Dislike very much to Wild West?Anyone seen this from the Anno 2070 survey yet? (Choices are mine, questions are what matters)
Also, Ubi knows me entirely too well:
Dislike very much to Wild West?Anyone seen this from the Anno 2070 survey yet? (Choices are mine, questions are what matters)
Also, Ubi knows me entirely too well:
Dislike very much to Wild West?![]()
Updates to Anno 2070 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
Main changes:
- Additional ornamental buildings added
- Implemented Instant pickup feature
- Military balancing refined
- The feature that lets you choose environmental influences in the Continuous Game settings does now work properly
- The single mission Return to C.O.R.E. does not support Coop play anymore, due to complications with the NPC slots
- Increased the probability of a tornado disaster and the interval at which they can occur
Additional changes:
- Refined license balancing
- Rebalanced diplomatic actions Stock trading, Research money, Investment and Shady deal
- Improved residence interface
- Improved rewards for Disaster Quests
- Explosions that are caused by disaster rather than player actions, do not destroy roads anymore
- Considerately increased the effect of the media channels Check Up The Consultation, Neighbourhood Watch and Safety in Research
- Increased building costs of the River sewage treatment plant
- Rebalanced energy and building costs of the Deep sea warehouse
- Fixed a graphical issue in 1600x900 resolution
- Fixed an issue where a Production Chain was still displayed in the Building Menu after the Ornament tab was opened
- Fixed an issue where Keto reappeared hours after she was defeated
- Fixed an issue with the display of the amount of inhabitants the Warehouse interface
- Fixed an issue with the build blocker of the Offshore wind park
- Fixed several minor text issues in tooltips, menus and achievements
- Fixed a minor graphical issue with the numbering of stacked items
- Fixed an issue where two items that affect all buildings of a certain faction had no effect on some buildings
- Fixed an issue where the ingame chat of a previous session was occasionally still displayed in a later session
- Fixed an issue where the camera would not change the zoom from under water to above water after clicking on a newsbar entry that related to an above water event
- Fixed a minor graphical issue with mobile buildings that occurred when the player did not have enough resources to build them
- Fixed a wrong mini map ping in one of Hiro Ebashis quests
- Pressing the shift and u while selecting another players residence buildings does not prompt the Cheat discovered! message anymore
- Fixed an exploit that let you infinitely stack item effects on a single ship
- Fixed an exploit in the single mission Free Market Economy
- Fixed an issue where the wrong portrait picture of another player was displayed in multiplayer
- Fixed several issues in the Mission Ranking screen
- Improved third party reactions to trading with foes and friends
- Fixed an exploit that allowed unlimited gain of Influence with Tori Bartok by building and demolishing the same Academy building
- Multiplayer stability further improved
1) Is it possible to play the story/campaign mode in co-op with another friend?
2) Is it possible to play some kind of free/skirmish mode in co-op against AI? Pretty much as you would in games like Civilization, just us 2 in the same team vs a few AI opponents.
Still no option to remove bloom. I'm waiting!
Bought it during on sale.
I want to happily report that you can turn off bloom!
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Ubisoft\ANNO 2070\Config/Engine.ini
<RE_Bloom>1</RE_Bloom> change to <RE_Bloom>0</RE_Bloom>
Good luck to you. <6 hours later> "NOOOOOO!"Hmm also considering this right now - I need a game that is a slow burner I can jump in and out of as I have a very busy schedule.
Do you have your Windows font size set to higher than normal? A buddy of mine had similar issues with VLC and Windows 7 when his font size was set higher than normal.
That's all I can think of.
Updates to Anno 2070 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
The most important changes in overview:
- Notepad function implemented
- Rival Third Parties will got to war against one another
- DLC-related awards will only be included in the overall count if the corresponding DLC has been activated
- The "Dock" building is now much cheaper to both build and operate
- The sawmill produces more slowly
- Goods depots' Surface-to-air missiles do more damage
- Tornadoes occur more rarely
- Skylar Bane's World Council actions have been rearranged and significantly increased
- Seamus Green's World Council actions have been rearranged, with some weakened and some strengthened
- Underwater Oil fields have been significantly increased at all levels of difficulty
- A bug was fixed which led to own games being flagged as „Other game” and therefore certain achievements not being unlocked.
Further changes and bug fixes:
- NPC Ark Trading ships destroyed by tornadoes now respawn after some time, ensuring that the player still has a partner for passive trade
- Fixed an exploit occurring during trading with third parties per Drag&Drop
- The lumberjack now being correctly processes the "Summer Tree" decorative element
- A bug which led to interface elements being shown in the main menu whenever the game was paused has been fixed
- Ships on trading routes no longer automatically take on quest-related items such as the boarding crew
- Sound effect for placing a Summer Tree was corrected
- In the description of the ornamental building "Reflection", the statue is now properly referred to as an "ornamental building"
- Collision detection has been optimized for ornamental buildings
- The Keeper and Guardian buildings are now correctly referred to as "Ecobalance buildings" in the building interface
- Quests in the "Friendly turn" category designed to support the player when at war with any other third party now count as failed as soon as the player makes peace with that third party (Applies to - "Fleet expansion," "Reinforcements", "Cannon fodder" and "Asymmetrical warfare")
- After a multi-player game had been lost, the button "Start new scenario" was mistakenly displayed, which led to subsequent errors. This has been fixed
- An error in the loading screen which occurred when players joined a multiplayer game directly from another multi-player game has been resolved
- A rare error was fixed where the mouse pointer was not displayed while loading certain scenarios and world events
- Ark contents were sometimes lost when switching between online and offline mode, and when loading a saved game from the other mode. This bug has been corrected.
- Contents unlocked using Tech Career points no longer bear the Eco Symbol in the "Bonus Content" menu
- An error in the visualization of sequenced movement and attack commands has been fixed
- A bug was fixed which could lead to the game looking as if it were accelerated when a player had enabled time acceleration while simultaneously inviting a co-op partner to their game
- The volume of the Related Designs Jingles at the start of the game has been reduced
- It is no longer possible to move the camera during the introductory sequence of the Bonus Mission "Return to C.O.R.E."
- Animation of the damage to the pirate base when bombarded by a long-range missile has been improved
- Diplomacy menu improved in co-op games
- A rare error has been fixed which led to the population not consuming any more tea after a savegame loaded
- Audio feedback revised for certain quests
- Several small quest bugs were fixed
- Several text errors have been corrected
- Several improvements in chat and when adding contacts
- And much more.
http://store.steampowered.com/news/7962/Anno 2070 - 3 New DLCs Available!
The Silent Running Package, E.V.E. Package and Nordamark Line Package are Now Available on Steam and include new ornamentals, a submarine and skins for Anno 2070!
Save when you pick up all 3 new DLCs in the Anno 2070 - The Nordamark Complete Package!
This might sound silly, but one thing I don't like about this game, as opposed to it's medieval counter-part - is building walls.
I'd love surrounding my cities with walls and such, but for whatever reason - that doesn't seem possible in 2070. I guess it's only logical that future cities wouldn't have walls, but still = /
Ugh I wish I had known that for the hours I spent researching and building modules to store in my Ark for Continuous Mode.You can speed up the game with the + button. That's a better option for impatient people like myself.
Anyone still playing this game? Bought it during the daily deal and I'm stuck on the 5th campaign mission. I can't figure out how to make a drink factory because I can't find any way to make on oil rig. Help!
Anyone still playing this game? Bought it during the daily deal and I'm stuck on the 5th campaign mission. I can't figure out how to make a drink factory because I can't find any way to make on oil rig. Help!
http://store.steampowered.com/news/8876/Patch notes said:ANNO 2070 - Patch-Notes 1.06
Most important changes:
- Some formulas require less prototypes to be researched.
- Appearance probability of tornado reduced even more.
- Recyclable materials can now be mined endlessly at Underwater Recycling Stations.
- Overall game stability was improved.
- Saved games with more than 600 hours of play time are reacting normally again.
- Potential campaign dead ends have been fixed.
- An exploit was fixed which allowed building material being credited whilst demolishing building in pause mode.
- The impact of rare global ark items was increased.
Further changes and bug fixes:
- A bug in the achievement with The Entire Tech Tree.
- A bug when inviting players into a multiplayer coop game was fixed.
- The missing ornamental Small cross-hedge was added to the construction menu.
- A bug concerning express delivery in coop mode was fixed
- When a host has set a game session to public during a running invitation and confirmed this by clicking OK, he was excluded (from the session) and the session was closed. An error message appeared telling the player he was already part of this session. This bug has been fixed.
- By accepting an invitation to a multiplayer session during an intro video, the mouse pointer disappeared. This bug has been fixed.
- The effect of some items concerning ornamental buildings has been adapted.
- Guardian 1.0 and Sentinel 1.0 are no longer neutral buildings. Faction bonuses are having an effect on these buildings now.
- A bug concerning vehicle holograms has been fixed.
- The ship limit points for the Erebos submarine were lowered.
- The single player mission Free Market Economy was missing two diplomacy actions by Rufus Thorne. This has been fixed.
- In some scenarios several underwater islands incorrectly had coal as a resource. This has been fixed.
- After unlocking Researchers the resource tab for the fourth civilization level was shown. This has been fixed.
- Several text bugs have been fixed.
- Several icon bugs have been fixed.
- Several smaller issues have been fixed.
- Smaller balancing adjustments in diplomacy action, construction and research costs as well as expansion speed of third parties.
Domination Mode:
- New maps added with additional bonus points for very hard missions.
- Team chat implemented.
- Replay function was added.
- Several interface improvements implemented.
- Usability was improved.
- Balancing adjustments on existing missions.
http://store.steampowered.com/app/204290/About the Game
In the depths of the ocean and hidden in overgrown stones for years, the Techs unleash their ultimate power: Geothermal Energy Generation. The most powerful tool of the future forces the world of 2070 to expand exploration into the deep blue sea. Becoming the focus of gameplay, underwater plateaus offer new industries, large production chains, and resources.
Success elevates the Techs to a new level: the Genius population. They assert themselves even over the oceans surface. An impressive monument and various new buildings strengthen their position.
Underwater exploration and exploitation require players to take advantage of their environment and master a brand-new resource, using diplomacy and trade as powerful weapons to make their civilizations thrive in this hostile environment.
Bound to islands lost in the deep blue sea, players will have to conquer remaining stretches of land and dive underwater to create a futuristic, submerged industry to support an expanding economy.
To nurture supremacy, players will construct new buildings, erect monuments, open power plants, exploit exclusive energy resources, develop underwater trading routes, and gain access to a new civilization development stage to take control of the advanced Genius population.
Even though evolution is at the heart of the gameplay, dont underestimate the environment beware of devastating natural disasters like tsunamis!
Key Features
A new population to discover.
Start by embodying either the Eco or Tycoon faction, gain experience, and take control of the Techs.
The Deep Ocean add-on offers the opportunity to unveil the mystery of the Techs while witnessing this futuristic faction evolve. New content gives access to an additional civilization level and a brand-new population known as the Genius while extending gameplay features:
○ Erect the Tech Monument and over 30 new buildings.
○ Control new vehicles.
New content supporting a deeper experience.
○ Dive underwater and take advantage of over 80 brand-new items to develop your industries, strengthen your economy, and exploit new energetic resources.
○ Benefit from massive underwater energy production, set up geothermal power plants, manage islands, and fuel the economy.
○ Redesign submerged desolated lands: build underwater production chains and develop profitable trading routes.
○ Customize the Techs city with decorative ornaments ranging from a fountain to a holographic memorial.
All-new challenges to face and new achievements to complete.
○ Take part in over 150 new and challenging quests and learn about new gameplay mechanics, playing six missions with a new experimental energy source.
○ Extend your territory through the Hostile Takeover online feature. Build a powerful economy and use your bargaining power to acquire rival players land parcels in a peaceful way.
○ Undergo hostile natural disasters like tsunamis.
○ Play co-op with a friend and share common achievements online or through a local area network.
Absolutely. So much so that I picked it up earlier believing, without a second thought, that it actually was a standalone game. OUPS.30 is ridiculously much either way.