Pai Pai Master
So weird. Guess I'll have to give it a shot. :lol
Baloonatic said:I think that (ending A spoilers)Emil sacrificing himself is possibly the saddest thing I've ever seen in a video game. It's so incredibly well done. The way his voice becomes quiet and broken and how the voice actor delivers the lines is just heartbreaking. Seen it twice now and it's just so sad
FateBreaker said:Also, am I the only one who laughs when Nier jumps from a high ledge and falls? I don't know why, but the way he "lands" cracks me up.
I don't know, the first line in No More Heroes was pretty good.slasher_thrasher21 said:LOL best opening dialog in a game EVER!:lol
hampig said:I don't know, the first line in No More Heroes was pretty good.
omg rite said:Hey guys, a little help would be appreciated.
I work at Best Buy and we set up this (amazingly awesome) "battle zone" with 10 TVs. We'll open up new games and put them up for people to play day of release. We got 5 360s, 4 PS3s, and 1 Wii. We got up all of this week's big releases but I'm wondering if the content in Nier would be too much.
I mean we put up the new Dead to Rights and Splinter Cell, we just watch who is playing the games and card them if they're young. How does Nier compare to those? Is it so bad that we shouldn't put it up at all? And are there any options to tone down the M-rated content?
slasher_thrasher21 said:Which is agreed but for not knowing much of anything concerning this game only for it to be opened with that was... well incredible.
Also I played a little over 6 hours and just reached theHow far in the game am I?desert town
I ran into a glitch in the junkyard also. I had to exit and re-enter so that enemies would re-appear and get the last piece of materials I needed.
Ridley327 said:As a fellow Best Buy employee, I need to remind you that we aren't supposed to display M-rated content at all.
seaandthebells said:You should be a-ok. The combat is really not that bloody at all compared those two. The only questionable content might be Kaine's butt hanging out all the time.
On another note, I think this might be the best damn soundtrack I have heard in years. Has Okabe Keiichi done anything even half this awesome in the past? I don't remember Tekken's jams being half this great.
schennmu said:You're not very far.
Also this is not a glitch, the titanium alloy is a rare drop.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Well then its just a poor decision imo. They send you in there for three, they should at least give that to you for that mission without having to re-enter, simple because the game never states otherwise.
slasher_thrasher21 said:As for being not very far! AWESOME!!!! Thats what I like to hear. I just felt like I was going places pretty fast! So I just got to Facade and overall I've loved what I played but people are saying this is where the game really starts to pick up... which if true...HELL YEAH!
Also the soundtrack is AMAZING! One of the best I have heard in a LONG LONG TIME!
schennmu said:Also check out some of the side quests, some of the dialogue and characters are hilarious
And yeah, no surprise that not many people are playing this game. Still quite a shame!
Kyoufu said:Nier will go down as the most under-rated, overlooked RPG gem of this generation. I shall pass this game onto my children, with stories of its awesomeness.
Kyoufu said:Nier will go down as the most under-rated, overlooked RPG gem of this generation. I shall pass this game onto my children, with stories of its awesomeness.
The Interrobanger said:Is there any gameplay footage out there uploaded by fans? I wanna see the general vibe of the game without PR bullshit and flashy transitions.
schennmu said:I bought the game at full price to support cavia and "excentric" game localizations in general. Sure I love me some God of War or Uncharted from time to time, but the gaming world would be boring without the occasional little underground gem.
Imagine the film industry with only Michael Bay movies. Scary ... Sadly enought, it's going this route. Well, the more we should enjoy Nier
This thread is great for the fish locations:
I'll definitely bite if that rumor is true.Geneijin said:Or some people might waiting on the K-Mart rumor at CAG. Nier for $45, online and in-store between 5/4-5/10 supposedly.
I'm willing to bet a fair amount of people are still wary about Nier and have some nagging doubts about paying full price for it, so they are waiting for a price drop. I'm certainly sold on the game, but lack of cash combined with lots of small concerns about the game mean that I'm not comfortable spending more than £20 on it.Kyoufu said:Nier will go down as the most under-rated, overlooked RPG gem of this generation. I shall pass this game onto my children, with stories of its awesomeness.
Azure Phoenix said:I'm willing to bet a fair amount of people are still wary about Nier and have some nagging doubts about paying full price for it, so they are waiting for a price drop. I'm certainly sold on the game, but lack of cash combined with lots of small concerns about the game mean that I'm not comfortable spending more than £20 on it.
Edit: Just seen the intro movie and it shows. Is that a massive spoiler for herKaine getting stabbed through the chest with a massive spearscene later on in the game they thoughtlessly shoved in the intro? Feel free to let me knowdeath, if the story is going to be spoilt for me in advance I'd rather know what happens regarding her.if she survives
PS3Mudo said:Help GAF! I am buying this in 15 minutes and have no idea which platform to get. Which did you all pick up?
Drinky Crow said:this game is awesome. jesus i need this ost
The Best Buy near me has all games on display, including the M-rated ones. I think they card you when you buy the game. It's weird when they do that to me. I might look young for a 36 year old, but not that young.Ridley327 said:As a fellow Best Buy employee, I need to remind you that we aren't supposed to display M-rated content at all.
Darkmakaimura said:The Best Buy near me has all games on display, including the M-rated ones. I think they card you when you buy the game. It's weird when they do that to me. I might look young for a 36 year old, but not that young.
Whoops... Yeah, now that I think about it almost all the games in the demo kiosks were E through T rated.Ridley327 said:I meant for demo purposes. We'd never lock games up for being M-rated; the register prompt takes care of that for us.
I'm surprised people are having such a terrible time fishing in this game; it's a looooooooooooooot easier than OoT.
I would like to know as well. So far though, it sounds like a fictional language.ZephyrFate said:Anyone know what language most of the vocals are sung in? It's killing me because it's so god damn beautiful.
ZephyrFate said:Anyone know what language most of the vocals are sung in? It's killing me because it's so god damn beautiful.
I would like to know as well. So far though, it sounds like a fictional language.
Emi was asked to sing and create lyrics in several different futuristic languages, each which sounded slightly recognizable - alien sounding languages with echoes of French or Spanish, Gaelic, Portuguese, Italian or Japanese etc.
Emi thus had great fun researching these various languages and then respectfully manipulating them to take on a life of their own. She would have liked to have been able to revive a few dying and semi-forgotten tribal languages through this project but often was working on a very last minute schedule and regretfully lacked the time and resources to do so.
Drinky Crow said:this game is awesome. jesus i need this ost
I'm pretty sure that is a no, but if you want to play Replicant in English you'll have to see if the Asian release has it as an option when it's released.EDarkness said:Does the Japanese PS3 version have any English i it?
I`ll bet you anything you are going to like this game dudeWickedLaharl said:hmm you were right about deadly premonition but i'm really leery this time. i mean, we are talking about a cavia game here.
i do agree about the music though. from what i've heard it's fantastic.
InfiniteNine said:I'm pretty sure that is a no, but if you want to play Replicant in English you'll have to see if the Asian release has it as an option when it's released.