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GAF Throwback: Aloy looks a little off.......


This has no basis in reality though does it and is more people theorizing based on political trends.

Business care about facts and data not opinions, so let's recap:
Horizon was a smash hit success with no evidence to point to liberals not buying coz Aloy too pretty or conservatives not buying coz too manly.
Aloys character in general was lauded for being fantastic and in particular was praised for her gender having very little to do with her personality. She has realistic interactions with the opposite sex and at no point is her sex used as a plot point e.g. only a strong woman can do this.
Aloys visual design has never been seen as overly beautiful or conforming to insane beauty standards. You may not remember but we had the EXACT same threads for the first game coz she was "not pretty enough".

So to you, all of that points to guerilla being incentivised to make her fatter/uglier to produce more revenue? The majority of gamers are still men and the majority prefer pretty over ugly, if anything they would be incentivised to make her prettier.

The fans are caught up in the politics. The business only cares about money. Unless you can point to this huge audience that Guerilla is now getting invested in the game due to fat Aloy I have to assume your chatting utter shit and just spraying your own personal opinions.
You don't get it B BabyfaceRe , they are totally being woke. How dare they change the looks of character who we complained to look too manly in the first game. The worst is when I saw those Asians in ghost of tsushima, like we all know Japan is filled with busty anime girls right? Right? It's all woke culture. They are turning the gamers gay by making ugly looking female characters. How dare they make my female characters not look like super model.


Gold Member
By what metric is Aloy not beautiful?

I'm so sick of weirdos acting like any character who isn't modelled to be a 10 is considered to be not beautiful. You'd be lucky if a woman looking like Aloy wanted to spend time with you. By the way people talk in these forums its like they are straight lady killers in real life, women flock to them and they wouldn't touch anything less than a 10.

Get your beauty standards in check people.

Dude, you're going way overboard with the seriousness. The entire premise of the thread is the characters face looks fatter than in the first. And there are only six months between the games. It's easily noticeable and people have picked up on it and made memes. The blue haired, purple glasses mob have took this to mean the character is being called 'fat' which she isn't. Or the mocap actress is ugly, which she isn't. I aso find these outrage exprts conspicuously absent when people call Homer Simpson fat etc.

And enough with the animation and mocap shit. ND changed some of Chloe Frasers features for LL but Elena, Nadine and Chloe didn't rock up like the nutty professor with the improvement in their facial capture tech did they?

The characters cheeks look stupid and the internet is having fun.
Dude, you're going way overboard with the seriousness. The entire premise of the thread is the characters face looks fatter than in the first. And there are only six months between the games. It's easily noticeable and people have picked up on it and made memes. The blue haired, purple glasses mob have took this to mean the character is being called 'fat' which she isn't. Or the mocap actress is ugly, which she isn't. I aso find these outrage exprts conspicuously absent when people call Homer Simpson fat etc.

And enough with the animation and mocap shit. ND changed some of Chloe Frasers features for LL but Elena, Nadine and Chloe didn't rock up like the nutty professor with the improvement in their facial capture tech did they?

The characters cheeks look stupid and the internet is having fun.
My response was to people taking it to seriously and so I tried to take a serious approach to shut them down. Ofcourse this thread is a joke and ofcourse anyone who actually thinks Aloy was made uglier to appease liberals cant actually be taken seriously.

You seem to take the stance that everyone is just poking fun and I dont see it that way personally. This thread and many others since the trailer released have gone pretty hard on this topic just like when the first game released. I have see way more coverage of fat face than I have about how insanely impressive this game looks.

And yeah ellie and abby's face in tlou2 is fucked. The difference between ellie (unique model) and her girlfriend( actual actor) is very clear to see, especially as they are in many scenes together. Maybe it's just me but the difference is very clear. Unique characters use an animation mask on top of the actors face. Unique characters using motion capture ain't gonna look like Sam Bridges, it doeant work like that
Atleast not yet.


Gold Member


My response was to people taking it to seriously and so I tried to take a serious approach to shut them down. Ofcourse this thread is a joke and ofcourse anyone who actually thinks Aloy was made uglier to appease liberals cant actually be taken seriously.

You seem to take the stance that everyone is just poking fun and I dont see it that way personally. This thread and many others since the trailer released have gone pretty hard on this topic just like when the first game released. I have see way more coverage of fat face than I have about how insanely impressive this game looks.

And yeah ellie and abby's face in tlou2 is fucked. The difference between ellie (unique model) and her girlfriend( actual actor) is very clear to see, especially as they are in many scenes together. Maybe it's just me but the difference is very clear. Unique characters use an animation mask on top of the actors face. Unique characters using motion capture ain't gonna look like Sam Bridges, it doeant work like that
Atleast not yet.

A lot of those are freaks on twitter though. It's because it's so noticeable. Maybe GG did tweak stuff, but the response shows it was too much. For example, you can see her skin texture in the new trailer. It looks weathered. That's a fine detail, she's often outdoors, likely to get windburn and have her skin exposed to the elements. You can't really compare Ellie/Dinah to this situation. Ellie is older, and Dinah is a new character so there isn't really a reference per se.

If Elena appeared in UC4 like this, the internet would have the same reaction:



I honestly don't see this as a negative, even if some are serious. The game looks amazing, one of the best games shown so far, and she looks arguably beautiful to most people outside gaf. If anything, this is free marketing for Sony as people will checkout what is this game making all this buzz, and they'll be shook with the game.

Of course, it's not the case with our old friend Craig.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Honestly speaking, she's my favorite female protagonist.

fire dawn GIF

She isn't my favorite female protagonist personally, but I agree with you. She looks fine. If she had been a drop dead gorgeous 11/10 supermodel in that setting it would have thrown me off I think.

She is believably presented while still being attractive. I feel like that is what all devs should go for. The character should be matched to the setting not to someone's fantasy GF.


She isn't my favorite female protagonist personally, but I agree with you. She looks fine. If she had been a drop dead gorgeous 11/10 supermodel in that setting it would have thrown me off I think.

She is believably presented while still being attractive. I feel like that is what all devs should go for. The character should be matched to the setting not to someone's fantasy GF.

She's being my favorite though has nothing to do with her beauty, it's more about the mystery of her birth, existence, the lore. Man, it was so depressing in the first game and I see some tools say that the story was bad! It really made me sad (not spoiling shit).

Read every collectable, because natural phenomena interest me a lot. This new setup is like 10x more interesting in the lore than the 1st one, and I really can't understand how can somebody hold himself and "wait" for such games. I swear that I'm ready to throw $300 to play this game now!

The Division was so interesting from a political point of view, social, and exploring every fucking room inside that map, collecting every log and 3D scanning those holographs. People were all shitting on The Division and I was more interested into the micro stories, the general story of smallpox virus, the protocol against such viruses that inspired the devs to make the game in the first place, and the idea of The Division and its existing during WW1-2 for different missions, some have a time cycle of 4 days then must kill themselves according to a 64yo British friend I got to know back in 2015 who's a military veteran in the UN. Interesting shit he shared.

So yeah, usually in interesting open worlds I wanna see every corner of that map, usually exceeding 100+ hours mark. With this game I can see many interesting spots and I think the game has matured from the previous one, which was great still.

Can't wait to play it!
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The cringe continues. This thread should be nuked into orbit.
If she actually looked straight up bad I would agree with you. But she looks fine. It's just people throwing a hissy because she isn't a 10/10 super model in their eyes and I find it pretty weird tbh.

Reminder that they purposely made her ugly because they think Beautiful or feminine woman can't be strong.



I bought the first game day one, i will not buy this game mainly because i got bored out of my mind playing the first one.

See? Easy, your mind should be in ease as you won't suffer from looking at here. Good luck with BOTW2 and more crossdressing missions.



This looks more fun, definitely not silly as fuck and for children.
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Gamers continue to embarrass the community:


Well... this is disrespectful with the original artist. But the original just sucks.

Yet... is there a mod for PC with this Aloy? I might give it a second try if that was the Aloy .

Considering she was raised by a man, fighting every day for her life, with barely no contact with other people in her entire life, in a pre-medieval age...

... but she have perfect teeth, well defined eyebrows, eyeliner, lipstick, well maintained hair.

Seems very logic. Conglatulaitons to this guy!

Well... where is the logic of fighting giant robots that is half animals?

It wasn't supposed to be a fictional world where we just spend time leaving the real world for a few hours?
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No, but I wouldn't rule it out.
1: Wait for the game to come out
2: See if they have fixed your concerns and improved the game
3: decide?
4: have good times

He's a Nintendo guy, he plays only remasters, not even remakes, at full price with no complaints.
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