Don't know, some people complained about Splatoon that allow to unlock optionals outfits :
I'm at work right now, but I'll post some of my impressions since I have a few seconds.
- Some data probes are a fucking BITCH to find. I found out later that some are in caves. Since they're drilling, it would make sense that they wouldn't be above you. If they're outside, there's a very very visible pillar of light that you can follow to go where you need to get.
- So far, I haven't found a way to set the navigation ball to take me to data probe spots I can't find. If there is one, that would make some things much easier.
- Simple quests are total garbage, and the drop rates for some of them are beyond silly. DO NOT focus on them. Instead, focus on normal quests and kizuna quests. Normal quests are far more fleshed out, fill out the world, are really fun, and in general, what I want out of Xenoblade. There's also a large amount of them, so there's really no reason NOT to focus on them.
- Quests that involve killing a specific creature, getting a very specific red item, or meeting a specific person all have waypoints, making questing easier. That said, it's not always apparent HOW you get to the waypoint. The navigation ball and Hover Camera (which you actually have early on, though the game doesn't tell you) are incredibly helpful for getting a lay of the land and finding the right route to where you want to go.
- The map in hex grid mode shows you when certain hexes have something new available (quests, kizuna, etc.) even if you're NOT in the region. This is incredibly helpful, as I can check if there are new quests in an NLA region when i complete something without having to warp back and run around searching. (NLA quests open over time, so you'll have to return every once in a while to open up more)
- Don't expect to just complete the hex grid objectives from NLA out. They're set up in such a way that you're going to encounter some tough ones surrounded by easier ones. It makes for some interesting traveling and route plotting.
- I love that I can swim out into the water and try to find a path to a new place without taking the well trodden (and monster-plagued) path. No invisible walls that I've found. Combine that with the fast run speed, huge jump and no fall damage means exploring the world is a real treat. I absolutely love it.
- Once the online element opens up, there are some really cool asynchronous online mechanics that integrate well into the gameplay. You can "rent" other player's characters to fill out a slot in your party, and if you see a squad member standing around in the field, they can give you support ability buffs based on the Union they're part of. There's also a set of icons under the minimap that shows which Unions are being repped in your current squad (darkened means none, lit means at least one, green square means you're currently blessed with that union's support ability, I believe)
- Additional Online elements: you can turn on whether or not you see your squad teammates' achievements as they play. I found when I was playing yesterday (a holiday in Japan), the "Play Award" notification kept coming up on my screen every 2 seconds. It's out of the way, though, so it wasn't a big deal. Nice to see that my squadmates are playing the game too.
- Kizuna quests are really fun. Like Xenoblade, you have a marker that you go to and activate. Once activated, you're given conditions you have to meet in order to start the quest (Level, Kizuna rating with a specific character, and who can and can't be in the party when the quest is activated). Once the kizuna quest is activated, you're unable to do side quests or main story, and instead do fairly long side quest that revolves around a specific character. The prerequisites for doing kizuna quests is pretty lax in comparison to Xenoblade 1's kizuna cutscenes, and because they're visible on the watch, you can easily do them once you've fulfilled the conditions.
- I recently changed my class from Drifter (base class, assault rifle and knife) to Assault (Assault Rifle and Sword). Completely new skills means you suddenly play a little differently, but it wasn't hard to get into the new class. Tempted to change to Forcer eventually, so I can become a Galaxy Knight (also known as the best class name in existence).
Phew! That's a lot to read...
Just imagine.
Model Doll Amiibos that unlocked new Dolls in game when scanned...
They could use this for marketing.
Build them. Scan them. Play them.
so good.
- Kizuna quests are really fun. Like Xenoblade, you have a marker that you go to and activate. Once activated, you're given conditions you have to meet in order to start the quest (Level, Kizuna rating with a specific character, and who can and can't be in the party when the quest is activated). Once the kizuna quest is activated, you're unable to do side quests or main story, and instead do fairly long side quest that revolves around a specific character. The prerequisites for doing kizuna quests is pretty lax in comparison to Xenoblade 1's kizuna cutscenes, and because they're visible on the watch, you can easily do them once you've fulfilled the conditions.
Temptation is bad XDI mean say you're gonna have to buy mech DLC anyways wouldn't it be cooler to get a model kit out of it that unlocked the dlc?
Damn your avatar looks mighty fine!Hmm, I thought I posted some a couple of pages back when most people went crazy with posting spoilers, but looks like the links are broken. Let's try again.
Full version of one of the Battle Themes. Name is just a placeholder
Full version of one of the Battle Themes. Name is just a placeholder
This guy has a pretty great stream. He's a past ESL teacher who knows Japanese well, so he actually knows what he's doing. And he's chatty!
is he near the beginning? I won';t click unless he is
still time better than NLA night theme....*Beginning starts*
Not bad
*Lyrics start*
Sigh. Oh............Sawano LOL![]()
Vegetaover9k.gif!Oof, it's over ¥9k to have the Wii U bundle shipped :/
This could destroy my wallet if they release a line with every model...
Every one loves that theme now thostill time better than NLA night theme....
wait.... I see through your plan SAWANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every one loves that theme now tho