Volcynika said:Well my copy should be waiting on me when I get home. Ordered it from Amazon on impulse (and got $10 credit!), so hoping it's good!
slasher_thrasher21 said:Just note the begining is a little slow.
As for issues I have with the game. It mostly stems from backtracking but really you move so fast and the world is put together well enough its never really bothered me much. Also for people wanting to do side quests, there is a definite point of no return at least for the first half of sidequests.
Volcynika said:How are sidequests given/found? Just freely exploring before heading to the next story related area, or is it like "hey you can do this now, so check it out"
I'm no Cavia fan (only played Drakengard and hated it), but Nier has made me one. I'm eagerly awaiting their next title based off of Nier alone. It really is something special.DarknessTear said:So, for someone who has hated every game Cavia has made... do you guys think I'd like this?
I have the soundtrack, by the way.. and the music is freakin' amazing.
It's being really well received in Holland and Belgium from what I can tell. Insidegamer.nl gives it a 9 as does gamer.nl. Belgian mag Chief gives it an 8.6.Xater said:Man!ac (Germany) gave the game 82%
Just posting because this and the two score on gamerankings are the only ones I know of. I'm not sure if I should try this game.
Xater said:Man!ac (Germany) gave the game 82%
Just posting because this and the two score on gamerankings are the only ones I know of. I'm not sure if I should try this game.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Also for people that have played pretty far in the game....would you say I'm about half way now or a little bit more?I just got to subject 6 in the game
Volcynika said:Well my copy should be waiting on me when I get home. Ordered it from Amazon on impulse (and got $10 credit!), so hoping it's good!
Small things like that really means the developer has been putting some efforts into the game. Now I'm sold!^^remilia^^ said:The audio in particular really caught my ear. Not only is the soundtrack just wonderful, but the developers went through extra trouble here and there to make certain that it's used effectively. For example, Devolah's song (the town theme) has the vocals muted until the player is within a certain distance of her, where one discovers that not only is Devolah playing the song, but she's singing it as well. If you talk to her, the vocals drop out for the duration of your conversation with her - clearly she's using her mouth for something other than singing, temporarily. She continues strumming her mandolin, though, and when the conversation ends, goes back to singing, and the vocals return to the song.
And it just keeps getting better and better, trust me.^^remilia^^ said:To be honest, I went into this not expecting much. I picked the game up for the wonderful soundtrack and the incredibly hot futa sidekick battling monsters in her undergarments while swearing a lot. I had absolutely no expectations that anything else would be worth appreciating, but I'm very pleasantly surprised.
schennmu said:Half way is the point whereare unlocked.spears and two handed swords
Axiom said:Old argument but the more I think about & have distance from the game's plot, I still don't quite grasp why walking through hell for your sister is easier to relate to than doing it for your daughter. I love my sisters and all but I shouldn't think they'd expect me to fight Godzilla for them, distract Godzilla maybe, but go at it with a sword?
I don't have kids, but if Godzilla is coming to kill your kid I'd imagine most guys can conceive at running headlong at it with a sword in testosterone fulled protecting rage. As dumb as that is, we still largely have those instincts and thus I imagine understand it.
After all, protecting and providing for the kids is the drilled in society expectation of a father since time began, we also have that drilled into us to protect our wives and children in general.
Unless the sister is a love interest in a weird way, it don't make much sense to me, and even then I sure as hell don't find that easier to relate to.
Playing as Nick Nolte isn't an ideal avenue for that sure, but better Nick Nolte than incestual undercurrent in your protagonist if there's an option.
I'd go as far to say the story as intended is meant to have Nick Nolte if it weren't for some of the stuff in Drakengard.
Great game either way, but I don't rightly understand a preference for the Asian version in this case. This isn't Yakuza 3.
Cep said:Someone please explain to me this Hermaphrodite thing.
I mean, it is not like I would like the game more/less but people keep on saying all sorts of shot.
Story is exactly the same -- the *only* differences between Replicant and the others are A) the main character is a boy instead of a man, and B) the voices are in Japanese instead of English. Some of the dialogue is slightly different because the main character is Yonah's brother rather than her father, but it's nothing major, and nothing you'd understand unless you were super fluent in Japanese anyway.I NEED SCISSORS said:I'm interested in getting this, but I only want the version with the mind-fuck hermaphrodite story. I know for sure that the Japanese PS3 version, Nier Replicant, will guarantee me this, but what about the US PS3 version? Is that just like the 360 version or is it like Replicant in English? Wait, does the 360 version have mind-fuck hermaphrodites too? And I read that the JP Nier Replicant has an English option? This shit is so confusing..
It's totally overblown is what it is.Cep said:Someone please explain to me this Hermaphrodite thing.
I mean, it is not like I would like the game more/less but people keep on saying all sorts of shot.
john tv said:Story is exactly the same -- the *only* differences between Replicant and the others are A) the main character is a boy instead of a man, and B) the voices are in Japanese instead of English. Some of the dialogue is slightly different because the main character is Yonah's brother rather than her father, but it's nothing major, and nothing you'd understand unless you were super fluent in Japanese anyway.
It's totally overblown is what it is.It does come up in the story briefly (maybe not on the first playthrough, I honestly forget), but it's not a major aspect of the game at all. If they didn't mention it in some of the pre-release PR stuff, most people wouldn't even know about it.
That wasn't us, no. Dunno if it was SQEX or cavia in the end.pancakesandsex said:So I noticed that replicant doesn't begin with the Kaine voice over like Gestalt/the US version does. Was that your idea or something they whipped up over at cavia?
With reference to the following item 'NieR Replicant (Japanese Edition) (Asian Version)' in your order, the expected ship out date has been revised to May/06/2010.
eXistor said:It's being really well received in Holland and Belgium from what I can tell. Insidegamer.nl gives it a 9 as does gamer.nl. Belgian mag Chief gives it an 8.6.
RevenantKioku said:How is this game doing?
Because I'd love to see it do well. There aren't enough zany games out there. And I have a secret burn in my heart for the DOOD games.
But I'm too broke to get it at full price and if it bomba'd and will be in the cheapo bin at Sofmap tomorrow I won't be crying exactly...
jling84 said:No one here has bought both Nier Replicant and Nier US yet? Really curious if these two count as 2 completely different games for trophy purposes. I think usually JPN and US versions of games usually share the same trophy set right? Nier seems like it would be a special case since Replicant and Gestalt are different in more ways than just the translation.
Is the alleged relation to Drakengard's E ending explained? Just give me a yes or no answer.
Kishgal said:I want to enjoy this game, because other stuff about it seems pretty cool, but... the simplistic combat and sheer volume of enemies faced in succession are really trying my patience. I'm not very far in - maybe about 2 hours, got the book and played some after - but does the combat get more interesting later on?
Kishgal said:I want to enjoy this game, because other stuff about it seems pretty cool, but... the simplistic combat and sheer volume of enemies faced in succession are really trying my patience. I'm not very far in - maybe about 2 hours, got the book and played some after - but does the combat get more interesting later on?
Does that version have english text?DMPrince said:thanks YesAsia.
RPGs need to be fun to play just like any other game. Combat is still important in them as you spend plenty of time fighting.schennmu said:The combat will ramp up and you will get other weapon types. Still this is more of an RPG than an action game imo. It's not trying to be Bayonetta and it does not have to, because it has other things going for it.
Kishgal said:RPGs need to be fun to play just like any other game. Combat is still important in them as you spend plenty of time fighting.
Anyway, I will keep playing in hopes that it grows on me.
cleveridea said:hmm glad I stuff with the game, awful first hour or two. its kind of the opposite of FFXIII which is a good thing in my book.
But what does levelling do? I dont see any hit points or other stats, does it just unlock extra magic?
Ridley327 said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol @That whole dungeon from start to finish was great.the Zelda reference at the end of the sand dungeon.
from what i read here no. ;(Lafiel said:Does that version have english text?
cleveridea said:hmm glad I stuff with the game, awful first hour or two. its kind of the opposite of FFXIII which is a good thing in my book.
But what does levelling do? I dont see any hit points or other stats, does it just unlock extra magic?
Volcynika said:Why can't the man hero swim! Silly developers.
Will post thoughts later, only finished the first dungeon.