...and at this point after playing through this game like 5 times i'm starting to think the combat isn't gonna go anywhere like past DMC's
still love this game though, hoping to be proven wrong
I would like to assume you do, goddamn.
I'm only about half way through the game. I was just commenting on the platforming up until now and on that one level in particular (the one with the cameras). The mechanics combined with the warping level design was pretty great. Especially after hearing so many people complain about how bad or mediocre the level design was, I was surprised to find out how much fun I was having.
Actually, most people who's actually played the game credits the level design greatly. It's a huge step up from the level design in DMC3 and DMC4, which was pretty much shit, that you had to backtrack over again. So it's shit, on top of shit. Especially DMC4.
The negativity you're reading - and this is something you'd noticed if you've been following DmC threads for the past two years, is that it's actually coming from the same 6-8 people, over and over again. Seriously, just peruse the last 10 pages, you'll quickly catch on

You aren't changing their opinions. Use your free time for something else, not going into quoting wars with people who've pretty much disliked the game since it was first unveiled.
As for the platforming in DmC, I don't fault it for being simple. The last thing I want in a DmC game is overly complex platforming that become annoying. The platforming in DmC basically revolves around a simon-says mechanic. Of utilizing, jump, dashes, grapples, hooks, and taking those elements and combining them in various ways. This creates variety in situations of use, but it never feels overly complex or confounded. Which it shouldn't be in an action game. It also provides a traversal mechanic for the player to seemingly go across long stretches of a level in minimal time, giving you the impression that you are in a bigger level/world than you really are. I have no issues with it, and at least for the first playthrough, I found it enjoying. On replays, it's mostly a non-issue. Inconsequential. All this really goes back to the 99% versus the 1% of those who approach games. Hardcore DMC fans within a hardcore gaming forum (neogaf) seek an action game with action that satisfies for many multiple playthroughs. When, in reality - most gamers don't even finish games once. I can't fault Ninja Theory for incorperating set-pieces and situations that are appealing/interesting the first time through, but kind of show their cracks on repeated play throughs (essentially glorified speed runs). It's difficult to pull off both. Personally, if I was a developer at Ninja Theory I'd prompt the player on a repeated playthrough if he/she wanted to automatically skip all cutscenes, and overly lengthy platforming segments and just jump straight into the action...
....but at that point we're basically just narrowing it down to Bloody Palace. Which will be coming out anyways...so...yeah. The only DMC game I actually enjoy replaying is DMC1. Because its actually a good game, in all aspects. DMC3 and DMC4 - I just do bloody palace. Not going to deal with all the puzzles, key fetch quests, and backtracking bullshit for the 10th replay. Fuck that noise. In fact, when I think about all the time you spend in DMC3 running around inserting "this" into "that" or smacking dices around in DMC4, I can't really be too harsh on DmC's platforming segments. I'd basically take the platforming segments over the god awful excuses of wannabe Resident Evil puzzles in DMC games that the developers don't know how to properly input in regards to pacing and design.