Is Assassin's Creed Valhalla 60 fps? If your launch games aren't even 60 fps then its clear it won't be "standard" throughout the generation.
NO WAY 4k 60 fps is being standard at 10 ish teraflops. Unless you want actual graphics to stagnate.
There's another spin you can put on this. Games are first and foremost optimized for Lockhart (a 4TF machine if rumors are true), so Series X should've enough headroom to brute force 60fps in all games, just like a decent PC has pretty much no problems running current games at 60fps.So we should at least expect exclusive Xbox Series X games And those exclusives optimized for it when they release to be the standard, which is at 60fps, thats how I took that twitter post, since 3rd party developers will do what they need to do and I imagine some if not many would opt for 30fps.
There's another spin you can put on this. Games are first and foremost optimized for Lockhart (a 4TF machine if rumors are true), so Series X should've enough headroom to brute force 60fps in all games, just like a decent PC has pretty much no problems running current games at 60fps.
I believe it when I see it.
I didn’t add Lockhart into the equation because I’m honestly starting to doubt its existence but that is one way to go about it.
So we should at least expect exclusive Xbox Series X games And those exclusives optimized for it when they release to be the standard, which is at 60fps, thats how I took that twitter post, since 3rd party developers will do what they need to do and I imagine some if not many would opt for 30fps.
Microsoft has talked about the framerates Series X will enable. But are you saying the Xbox Series X effectively ends sub 60 frames per second games, either from Xbox itself or from third parties?
Jason Ronald: I wouldn't say it ends it, but now the creative control is in the developers' hands. Ultimately, we view resolution and framerate as a creative decision. Sometimes, from a pure gameplay aspect, 30 is the right creative decision they can make. But in previous generations, sometimes you had to sacrifice framerate for resolution. With this next generation, now it's completely within the developers' control. And even if you're building a competitive game, or an esports game, or a twitch fighter or first-person shooter, 60 frames is not the ceiling anymore. As we've seen on PC and other ecosystems, ultra high framerates and ultra low latency input, that is the precision they prefer to prioritise. So we've designed the system to put that creative control in developers hands.
That is not true at all.
Devs will choose the framerate and there is already some 30fps announced.
BTW from the same guy.
That is not true at all.
Devs will choose the framerate and there is already some 30fps announced.
BTW from the same guy.
So we should at least expect exclusive Xbox Series X games And those exclusives optimized for it when they release to be the standard, which is at 60fps, thats how I took that twitter post, since 3rd party developers will do what they need to do and I imagine some if not many would opt for 30fps.
Perhaps not at a variable 10TF’s, but that extra 2 or so TF’s from the series X should give it a bit more headway.
yupHmmm...I would love this to turn out to be true but I am pretty positive numerous titles will opt for 30fps throughout next gen.
Playing Dirt 5 at 120 fps will be cool, for sure, but that won't stop GTA6 possibly needing to be 30fps
That is not true at all.
Devs will choose the framerate and there is already some 30fps announced.
BTW from the same guy.
But it's ok for gameplay to stagnate?NO WAY 4k 60 fps is being standard at 10 ish teraflops. Unless you want actual graphics to stagnate.
NO WAY 4k 60 fps is being standard at 10 ish teraflops. Unless you want actual graphics to stagnate.
Remember when they said "all XBOX 360 will run at 720p minimum". First game, PGR: 576P
PGR was an exception, not the rule, in fact, the majority of Xbox 360 games ran at 720p and often ran at higher res than PS3, what does that tell you when Sony said PS3 games would be 1080p Full HD? and they tired with games like NBA 07 LMAO, now that is a disgrace, hardly any PS3 game was 1080p, that was a blatant lie from them and their dual HDMI output at 1080p
Bringing this up after Sony lied about PS3 outputting games at 1080p and having twice the power of 360 makes you look like a blind fanboy