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DmC |OT| No, F*ck You!


Is rock off another word for masturbating?

Most of us here have played platforming games too and the platforming in this game is comparable to PoP 2008. Its easy mode and automatic with minimal risk involvement. The mechanics presented in the first 5 missions are essentially the same throughout the game as far as platforming goes, only the locales change.

Its repetitive and dull, I don't see how anyone can really debate otherwise.

Good platforming in my opinion doesn't necessary mean hard.

Bug Too! on the Saturn had some very hard jumps to make. It was still a shit platformer. Good platforming mechanics has to do with the feel of the mechanics and the way they are combined for traversal to make traversal fun and interesting.


I like platforming in PoP (in a shut off my brain and enjoy the scenery type of deal) but at least that game had more stuff to it than just red/blue whip pull plus angel glide. There's only so much of that I can do with it before I get bored of it.


love on your sleeve
Not trying to argue your opinion, just taken aback by that statement.

I agree with this, but I liked the platforming in PoP and I sort of like it in DmC, too. It's not great, but on the first playthrough it's not offensive.

I absolutely found it offensive. The Virility factory made me want to throw the controller and exposed a lot of my issues with the game's camera. Granted, I'm terrible at platforming and platforming games are totally uninteresting to me.

I'll take running down the endless hallways of Fortuna Castle over this "variety" any day of the week.


I like platforming in PoP (in a shut off my brain and enjoy the scenery type of deal) but at least that game had more stuff to it than just red/blue whip pull plus angel glide. There's only so much of that I can do with it before I get bored of it.

I'm only about half way through the game. I was just commenting on the platforming up until now and on that one level in particular (the one with the cameras). The mechanics combined with the warping level design was pretty great. Especially after hearing so many people complain about how bad or mediocre the level design was, I was surprised to find out how much fun I was having.

Mike M

Nick N
Like everything else in the game, I thought the platforming was inoffensive at even its worst, and serves as a good foundation to build upon.

In a sequel, I want to see more stuff like the moving platforms in mission 3 to get to the blue rosé, and generally levels with more motion and potential fail states for not moving fast enough like Mission 16. Maybe something like moving around the Penguin's shark tank in Arkham City.


The level design in this game is very set piece driven something that holds up for initial playthrough but not on repeated runs. I didn't mind some of the stuff in the game first time around but now it's getting to me.
The platforming is better than that weak ass dice game in 4. Better until I realized how to game the system anyway

I agree with it being inoffensive at worst. I never did find it particularly engaging

It DOES look good. I'll admit that


I like platforming in PoP (in a shut off my brain and enjoy the scenery type of deal) but at least that game had more stuff to it than just red/blue whip pull plus angel glide. There's only so much of that I can do with it before I get bored of it.

Considering the platforming was about 90% of that game, I'd hope it excelled in it as a core mechanic. I don't think anyone super familiar with the old dmc platforming should've been expecting a whole lot out of it this time around.


I don't think it's offensive or bad at all... I am just commenting on the hyperbolic statement of this being some of the best platforming in years.


Not trying to argue your opinion, just taken aback by that statement.

Indeed, which is ironic because my opinion is largely a result of all the people who were condeming the platforming and level design. I was expecting it to be shit or mediocre at best. So i probably am enjoying it even more because of how much it surprised me.

I have played the game about 6 hours now, though so I shouldn't be too surprised any more. It became clear along time ago that the DMC4 political movement or whatever you guys are and the rest of us practically speak a different language.

To me it's like me trying to have a conversation with an MMO player or wandering into the Street Fighter thread to ask what a good reasonable priced joystick is to play with friends. Gaming used to be a lot more universal. Everybody played pretty much everything and had similar gaming pallets because there simply weren't as many games. It is simply not even remotely true any more. We don't even speak the same language let alone have the same tastes.

I am not even begruding your guys opinion at this point. I do wish you didn't act with such incredulity when many of us express liking the various elements of a game that has practically universal critical acclaim. It's pretty annoying that nobody can say anything too positive about the game without someone insinuating they are a "white knight" or a bunch of stupid .gifs being posted insinuating that they are stupid or clueless or don't know anything about videogames. At this point I would be ready to say that I'll just to go find a thread on another message board where I can talk about the game with like minded people but I'm not even sure that place exists. Whereever there is a DmC thread on the internet there undoubtably be legion of old DMC fans to shit on everything anybody says.
...and at this point after playing through this game like 5 times i'm starting to think the combat isn't gonna go anywhere like past DMC's

still love this game though, hoping to be proven wrong

I would like to assume you do, goddamn.

I'm only about half way through the game. I was just commenting on the platforming up until now and on that one level in particular (the one with the cameras). The mechanics combined with the warping level design was pretty great. Especially after hearing so many people complain about how bad or mediocre the level design was, I was surprised to find out how much fun I was having.

Actually, most people who's actually played the game credits the level design greatly. It's a huge step up from the level design in DMC3 and DMC4, which was pretty much shit, that you had to backtrack over again. So it's shit, on top of shit. Especially DMC4.

The negativity you're reading - and this is something you'd noticed if you've been following DmC threads for the past two years, is that it's actually coming from the same 6-8 people, over and over again. Seriously, just peruse the last 10 pages, you'll quickly catch on ;) You aren't changing their opinions. Use your free time for something else, not going into quoting wars with people who've pretty much disliked the game since it was first unveiled.

As for the platforming in DmC, I don't fault it for being simple. The last thing I want in a DmC game is overly complex platforming that become annoying. The platforming in DmC basically revolves around a simon-says mechanic. Of utilizing, jump, dashes, grapples, hooks, and taking those elements and combining them in various ways. This creates variety in situations of use, but it never feels overly complex or confounded. Which it shouldn't be in an action game. It also provides a traversal mechanic for the player to seemingly go across long stretches of a level in minimal time, giving you the impression that you are in a bigger level/world than you really are. I have no issues with it, and at least for the first playthrough, I found it enjoying. On replays, it's mostly a non-issue. Inconsequential. All this really goes back to the 99% versus the 1% of those who approach games. Hardcore DMC fans within a hardcore gaming forum (neogaf) seek an action game with action that satisfies for many multiple playthroughs. When, in reality - most gamers don't even finish games once. I can't fault Ninja Theory for incorperating set-pieces and situations that are appealing/interesting the first time through, but kind of show their cracks on repeated play throughs (essentially glorified speed runs). It's difficult to pull off both. Personally, if I was a developer at Ninja Theory I'd prompt the player on a repeated playthrough if he/she wanted to automatically skip all cutscenes, and overly lengthy platforming segments and just jump straight into the action...

....but at that point we're basically just narrowing it down to Bloody Palace. Which will be coming out anyways...so...yeah. The only DMC game I actually enjoy replaying is DMC1. Because its actually a good game, in all aspects. DMC3 and DMC4 - I just do bloody palace. Not going to deal with all the puzzles, key fetch quests, and backtracking bullshit for the 10th replay. Fuck that noise. In fact, when I think about all the time you spend in DMC3 running around inserting "this" into "that" or smacking dices around in DMC4, I can't really be too harsh on DmC's platforming segments. I'd basically take the platforming segments over the god awful excuses of wannabe Resident Evil puzzles in DMC games that the developers don't know how to properly input in regards to pacing and design.


love on your sleeve
Most of the DMC fans you're talking to now have been more than fair with this game and like DmC just fine for what it is. Speaking as one of those "negative" fans, I haven't touched any other game since the demo came out in November.

Since you're looking for a positivity parade, I recommend the DevilMayCry.org forums. Lots of platforming fans over there.


Didn't you guys know gamers only speak in absolute terms?

Which I sure as heck didn't. There were two qualifiers in my sentence in case you missed them "that level" and "some of." I didn't say the game had the best platforming. I didn't even say the platforming overall was really good. I said I liked the platforming in that particular level as much as many other platformers I've played in the last several years. Hence "some of the best platforming in years."


People have different opinions on the internet... SHOCKING!

Also devilmarcry.org would be right up your alley as they love the new reboot. Stay away from anything else though.

Mike M

Nick N
I would like to hope so, god damn.
If you skip cutscenes and don't need to find collectibles, it's really short. Heaven or Hell takes like... Less than three hours for the entire game (But obviously it'll take less time when everything dies in one hit and you can wipe out an entire enemy encounter with your pistols in one second)


I've enjoyed the platforming. It's not bad, nor is it automated like Enslaved, it's just...there. 'Inoffensive' I've seen used to describe it, and that's exactly how I feel too.

They don't have enough to mix it up or really make it interesting.


People have different opinions on the internet... SHOCKING!

Also devilmarcry.org would be right up your alley as they love the new reboot. Stay away from anything else though.

Since you're looking for a positivity parade, I recommend the DevilMayCry.org forums. Lots of platforming fans over there.

Thanks. I think I'll just head over there, then. I'm not looking for nothing but positive statements and self validation. I just want to be able to express my opinions without people insinuating that I'm stupid, bad at games, or completely clueless. I teach at a major university and have been playing videogames for over 3 decades. I sure as shit am not looking to trade playground .gif insults.


I'm only about half way through the game. I was just commenting on the platforming up until now and on that one level in particular (the one with the cameras). The mechanics combined with the warping level design was pretty great. Especially after hearing so many people complain about how bad or mediocre the level design was, I was surprised to find out how much fun I was having.

I'll put my hand up and admit I'm enjoying the platforming a lot. Dante's crazy-fast jump velocity took a little getting used to, but generally I'm finding it a lot of fun combining the push/pull whip actions with the running/jumping/air-dashing. It's a nice way to break up the combat and give the player a chance to properly admire the scenery.


Maybe I am not reading the same posts as you are but no one here said you were clueless, bad at games or stupid. I mean if this sort of thing rubs you the wrong way you probably shouldn't be on GAF much either.

You are insinuating something out of nothing. You made a statement, people disagreed. A single gif was posted to express disagreement.


Thanks. I think I'll just head over there, then. I'm not looking for nothing but positive statements and self validation. I just want to be able to express my opinions without people insinuating that I'm stupid, bad at games, or completely clueless. I teach at a major university and have been playing videogames for over 3 decades. I sure as shit am not looking to trade playground .gif insults.

Don't take any of this stuff to heart. At the end of the day its all fun n games.
Which I sure as heck didn't. There were two qualifiers in my sentence in case you missed them "that level" and "some of." I didn't say the game had the best platforming. I didn't even say the platforming overall was really good. I said I liked the platforming in that particular level as much as many other platformers I've played in the last several years. Hence "some of the best platforming in years."

Are you reading everything in this thread with a straight face? Its a jokes, man. Everyone in this thread is playing the game. I'm almost done with my 3rd run. People say this is either 'the greatest thing ever' or 'the worst piece of shit ever' all the time, even on neoGAF, the most cultured videogame forum on the internet.

Guess Who

I didn't think the platforming was bad at all, but there's a lot of missed potential there. So much more could have been done with the whole Limbo-changes-on-the-fly mechanic in terms of providing platforming challenges. Stuff like the church at the end of mission 4 is really thrilling until you realize that there's not any real danger.


To be fair the early levels were probably the more interesting maps in the game at least for me, some later sections are pretty linear, so they're mostly just arenas linked by platforms with some hidden stuff, or just a walk/run forward while background warp kind of stuff.

Also one of the things that made the early levels a little bit more interesting is that you could kind of do some stuff slightly different because you have access to angel glide earlier on a replay, but later sections are pretty much nearly the same without much variety, so on a replay they can be a bit dull, and not to mention you're forced to use the whip and angel glide methodically and there are no ways to do them different or altering your jumps or whatever you could in other platforming games, at most is that you could toss an extra angel glide into the mix.


Some one brought up the just timing on charged moves and these are the moves affected by properly releasing your charge discovered thus far:


I tried experimenting with the Aquila Round Trip and Tornado move but couldn't come up with anything. Same for Snake Eyes. Someone said that the Eryx launcher might have a just release window, I am going to hit the lab and check it.

Edit: Checked it in Training and I couldn't find a window. Usually these inputs are accompanied by an extra visual effect to signify you did it right.


That reminds me, has anyone but me had trouble getting the timing right when Eryx uppercutting the big, fat charging blokes? Is there a certain part of that animation Dante needs to have reached before they'll hit (rather than the fat guys just running over the top of me)?


You need to charge it to its maximum and then release once they charge you.

Yup, I always make sure to wait for the two charge indicators. My reflexes probably just suck. I often find that despite having released the buttons (to let the uppercut begin) before the fat guy has reached me, Dante still gets steamrolled. It seems like the attack doesn't count until Dante's fist is actually at a realistic point in the upwards motion. That's probably totally normal for other action games of this kind.
Thanks. I think I'll just head over there, then. I'm not looking for nothing but positive statements and self validation. I just want to be able to express my opinions without people insinuating that I'm stupid, bad at games, or completely clueless. I teach at a major university and have been playing videogames for over 3 decades. I sure as shit am not looking to trade playground .gif insults.

Bro, no. You shouldn't let any of the "hardorez gamerz" here make you jump ship to another forum.

A good chunk of the DMC community went into full-on dumbass mode real quick in the past two years. Just post your impressions, whatever they are. If somebody contests it, fuck it. They're opinions aren't and shouldn't change yours because they have no authority over your opinions. Anyone who claims to have authority over your opinion over a fucking video game needs to concern themselves with mastering other, more career influencing aspects in their lives.

If you feel the platforming in DmC is the best you've experienced in a while. Then so be it. Nobody in this thread has any real authority to discredit yours.

I haven't touched any other game since the demo came out in November.

Really? DmC is the only game you've been interested in for the past 3 months? Wow, you must like it a lot then, holy shit. Even I've never cared to dedicate that much attention exclusively to one game. Regardless of how much I like it.


love on your sleeve
Yup, I always make sure to wait for the two charge indicators. My reflexes probably just suck. I often find that despite having released the buttons (to let the uppercut begin) before the fat guy has reached me, Dante still gets steamrolled. It seems like the attack doesn't count until Dante's fist is actually at a realistic point in the upwards motion. That's probably totally normal for other action games of this kind.

Yeah, you have to release well before he actually gets to you. From my experience, Dante needs to already have begun lifting off the ground.

Really? DmC is the only game you've been interested in for the past 3 months? Wow, you must like it a lot then, holy shit. Even I've never cared to dedicate that much attention exclusively to one game. Regardless of how much I like it.

Well yes, I've stated plenty of times in this thread and others how much I like the game. So have others who are probably considered "too negative" by some people. Not sure what Ninja Theory/Capcom are going to do with "haters" like us around.


The combat is stylish and fast like previous DmC titles, but this game feels......shallow to me. I don't know why but something about the combat doesn't feel quite right. Even mixing moves and performing some awesome looking things just feels empty.


Really? DmC is the only game you've been interested in for the past 3 months? Wow, you must like it a lot then, holy shit. Even I've never cared to dedicate that much attention exclusively to one game. Regardless of how much I like it.

? Is that really so weird? I don't know how much he likes it, for me I always only play one game at a time unless I absolutely hate what I'm playing, then I would probably be playing something else, but it's not really so weird to play one game at a time.

There aren't even much alternatives to DmC until Rising hits the store in a few weeks.
Well yes, I've stated plenty of times in this thread and others how much I like this game.

Hm, *checks post history*

Yeah, I guess so. I did notice that one post where you mention how you like it. It kind of confused me though because essentially every post before and after that you describe aspects of the game that you don't like. Which, kind of seems like, almost everything when you tally it up. It almost sounded like something one would play to torture themselves.

My mistake.

EDIT: You've also posted quite a bit in this thread, 2nd most only behind Dahbomb. Really didn't think you'd like this game as much as you did. Weren't you down on it when it was announced?

Anyway, do you think NT would do the "DmC" concept justice by doing a sequel? Because I honestly think nobody at Capcom Japan wants to, or can do (cus of Dragon's Dogma 2 that we all know is eventually coming) a DMC5. Ninja Theory did a stand-up job as a back up. The only other dev. I can think of Platinum Games, but only if it's got Kamiya.
I think I might take a long break after DMD. If feels like a lot if the enemies were designed to be defeated in very specific ways and at this point, I feel like I'm going through the motions in each encounter. What should be done in a sequel after having seen the final product seems obvious enough. Hopefully NT notices or have these things communicated to then in a manner that they'd be receptive to. I wouldn't mind a direct sequel to this, tbh
Anyway, do you think NT would do the "DmC" concept justice by doing a sequel? Because I honestly think nobody at Capcom Japan wants to, or can do (cus of Dragon's Dogma 2 that we all know is eventually coming) a DMC5. Ninja Theory did a stand-up job as a back up. The only other dev. I can think of Platinum Games, but only if it's got Kamiya.

I'd think everyone would want Platinum Games to make the next DMC. Although, if NT replaced their writers for the next DMC. I wouldn't mind a sequel.


I'd think everyone would want Platinum Games to make the next DMC. Although, if NT replaced their writers for the next DMC. I wouldn't mind a sequel.

Honestly, the platinum love needs to slow down. They've made two fantastic games--Bayo and Vanquish. That's it. No surprise being that both of them were products of veteran auteur directors.

Everything else--madworld, anarchy reigns--janky as hell, just not that fun. And Rising already seems to play worse than many of its contemporaries.

I'm looking forward to TW101 and Bayo 2 like nothing else, but seriously.


I've enjoyed the platforming. It's not bad, nor is it automated like Enslaved, it's just...there. 'Inoffensive' I've seen used to describe it, and that's exactly how I feel too.

They don't have enough to mix it up or really make it interesting.

I thought the devil ground and angel ground mechanic they introduce and then promptly drop in Devils Dalliance was actually a pretty solid way to keep the basic platforming interesting going into the second half. Its kinda weird they never reused that

I think its funny if you compare the platforming in DmC to one of those mascot action-platformers that were in vogue this generation (like Crash of the Titans), the level of platforming in this game is about the same.


Anyway, do you think NT would do the "DmC" concept justice by doing a sequel? Because I honestly think nobody at Capcom Japan wants to, or can do (cus of Dragon's Dogma 2 that we all know is eventually coming) a DMC5. Ninja Theory did a stand-up job as a back up. The only other dev. I can think of Platinum Games, but only if it's got Kamiya.

I'd love for Ninja Theory to develop a DmC sequel. A lot of franchises never really get to strut their stuff until the first sequel; stuff like Crash Bandicoot 2, Uncharted 2, Infamous 2 and LittleBigPlanet 2 are good examples of (IMO) unmissable sequels to pretty good first games.

I think NT have earned a second go. I hope Capcom think so too.


I'd think everyone would want Platinum Games to make the next DMC. Although, if NT replaced their writers for the next DMC. I wouldn't mind a sequel.

Hello no. I don't know why Ninja Theory gets all the hate considering the game is one of the most spectacular looking out of this generation and is still fairly solid gameplay and story-wise. Look how far NT have come since Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, the leaps and bounds they make between games are enormous all while maintaining the beautiful artistry they are so good at. I've high hopes for DmC2.


I say give it to the Dragon's Dogma team because I don't see that franchise lasting much longer after the Expansion. It's not like it's made of people that made good DMC games anyways.
Just beat it on Nephilim. Biggest problem with it was that it was waaaaay too easy. Died three times, only because I didn't understand what I needed to do a few times, never to the actual difficulty.

Graphics were good enough, though the faces were really nice (most of the time. Dante's and Vergils have tendencies to lapse into "durrrr" territory, though they're great the rest of the time). Music was fucking awesome.

Dante was much better than expected. I was mortified of him being an angsty edgy prick, but ultimately I ended up really liking the kid. He was a jokester and had quite a few dumb one liners like old dante. He was more immature and crude at times, but it never was really overblown to the point of it grating on me.

Story was okay I guess, felt like a typical DMC plot mixed with They Live. Gave some funny dialogue and action moments and that's all the story in these games are good for.

Gameplay wise, I'm probably going to play through it one more time on Sons of Sparda because colored enemies is gonna grate on me. Style system is far too lenient, but I don't really give much of a shit about it anyways. Combat is better than expected, because once you are switching between all your weapons and have all the abilities available simultaneously, you can have a lot of fun. Speaking of which, I was genuinely surprised at how much effort ninja theory put into the weapons - some of the later ones are really unique. Lock is definitely sorely missed, and it messed me up enough that I can imagine it'll give me hell on my next run. Platforming is welcomed heartily as a replacement for wandering around doing shitty puzzles.

Boss fights were mediocre, though
Barbas was really fun despite being so simple, just because the gimmicks are entertaining. Vergil is of course the highlight, though he was far, FAR too easy on nephilim.

I'd say that on first playthrough I was about as entertained as I was playing DMC4 due to all of that game's recycled bullshit despite it's far superior combat. However, with my second playthrough incoming and bloody palace yet to release, that could easily change. Overall, I'd give it a 4 out of 5 for now. With 1 being NG3, 2 being DMC2, 3 being GOW, and 5 being DMC3.
Honestly, the platinum love needs to slow down. They've made two fantastic games--Bayo and Vanquish. That's it. No surprise being that both of them were products of veteran auteur directors.

Everything else--madworld, anarchy reigns--janky as hell, just not that fun. And Rising already seems to play worse than many of its contemporaries.

I'm looking forward to TW101 and Bayo 2 like nothing else, but seriously.

I only mention Platinum because they've made an incredible character action game in the same vein as DMC. I don't care for the other Platinum games to be honest because they aren't hack n' slash games. Also I really hope Rising doesn't turn out poorly.

Hello no. I don't know why Ninja Theory gets all the hate considering the game is one of the most spectacular looking out of this generation and is still fairly solid gameplay and story-wise. Look how far NT have come since Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, the leaps and bounds they make between games are enormous all while maintaining the beautiful artistry they are so good at. I've high hopes for DmC2.

I agree with you and I hope I don't sound like a hater because I really love DMC, which is why I would want a more engaging story.
If I knew that Capcom brought NT in just to make a better story, I'd be pretty damn pissed at the end product. Luckily we know that wasn't the case.
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