Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Im seeing black bars everywhere, whats going on D:
The fact that this game is supposed to be, as I suspected, part of a saga is the greatest news ever for me.
Xenoblade was a self contained story, but quite smaller in scope than other Xeno games, so it was a bit disappointing for me in that aspect.
My final thoughts:
+Main city is cool beans and upgrades as you do quests
You can be part of a saga and still have a complete self contained story and narrative. Look at Xenogears.
Ideally I'd like a XBX2 to be less MMO and more Mass Effect, flying around in robots in deep space and landing on small planets and exploring them. Like I'd be fine if there was a half-dozen planets and each was the size of one continent from XBX. Would also make more sense than having sudden transitions on a planet from ice world to fire world to desert and such if they were separate planets.
My final thoughts:
-Basically no story for 60 hours
This was one my fears about the game. I even posted this in a different Xenocross thread that I was hoping it would have 7 playable characters at most, but other posters said 'nah they can work it out even with 10+ characters'. I dunno, I just think a smaller cast is always preferable since there is more space and opportunities to develop them.It all makes sense now. Damn. That still doesn't forgive Xenoblade X for not having good characters with actual real depth and character development as Xenosaga ep1 had lots of characters who were very developed even if the main plot was only the intro like XBX. Elma is a better KOS-MOS and I've fine with that, I like her. The ship captains are good traditional cool captains. But everyone else sucks. Even Lynne who gets as much screen time as Elma is flawed because all her screen time is just making cooking Tatsu jokes and a few scenes about her parents and that's it. She gets a little development, just like a lot of the side characters do, but she never really gets to be a good fully fleshed out character. Elma is definitely the closest there. The other characters just get worse and worse with development. Lu/Ru at first seems like "hey, this will be an interesting character for the story", but he has no story! He's just the goofy silly guy who dances a couple of times. I think they bit off more than they could chew. They should have kept the main party to Gren, Elleena, Doug, Lu, Rao, Elma and Lynne and that's it. Put those characters in the story more and incorporate their personal struggles into the actual plot and develop them. I think with 15 or so party members and everyone getting little bite-sized stories everything just feels really separate and doesn't come together. ALSO WEIRD THATthe furry couple doesn't join as playable characters, since they seemed to have traditional class movesets (dude is a photon blade guy and girl is a lancer) and since the game has 15+ playable characters and has no problem constantly giving you NPCs as playable); I wonder if they will be DLC playable. They're show in the art book with the playable cast ^^;
So yeah, all that. Art book that came with the console set is nice.
No story? I thought one of the guys in the Famistu review disliked how many long cutscenes were in the game. If there is hardly story, what in all that is holy are those long cutscenes for, tutorials?
There's also a question on what a person expects and what "a lot/long" means to them.
Now I don't know what to think...I've tried several times to follow Kouli's guide for the Baby Lobsters quest and I can't find the 98th one, it's not appearing where it should be and I'm really stuck because of that.
Why did my game need to bug in this quest ? D: I'd prefer for an enemy to stop attacking because of a bug than this...because now I can't complete it for that reason and it's very, very disheartening.
I just got 49/99 but from what I've heard,you need to complete a long series of side quests before the 98th shows up.
Just wanted to say that the soundtrack is absolutely amazing. I loved Xenoblade's OST as well, and honestly, I'm glad X went in a completely different direction, as it seems to fit the game world so well. I actually really like the tracks with rap parts (Black tar is my absolute favorite track)! Others that stood out to me: Theme X, No.EX 01, Mono X, So fah so fern, In the forest and The key we've lost. Can't wait to play this damn game, please come out soon in America.
I heard this one yesterday and fell in love with it.
Especially the part that starts at 2:16
Both of these sounds really good ^-^
My final thoughts:
Its like all other opinions/impressions don't exist, lol.
Case study in confirmation bias.
Well who has time to read through more than 50 pages of impressions and opinions? Normally you would just look at the most recent discussion on the thread.I've been checking this thread almost daily though.
Its like all other opinions/impressions don't exist, lol.
Case study in confirmation bias.
No story? I thought one of the guys in the Famistu review disliked how many long cutscenes were in the game. If there is hardly story, what in all that is holy are those long cutscenes for, tutorials?
Man thanks for the time and the detailed impressions. Definitely does not sound.... great by any stretch of the imagination. Unfortunate, but as they showed more of the game I can't say it's a major surprise.
Well who has time to read through more than 50 pages of impressions and opinions? Normally you would just look at the most recent discussion on the thread.I've been checking this thread almost daily though.
My post is pretty clear, I dislike open world MMOs filled with unimportant quests and Bebpo confirms how this game is centered around that kind of design. One of the few cons of Xenoblade was the questionable quests design, it seems like instead of changing it, they instead double-downed on it. It's a pretty important factor for some us (see all the people who dropped Inquisition for the same reason), what is your problem?
- Simple quests are total garbage, and the drop rates for some of them are beyond silly. DO NOT focus on them. Instead, focus on normal quests and kizuna quests. Normal quests are far more fleshed out, fill out the world, are really fun, and in general, what I want out of Xenoblade. There's also a large amount of them, so there's really no reason NOT to focus on them.
- Kizuna quests are really fun. Like Xenoblade, you have a marker that you go to and activate. Once activated, you're given conditions you have to meet in order to start the quest (Level, Kizuna rating with a specific character, and who can and can't be in the party when the quest is activated). Once the kizuna quest is activated, you're unable to do side quests or main story, and instead do fairly long side quest that revolves around a specific character. The prerequisites for doing kizuna quests is pretty lax in comparison to Xenoblade 1's kizuna cutscenes, and because they're visible on the watch, you can easily do them once you've fulfilled the conditions.
Actually thats the opposite of what he said, the main quest is lighter in story and instead the story is spread across all normal and kizuna quests, making them a lot more important and helping to flesh out the world around you.My post is pretty clear, I dislike open world MMOs filled with unimportant quests and Bebpo confirms how this game is centered around that kind of design. One of the few cons of Xenoblade was the questionable quests design, it seems like instead of changing it, they instead double-downed on it. It's a pretty important factor for some us (see all the people who dropped Inquisition for the same reason), what is your problem?
They're all in the OP, lol. TheMoon has been keeping everything tabulated.
That's why this is a great case study in confirmation bias, you have to try and ignore everything else only to find what you want to see.
There's onlymain story quests??? wtf. Is the rest of the game just built around exploring and doing random quests for random citizens and those kizuna quests (which likely don't relate to the overall main storyline). I suppose you could break up Xenoblade's storyline and make it a short number of "quests", but I think the games will feel very different in structure. I also don't like how they gate you off from doing main story quests until you do certain tasks like explore a specific % of the area or do certain other non-main story quests first. Just seems like padding to me to make the game longer when the actual main story is short. Over time (since it came out), this game has slowly dropped from one of my most anticipated games ever (adored the first Xenoblade) to just one I'm looking forward to, but not as excited about anymore. Maybe it's better to go in with low expectations anyways.12![]()
on-main story quests first. Just seems like padding to me to make the game longer when the actual main story is short. Over time (since it came out), this game has slowly dropped from one of my most anticipated games ever (adored the first Xenoblade) to just one I'm looking forward to, but not as excited about anymore. Maybe it's better to go in with low expectations anyways.![]()
They're all in the OP, lol. TheMoon has been keeping everything tabulated.
That's why this is a great case study in confirmation bias, you have to try and ignore everything else only to find what you want to see.
Yeah, though to be fair, some of the kizuna quests the main story will require you to do before unlocking the next story mission are basically story missions since they're full voiced and they have their own stories. So technically you could maybe add another 5-10 quests (I don't remember how many kizuna quests are required to progress the story but there's about 40 kizuna quests total; some have story and are cool, some are pretty filler-ish and dull).
The "main story" is exploring the world and those quests help direct you to explore the world so it all sort of fits within the main story. The Kizuna quests have some of the character development that is missing from the main story quests.
Yeah, this is what worries me. I'm also worried now after playing the Witcher 3 I won't be able to tolerate this kind of gameplay with unrewarding quests and a story that is probably one big anime cliche.This really doesn't have anything to do with impressions. He's not a fan of the type of gameplay. Having played both extensively, Xenoblade X really is a lot like Dragon Age: Inquisition in that respect, except that in Xenoblade you almost entirely get all of your quests from NPCs in the hub city while in Dragon Age, a lot of the quests are "discovered" while you're out and about.
Now, this says nothing about the story bits and writing of the respective games, which are obviously quite different. If he finds that the world and characters of Xenoblade really resonate with him, then maybe he'll be able to overlook the MMORPG-lite style questing gameplay, but that's a pretty subjective issue.
Yeah, this is what worries me. I'm also worried now after playing the Witcher 3 I won't be able to tolerate this kind of gameplay with unrewarding quests and a story that is probably one big anime cliche.
Guess Xenoblade was just a one time thing for me.
Where did he said that the story is probably one big anime cliche? And unrewarding is relative from person to person, and if you enjoy the plot/story in them or not.Yeah, this is what worries me. I'm also worried now after playing the Witcher 3 I won't be able to tolerate this kind of gameplay with unrewarding quests and a story that is probably one big anime cliche.
Guess Xenoblade was just a one time thing for me.
I am with you on this. The quests were the worst aspect of the original Xenoblade to me, it is a shame they made the same kind of quest even more prevalent in Xenocross (supposedly).My post is pretty clear, I dislike open world MMOs filled with unimportant quests and Bebpo confirms how this game is centered around that kind of design. One of the few cons of Xenoblade was the questionable quests design, it seems like instead of changing it, they instead double-downed on it. It's a pretty important factor for some us (see all the people who dropped Inquisition for the same reason), what is your problem?