Mutual assured destruction has made World wars an extremely unlikely scenario.
So, no.
Not even slightly.
So, no.
Not even slightly.
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I wouldn't be so sure. A lot of people would die quickly, but most people would die as a result of the nuclear winter.No, cause it won't and if, then we will all die quickly.
But i want company.
I was about to start a thread on this topic when I stumbled across this. How likely do you think World War III is to happen? I have a feeling that certain financial and political entities or institutions won’t stop until they achieve it. It’s seriously alarming.
I believe that diplomacy is always the right approach, yet some people clearly demonstrate that they have no intention of pursuing it.
And in what specific situations do you think 'diplomacy' should be used, instead of combat?
I'm sure you have one.
Sadly there is more than one which has the potential to get global. Obviously sane people don't want either to escalate.
Diplomacy is the preferable route for sure, but if it were that easy then it would be used all the time.I believe that diplomacy is always the right approach, yet some people clearly demonstrate that they have no intention of pursuing it.
I am gen x and we were never drafted. I did spend 4 years in the military though to pay for college. Lol I used a small bit then dropped out to go into tech.Not at all worried myself tho I wouldn’t put it past the media and establishment Dems to cheerlead a war in order to make Trump look bad. That is my real nightmare scenario, we end up with Biden trying to out Warhawk him in debates.
The consequences of war have no impact on my generation and younger. It was boomers and gen x that were forced into voluntary service via the draft, we can only see war from a place of privilege compared to them. My mom knew the kids shot at Kent State, at a peaceful anti war protest, killed by the National guard. My dad knew some kids who were potheads who got snitched on by a jealous acquaintance and they were arrested and sent to Vietnam where they died in combat. For us, this generation, in the US, it is a thing experienced mostly thru heroic movies about war and conquest, sides represented by space Nazis and super hero’s. Consumer wars are the only thing we care about.
My personal politics is anti war in general. I think we are better off spending our money on the people who actually live in this country.
Yes, I am. Escalations are happening.
Biden authorizes use of US missile system in Ukraine. Ukraine (for the first time) fires US-supplied longer-range missiles at a target inside Russian territory, then thishappens.
I could do without the "WW3 is here" comment, but this is still concerning:
No. You don't want to find out why the US spends almost 1 trillion a year on their military.
No one wants that smoke.
Diplomacy is the preferable route for sure, but if it were that easy then it would be used all the time.
There are red lines. Too often the matter is existential for at least one side. If your country is invaded because another country wants your stuff, no amount of diplomacy will make them go away short of allowing yourself to be annexed, or your country pillaged.
Nations have a right to defend themselves
No I don't think we're on the gusp of WW3 simply because I'm not a fucking idiot like that cunt Joe Rogan and all the other stupid cunts who fall for Russian Propaganda, it absolutely boggles my mind that sooo many people are sooo fucking moronic and can't see the obvious signs that Russia is hurting and therefore ramping up the rhetoric across all mediums in order to sway the Muppets in the west to put pressure on their equally Muppet politicians to force Ukraine to the negotiating table and nake concessions to Putin.
It is beyond my comprehension that so many Americans are siding with fucking Russia and have fell for this shit, makes me beyond angry
China has 1.4bil people and imports pretty much everything to keep them fed and the lights on, they're not about to goto war and risk a total collapse as for the Middle East, with the orange monkey elected no one is gonna seriously fuck with Israel knowing full well that you declare war on the Jews you declare war on the Yanks and they've all seen the state the Americans leave the middle east in, these are regional conflicts and they'll stay regional conflictsWell its not just the russia ukraine conflict. It's china and middle east aswell that could very well explode to get global.
China has 1.4bil people and imports pretty much everything to keep them fed and the lights on, they're not about to goto war and risk a total collapse as for the Middle East, with the orange monkey elected no one is gonna seriously fuck with Israel knowing full well that you declare war on the Jews you declare war on the Yanks and they've all seen the state the Americans leave the middle east in, these are regional conflicts and they'll stay regional conflicts
Well I hope you are right but I argued the same stuff before Russia went into Ukraine. I was 100% sure they wouldn't do it but he we are.
Yes, I am. Escalations are happening.
Biden authorizes use of US missile system in Ukraine. Ukraine (for the first time) fires US-supplied longer-range missiles at a target inside Russian territory, then thishappens.
I could do without the "WW3 is here" comment, but this is still concerning:
Give me a break. That war can end tomorrow if Russia pack up and leave.
All dictators are in essence gamblers, they take advantage when they think the odds are in their favor. America looked weak under if current leadership and current climate, Russia gambled the West wouldn't intervene and lost that bet.
Putin could end it tomorrow and say that he accomplished his objective. No one in Russia would care.Imo there is no way to end this for both parties to save face hence my concern for further and further escalation.
Don't know. Conflicts are alot of times alot more complex than it seems.
Putin could end it tomorrow and say that he accomplished his objective. No one in Russia would care.
This is a regional conflicts and Putin keeps harping on about WW3 and ESCALATION in order to scare morons, even his ICBM strike was a OOOOO LOOK AT WHAT ILL DO nothing more, he's gambling the morons go oh shit he's fired an ICBM quick dust off the Defcon clock and set it to who gives a fuckI’m pretty sure we’re already in WWIII, only not in the conventional sense of the previous two.
How else would you call the US, UK and EU versus Russia on the Eastern European border? We “donate” weapons, missiles, vehicles, airplanes, ammunition and huge amounts of money to a proxy who basically fights on our behalf at this point. There are deep strikes in both territories, drone strikes, cyber warfare. ICBM usage for the first time in history.
And that’s just Ukraine.
I’m pretty sure we’re already in WWIII, only not in the conventional sense of the previous two.
How else would you call the US, UK and EU versus Russia on the Eastern European border? We “donate” weapons, missiles, vehicles, airplanes, ammunition and huge amounts of money to a proxy who basically fights on our behalf at this point. There are deep strikes in both territories, drone strikes, cyber warfare. ICBM usage for the first time in history.
And that’s just Ukraine.
Not a world war. But we are in a Second Cold War.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Recently I saw news that france is thinking about striking russia as well. I don't know what the deal with that is. But if Russia gets pissed, you can be assured that china will get involved as well somehow. Point of the matter is, this needs to deescalate soon, or we'll all be in for a bad time. A cornered animal will still fight backI’m not worried. If it comes to nukes dropping then I’ll be vaporised. Where I live is definitely a top target for Russia if it wanted any chance of disabling the UK government and any nuclear response.
The unlucky bastards will be the ones who stand a chance of surviving. I don’t want to live through a nuclear war. If it really comes to it then just turn me to dust and get it over with.
I don’t think we’re living in WW3 right now and I don’t think it will come to it but it definitely feels like the most dangerous time I can remember in my life. I don’t know shit but I am aware anything could happen so who knows?
What I keep thinking is Putin can’t be that fucking stupid to start shit with the UK or US. Surely, right? He sounds like he’s all talk and we should call his bluff. The second he attacks the UK/US or any other NATO country then he is gonna be in for a real bad time.
The only thing stopping Putin from losing is his complete and utter disregard for the lives of his fellow countrymen, if Ukraine where given everything they needed without constraints (imposed on them by the fucking Americans) this war would be over, as it is they've been drip fed just enough to hold off and not cause a total collapse of the russian state, the fact that he has to go cap in hand to the North Koreans of all people shows just how utterly fucking inept Russia isI don’t know. I really hope not.
Half of me thinks Russia doesn’t have the equipment to fight more than one me country seeing as Ukraine has held them off for so long.
Putin also had to draft in North Koreans to help fight. Taken drones from Iran and weapons from North Korea. Plus when they rolled into Ukraine it was with a lot of older tech.
Now other western tech has an involved it seems to have hurt them more.
So Putin responded with this new missile.
The hypersonic missile footage looks speed up? I don’t know. It damaged a building I didn’t hear that it killed anyone.
On the other hand Russia is massive Putin can hide anywhere and has a fuck ton of nukes.