That's the exact issue. I don't have the money.schennmu said:Check the media create thread. Was on top spot in Japan last week. Too early to comment on Europe or US, but it has a hard time I guess. And seriously, this masterpiece deserves your money, do it!
john tv said:Story is exactly the same -- the *only* differences between Replicant and the others are A) the main character is a boy instead of a man, and B) the voices are in Japanese instead of English. Some of the dialogue is slightly different because the main character is Yonah's brother rather than her father, but it's nothing major, and nothing you'd understand unless you were super fluent in Japanese anyway.
It's totally overblown is what it is.It does come up in the story briefly (maybe not on the first playthrough, I honestly forget), but it's not a major aspect of the game at all. If they didn't mention it in some of the pre-release PR stuff, most people wouldn't even know about it.
sarcoa said:Have any other North American outlets received a review copy? SquareEnix PR is usually pretty on time with getting those out, but I don't even see any NA reviews on metacritic.
Regardless I think I'm going to pick it up today. I honestly wasn't expecting much from Nier, but the impressions in this thread are relatively awesome.
I write for a small outlet, but we do get picked up by Metacritic.Freyjadour said:It's going to be the sort of game that gets rave reviews from GAF and mediocre reviews from the media.
JRPG 7/10, etc.
sarcoa said:I write for a small outlet, but we do get picked up by Metacritic.
We'll see if I fall in line :lol
mjemirzian said:
ars reviewer didn't like it
mjemirzian said:
ars reviewer didn't like it
Ridley327 said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol @That whole dungeon from start to finish was great.the Zelda reference at the end of the sand dungeon.
Kyoufu said:The game isn't a blurry mess for me, and I'm running it at 720p.
The graphics are not impressive by any means but the game excels in every other department. Sound, story, gameplay...its great.
I don't think I've played an RPG as varied as Nier, ever.
eXistor said:in fact I actually thought this was SE's misguided attempt at a DMC clone.
LocoMrPollock said:Saw a couple of friends playing this. Hadn't even realized that it was released. Game has some weird status updates :lol
Ricker said:Wow, the game was awesome and probably will be after this part but man,what a downer on the Temple after the Facade,jesus,and there isn`t even a save after you follow Fyra through the desert and those awful puzzles in the temple...I had to stop playing and now i`ll have to redo all that desert part following her slowly...why,why do they do stuff like this...
Volcynika said:I love the status updates when I see someone playing it on PSN. Lots of em to see!
Also, here's me
"Hey, take care of this boar"
"Hey there's that boar, attack!"
*gets gored*
Would get a few chuckles if I kept seeing the same updates about the boar >_>. Getting 2 shotted isn't fun. I can take this! Ram, oh crap!! Ram... dead.Volcynika said:I love the status updates when I see someone playing it on PSN. Lots of em to see!
Also, here's me
"Hey, take care of this boar"
"Hey there's that boar, attack!"
*gets gored*
pancakesandsex said:The boar is easy. He gets downed for an extended amount of time every 3 times hit hits a rock. When that happens, you jump over to him and use guard + attack to do the finishing move and it takes off a nice chunk. You can usually get in like 3 hits during the extended downtime. Pelt him with magic in between.
pancakesandsex said:The boar is easy. He gets downed for an extended amount of time every 3 times hit hits a rock. When that happens, you jump over to him and use guard + attack to do the finishing move and it takes off a nice chunk. You can usually get in like 3 hits during the extended downtime. Pelt him with magic in between.
matmanx1 said:Alright I need a little pointer. It's late and I'm tired so I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but here goes:I'm in the junk heap looking for the boys mother. I've found the elevator to 2f but can't seem to go any further down than that. I also have some doors on the first and 2nd floor that I can't open. What am I missing that will allow me to progress past this and find the boys mother?
firehawk12 said:Dude on the Joystiq podcast ripped it to pieces. Something about being forced to do a fishing game 20 times.
tokkun said:I am definitely intrigued by this game, but I fear that this is another case of GAF hype like The Last Remnant, where people convince themselves that a sub-par game is really great just because it seems to have an experimental, underdog aspect to it.
You insult me, sir. I only pumped TLR because I believed in it.tokkun said:I am definitely intrigued by this game, but I fear that this is another case of GAF hype like The Last Remnant, where people convince themselves that a sub-par game is really great just because it seems to have an experimental, underdog aspect to it.
tokkun said:I am definitely intrigued by this game, but I fear that this is another case of GAF hype like The Last Remnant, where people convince themselves that a sub-par game is really great just because it seems to have an experimental, underdog aspect to it.
firehawk12 said:Dude on the Joystiq podcast ripped it to pieces. Something about being forced to do a fishing game 20 times.
Mejilan said:I guess I'm a bit over an hour in, and still in what must be the slow, boring, tutorial areas. Then again, it is my fault since I'm sitting here farming fucking sheep until I can afford that 17K sword the blacksmith is selling in the first town...
The music is as beautiful as the graphics and animation are hideous.
Action seems like it'll be fairly engaging once I really get into things, but that introductory sequence was totally awful. No idea who thought starting a game off like that would be a good move...
FateBreaker said:the snow-supermarket intro? I loved that. engaging, creepy, intense