For people saying it's fake and all the funny vape analogy, go inside and read the whole thread:
Spoke a little too soon ?So Sony fanboys are faking broken Xboxes by blowing vape on it and recording it?
ngl thats definitely one of the most toxic and sad things ive seen from that group of people
Could be a serious prob, but I doubt something like that passed through the cracks at testing facilities/labs in MS HQ. They abused the shit out of both models for the main purpose. Otherwise millions wouldn't be sitting in the warehouse.
Could be a serious prob, but I doubt something like that passed through the cracks at testing facilities/labs in MS HQ. They abused the shit out of both models for the main purpose. Otherwise millions wouldn't be sitting in the warehouse.
Now!, back to reality..its still fn Amazing and guess who else rushes over their heads to launch these threads?! (In the hopes know what i mean)
None other but damaged, desperate Sony clowns..Yo BoShazem, how's that AMD miracle workin out for ya, not so hot? Your shit back fires whatever you touch homie. You try too hard..trus, Xbox community will be a ..O..K..
Xbox = console choice of Snoop confirmed.
Spoke a little too soon ?
I hope it gets replaced without fuss and he starts using less dangerously overloaded electrical sockets.
Why would any attention whore/fanboy do most of the things they do?
The difference is that the console launched and therefore there is a higher chance of seeing things like this outside of the handful of units that MS sent out to reviewers who wouldn't even dare expose a crazy fault like this anyway they would return it for a replacement.This stuff all came out after the Ps5 dying news.
Xbox has been in reviewers hands a lot longer than Ps5s and no issues were reported till the Ps5 report by ACG.
Considering how much Ps fanboys cry "fud" at anything they don't like, they sure love spreading disingenuous fud about the xbox.
Even more embarrassing is the ones celebrating this, whether fake or real. Its pretty toxic to laugh at other people's misfortunes.
Bill O'Rights
Soapy Wooder should start holding trolls accountable for toxic shit like this.
The difference is that the console launched and therefore there is a higher chance of seeing things like this outside of the handful of units that MS sent out to reviewers who wouldn't even dare expose a crazy fault like this anyway they would return it for a replacement.
Probably sucked up a hair or fibre.
Annnd confirmed fake. And yet we have people in here questioning why would someone do this? Lol
Now!, back to reality..its still fn Amazing and guess who else rushes over their heads to launch these threads?! (In the hopes know what i mean)
None other but damaged, desperate Sony clowns..Yo BoShazem, how's that AMD miracle workin out for ya, not so hot? Your shit back fires whatever you touch homie. You try too hard..trus, Xbox community will be a ..O..K..
Annnd confirmed fake. And yet we have people in here questioning why would someone do this? Lol
Annnd confirmed fake. And yet we have people in here questioning why would someone do this? Lol
I thought we were supposed to be honest, yet you post this bullshit....Because it was the first known review unit to have issues? Of course it’s going to be pointed out, it’s from a known reviewer with a large following.
Just wait until the PS5 is fully released and how many units fail straight out the box. There are always defective units and that fact is, these are just videos after the fact with absolutely no context as to what happened before.
I’m not dense, I’d be amazed if they got away with 100% success rate straight out the gate. If it did, they’d probably be the best tech engineers this world has seen.
As said just like in that GEN 3 SSD thread being an overblown dud, I’ll wait for a thorough explanation as to what’s going on here before jumping to conclusions out some weird fanboy retaliation.
Bo was busy flooding the PS5 thread with broken Xbox’s, and here we are with this thread.
Sorry, I guess I ate the onionglad to hear it's fake news, though. Overheating is one thing, smoking and burning is a fire hazard.
Yet everyone was still posting gameplay videos. Why wouldn't they, this is far worse than rrod if true.
Considering a few people are a reporting on the ps5s issues, i don't see why they wouldn't report this. But its the same individuals who are "concerned" lol.
Even more embarrassing is the ones celebrating this, whether fake or real. Its pretty toxic to laugh at other people's misfortunes.
serious prob
When psu fries like in the clip u can bet the console will turn off but smoke would take time to clearThe Xbox's in the first two clips are not even on? The Xbox on button is not illuminated.
How many XSX have shipped out? How many reports of smoke do we have? Too early to say this is on the scale of RROD.
I remember one reviewer saying the XSX gets stove top hot and the internet went crazy. Now imagine reporting something like this smoking console under an NDA. I'm sure MS checked every single one of those review units too for everything because it's a handful of units for reviews. The other is mass produced in china for regular people who aren't influencers and you get duds.
Hmm my console started billowing smoke I'll just keep it onThe Xbox's in the first two clips are not even on? The Xbox on button is not illuminated.
I not saying the scale of it but the actual issue is worse if true.
Which like I said, only appeared after the ps5 news. I don't put anything past fanboys. We've seen people buy consoles on launch day just to smash them. So vaping into it isn't farfetched at all.
it's a risk you're taking buying new hardware. people who pre ordered should know what they're signing up for.
if it's broken then return it. simple. i remember when I got my PS4 at launch the disc drive was broken. Sony replaced it hassle free.
i've got XSX + PS5 pre ordered. if anything is wrong with them then i'll get them replaced.
Never trust people on the internet, wait for confirmation -
first video was suspect smoke doesn’t go that slow in a small device like that but no fire? This is straight clout chasing along with that ratchet ass wiring with a powerstrip and extensions.