Reizo Ryuu
Gold Member
man some people have been utterly broken by culture war nonsense

Saying women cant do shit vs men in close range combat is trolling? Come on bro, u dont belive feminist lies where they claim men and women are equal, are u?Utterly irrelevant. She’s a ninja chick. Those straight-up didn’t exist, just like the Templars or the Assassins. Women are half the population, so having one as a playable character isn’t the least bit DEI.
This is just stupid and borderline trolling.
Overall, women graduated ITB with a 36 percent success rate during the evaluation period. Male Marines had a 99 percent graduation rate during that same window.
- Over the course of the assessment, musculoskeletal injury rates totaled 40.5 percent for women, more than double the 18.8 percent rate for men.
- In all, female Marines sustained 21 "time-loss" injuries which took them away from task force duties for a day or more. Nineteen of the women's injuries were lower extremity injuries and 16 percent took place during a task that required movement while carrying a load.
So even mixed units were far worse from all male units, imagine how bad it would be with all female units, and we talking today's combat, imagine few hundred years ago, it would be even worse.
- All-male squads and teams outperformed those that included women on 69 percent of the 134 ground combat tasks evaluated.
Holy shit, this is dumb. AC characters aren't regular Joes. They've been accomplishing superhuman feats from day 1. Edward Kenway mows down entire pirate crews all by himself. Do you think any man who has ever lived could actually do that? You're playing a bunch of characters who can wipe out bandit camps and fortresses on their own, but suddenly a woman does it and it's DEI? You think men can do that? lolSaying women cant do shit vs men in close range combat is trolling? Come on bro, u dont belive feminist lies where they claim men and women are equal, are u?
Marines did experiment on that, and here are the results:
women beating men in a video game is fine cause that part of a power fantasy is fine. (especially if she's hot)
its not like a guy winning against 10 guys at once isn't less realistic.
Exactly. I guess there are people that think the Assassin's Creed universe equates real life? Lmao.Holy shit, this is dumb. AC characters aren't regular Joes. They've been accomplishing superhuman feats from day 1. Edward Kenway mows down entire pirate crews all by himself. Do you think any man who has ever lived could actually do that? You're playing a bunch of characters who can wipe out bandit camps and fortresses on their own, but suddenly a woman does it and it's DEI? You think men can do that? lol
Projecting MY "Culture War Sensibilities"? There were actual Japanese people offended by that and prompted a petition to have Ubisoft remove the things that offended THEIR sensibilities. You think that didn't have an effect on the reception of the game?I don't think they need you projecting your own Western terminally-online culture war sensibilities onto their perspectives.
Anyway, this IP has never been that popular over there seems like, in fact few Western IP tend to be. Exceptions I can think of are Diablo, Overwatch (I'm assuming), maybe Apex Legends, maybe Tomb Raider (the old-school ones), Minecraft, and most recently Ghosts of Tsushima.
Most others have historically not been that popular there or worst. So can't say it's too surprising. Also considering Yotei is likely this year, and Rise of the Ronin wasn't too long ago, it's not like they're starved of choice when it comes to samurai games.
These idiots expose themselves like PDF files at a McDonald's at this point. I'd say it's embarrassing if I weren't laughing so hard at them.
Nioh had a white male protagonist, so I don't think 'Japanese male samurai protagonist' is necessarily a requirement for a samurai game or samurai anything, actually. Though in AssCreed's case it would've helped since it's the first one in that type of setting.
They should've at least done a 3-character setup with Naoe, Yasuke & Nobunaga as playable characters and at least some missions where you could choose either three to affect the story & other things. It could've been like a more modern day type of beat-em-up cast that way.
You mean this petition?There were actual Japanese people offended by that and prompted a petition
The City of London Temple district where all the Barristers chambers are would like a word.Utterly irrelevant. She’s a ninja chick. Those straight-up didn’t exist, just like the Templars or the Assassins. Women are half the population, so having one as a playable character isn’t the least bit DEI.
This is just stupid and borderline trolling.
Holy shit, this is dumb. AC characters aren't regular Joes. They've been accomplishing superhuman feats from day 1. Edward Kenway mows down entire pirate crews all by himself. Do you think any man who has ever lived could actually do that? You're playing a bunch of characters who can wipe out bandit camps and fortresses on their own, but suddenly a woman does it and it's DEI? You think men can do that? lol
Im just saying women warriors were tiny minority durning feudal japan period, overwhelming majority were men, yet we got no option to play as proper japanese male samurai, like at all, hence no pity from me for ubi here, they themselfs are at fault here for not using logic.Holy shit, this is dumb. AC characters aren't regular Joes. They've been accomplishing superhuman feats from day 1. Edward Kenway mows down entire pirate crews all by himself. Do you think any man who has ever lived could actually do that? You're playing a bunch of characters who can wipe out bandit camps and fortresses on their own, but suddenly a woman does it and it's DEI? You think men can do that? lol
Saying women cant do shit vs men in close range combat is trolling? Come on bro, u dont belive feminist lies where they claim men and women are equal, are u?
Marines did experiment on that, and here are the results:
Mixed-gender teams come up short in Marines' infantry experiment
All-male ground combat teams outperformed their mixed-gender counterparts in nearly every capacity during a recent infantry integration
Women, when faced with doing extreme physical excersices are like glass, they breaking often, over 40% of injury rate, and that doesnt include even enemy forces, just durning fricken training
So even mixed units were far worse from all male units, imagine how bad it would be with all female units, and we talking today's combat, imagine few hundred years ago, it would be even worse.
Its only logical, highschool freshman, so 15yo boy can beat up 99% of women w/o much trouble, there is a reason US national female soccer team got decimated by random highschool boys in a match
FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage
The match was in preparation for Thursday's USWNT friendly versus
Irrelevant. You’re a superhuman. Naoe also isn’t a soldier in the army last I checked.Im just saying women warriors were tiny minority durning feudal japan period,
You have a million games with a proper "Japanese male samurai". That’s one damn game with a woman and you’re crying about it. Naoe is a Japanese woman and those existed in case you didn’t know. Hell, I have it on good authority they still do. That Ubisoft decided to make her super awesome and impossibly powerful like their male protags isn’t DEI. They’re all far, far beyond regular humans.overwhelming majority were men, yet we got no option to play as proper japanese male samurai, like at all, hence no pity from me for ubi here, they themselfs are at fault here for not using logic.
Fixed, do you actually think they care about shrines being vandalized in a video game? Or NPC blood?Probably the Japanese audience didn't care much for this controversial samurai protagonist.
Rise of the Ronin took a while to click for me but when it did... wow!
There's like 7 of em to choose from!
Japan is right on the money with this one, fuck shadows
Again u woke defenders keep trying to spin what sane ppl are saying- no1 has problems with female or black chars as long as we get 1 proper japanese samurai, aka viable option, to play in feudal japan, hell u could even make concord character as 4th as long as one of 4 is japanese male.![]()
Some of you guys haven't played Tenchu Wrath of Heaven huh. What! Female NInja!
It's actually not healthy man. Try to find some hobbies. This game broke you.
Not as much as an overtly lesbian one in a time where women shinobi were very rare.A Japanese woman isn’t DEI.
You guys reach so much thats funny![]()
Fuckin' DEI in 1998 reeeee!!!
Not not me my boy don't put that bullshit on me. If you knew me I don't like none of that woke shit. I understand what your getting at .Again u woke defenders keep trying to spin what sane ppl are saying- no1 has problems with female or black chars as long as we get 1 proper japanese samurai, aka viable option, to play in feudal japan, hell u could even make concord character as 4th as long as one of 4 is japanese male.
Don’t forget to use your historically accurate X-ray vision to see through walls and identify treasure.I went through all this when Ghost of Yotei was revealed. But nevermind all that. This shit is real. Now....excuse me while I jump off a massively tall building into a pile of hay and bounce right up like I'm made of play dough.
Of course its not a coincidence, everyone knows that the best greek, viking and japanese warriors were all women.I guess it’s just a coincidence that the main character in the past three mainline Assassins Creed games were women.
Don't you want options for movies as well? How about books? Why does anything has to give you options to please your particular sensibilities?Again u woke defenders keep trying to spin what sane ppl are saying- no1 has problems with female or black chars as long as we get 1 proper japanese samurai, aka viable option, to play in feudal japan, hell u could even make concord character as 4th as long as one of 4 is japanese male.
BTW: All 3 parts of tenchu had female and male japanese lead, no blacks and u always had a choice to play as male native japanese, thats what we wanted from AC:S too, yet it was big disseapointment.
Yeah, using PS5 physical games sales in Japan as a proof of how good a western game is performing is not the best idea4. [PS5] Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 – 26,947 / NEW
yupIrrelevant. You’re a superhuman. Naoe also isn’t a soldier in the army last I checked.
The women are weaker than men argument doesn’t hold water. That’d be like bitching about Wonder Woman, but having no problem with Superman.
You have a million games with a proper "Japanese male samurai". That’s one damn game with a woman and you’re crying about it. Naoe is a Japanese woman and those existed in case you didn’t know. Hell, I have it on good authority they still do. That Ubisoft decided to make her super awesome and impossibly powerful like their male protags isn’t DEI. They’re all far, far beyond regular humans.
What, Yasuke was black, what the hell are you talking about?Thats what im saying- ubi- u wanna put DEI yasuke and a female protag- fine, no1 gonna bat an eye, as long as we get standard option of "boring" japanese male samurai, its win win, and fuck us gamers will be pissed off but most importantly is- game gonna make less revenue, why as a devteam lead/head of a company would any1 not go for 3 protags if 2 of them are non standard?
Im not even asking for scratching yasuke, just present him as an option to proper protag most of us wanna play as in feudal japan...
It's actually not healthy man. Try to find some hobbies. This game broke you.
From what multiple threads have shown me, if you enjoy the game at all and don't dislike it for various reasons, it makes you one of "them" in the eyes of some, lmao.Not not me my boy don't put that bullshit on me. If you knew me I don't like none of that woke shit. I understand what your getting at .
AC shadows is just a good game to me. Maybe if Yasuke was just another Japanese Samurai from Japan then maybe it would be a different conversation. I just said female NInja and Tenchu lol
Calm yourself
There have always been some, though I have no idea how they've hung in there considering Ubi's misses over the recent past years. I think the most recent titles I enjoyed were Far Cry 3, With Honor, and Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. I personally never got the AC series, but I was curious about Black Flag because of all the positivity revolving around it. It felt like the most positive/successful game in the series. It just felt like the further Ubisoft got with the series (and other IPs) they just barely ever advanced anything. Reusing mechanics, gameplay loops, etc. It just looked like more of the same with a thin coat of new paint. I just chalked it up as a "different strokes for different folks" thing.Somehow people love Ubisoft now.
Thats a shame. I hated Ubisoft after AC: Black Flag, so there is no two faces here.
I know he was black, thats why im saying give me proper japanese male samurai, not black guy who's achievements in his 14months of samurai life were- being black and 6feet tallWhat, Yasuke was black, what the hell are you talking about?
Somehow people love Ubisoft now.
Thats a shame. I hated Ubisoft after AC: Black Flag, so there is no two faces here.
Anw, at least they are remaking Assassin Creed Black Flag after the sucess of Shadows.
Projecting MY "Culture War Sensibilities"? There were actual Japanese people offended by that and prompted a petition to have Ubisoft remove the things that offended THEIR sensibilities. You think that didn't have an effect on the reception of the game?
Again u woke defenders keep trying to spin what sane ppl are saying
Again u woke defenders keep trying to spin what sane ppl are saying- no1 has problems with female or black chars
We're just witnessing this forum's version of a looney tunes some people have been utterly broken by culture war nonsense
We're just witnessing this forum's version of a looney tunes moment.
The Starfield wave of threads in 2023 was admittedly more fun than this.
This stuff makes me miss the console wars.
U didnt quote whole sentence, bro, whole sentence was- female or black characters as an option, pretty obvious default/most wanted/based option in feudal japan is/should be japanese male.You sure? I seem to remember a lot of comments being made about the black female character in Intergalactic. We got 108 pages of comments.....
Assassin’s Creed Mirage, which was said to be on par with past successful launches such as Assassin’s Creed Origins and Odyssey currently stands at 5 million players (estimated $250m in revenue).
U didnt quote whole sentence, bro, whole sentence was- female or black characters as an option, pretty obvious default/most wanted/based option in feudal japan is/should be japanese male.
About intergalactic- we all know how woke the game gonna be- main protag is blasian baldie stud, nuff said.
Supposedly its being made from 2020 and earliest gonna launch in 2027- prime ND devteam on it so game gonna have huge budget, aka will need to sell gangbusters, which it likely wont do, but lets wait and see, lets see that modern audience customers once again, maybe they gonna finally get a win somehow![]()