Assassin’s Creed Shadows Officially a Flop in Japan, Lowest First-Week Sales in Series History & Outsold by Other Samurai Games "Ghost, Nioh & Ronin"


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Bro, once again, posts in this topic had to be made recently by me, for the simple reason topic got made recently too.
Not talking about this specifically. Your crusade against the game has been an ongoing affair for months.
And critique about the game doesnt mean crying/bitching, it means calling out its flaws, which were spotted by majority of potential players (once again, 66% of dislikes in AC:S reveal trailer), im in the majority of ppl who simply didnt like aspects of the game, and those werent some tiny side character, but protag duo, so essential aspect of the game, that should have been corrected if ubi wanted to reach good financial results here.

Im allowed to voice my opinions same way like u are allowed to defend ubi with last piece of ur soul, in the end we know who had to sell 25% of its best IPs to tencent just recently, and guess what, ubi didnt do it coz AC:S made them big profit, so in the end, players were right ;)
I don’t even like Ubisoft and sure as shit didn’t buy this game lol. If your entire critique of your game boils down to "I don’t wanna play a black guy or a woman in Japan", then you can understand why you get mocked. We get it, a Japanese man would have been better. This has been a conversation for months. Time to let it go and either ignore the game or talk about flaws that actually make the game bad.
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Again u woke defenders keep trying to spin what sane ppl are saying

Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin


Ubisoft is free to make whatever the fuck nonsense they want - more power to them.

But, for all you biting back against the anti-woke crowd who think that all of us who dislike this are just being bigots or snowflakes; etc…maybe consider the context.

Why do you think Tenchu and its female ninja didn’t matter? Why didn’t this shit matter 20 years ago - yes it was far less prevalent - but I don’t recall this type of “woke / anti woke” drama -

Consider this possibility: you (the gaming press/media/studios etc) spend the last 10 years or so telling your main demo that they’re racist, misogynistic, antagonistic, bigoted, and that they need to be educated on how to accept and what to accept; and god forbid they don’t agree…well…a lashing they shall receive. Do that for long enough and you are gonna get push back.

If the game has no agenda to push minorities or culture-bending ideals to the forefront, why would they choose to the characters they did?

Why would Ubisoft choose to make a game, set in feudal Japan, and focus on a character who was - at best by historical standards- maybe somebody who was retainer? Because he was Black? The very reason Yasuke was chosen as a character is seemingly because of his skin color; I haven’t heard ANYTHING interesting about his character that couldn’t have been accomplished with a native Japanese male. So again, what was the purpose? Why was it THAT character?

Why would they push his romance with a “trans” character? While he was Romancing the wife? What is the purpose of those characters showing up inside the context of this game, however loosely tied to historical reality this is or is not, it’s hard to feel like it’s Ubisoft doing the typical “messaging” of progressive values for the sake of pushing them. But, this scenario, the stories, the world didn’t need diversity, equity and inclusion - especially not from a white-knighting French owned gaming conglomerate.


Not talking about this specifically. Your crusade against the game has been an ongoing affair for months.

I don’t even like Ubisoft and sure as shit didn’t buy this game lol. If your entire critique of your game boils down to "I don’t wanna play a black guy or a woman in Japan", then you can understand why you get mocked. We get it, a Japanese man would have been better. This has been a conversation for months. Time to let it go and either ignore the game or talk about flaws that actually make the game bad.
Thats the difference, if AC:S had option of non DEI protag i was willing to try it out aka reward ubi with cash for it, u urself defending its stupid practice dont want nor ever wanted to play it, u are just contrarian, bro, 100% bark and 0 bite ;)
When ubi listens to ppl like u they dont make more profit coz like u admitted urself- u dont buy ubi games in the first place anyways :)


It looks like Assassin’s Creed Shadows is off to a terrible start in Japan, recording the worst first-week sales of any mainline AC game in recent years. Not only that, but it’s been completely outsold by other recent Japan-set games.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey (PS4) – 45,166 units

Assassin's Creed Valhalla (PS4) – 45,055 units

Assassin's Creed Mirage (PS5+PS4) – 28,436 units

Assassin's Creed Shadows (PS5)17,701 units

So not only is Shadows the worst-performing AC launch in Japan, but it's also less than 40% of Odyssey/Valhalla’s sales and even loses to Mirage, which was a smaller-scale game.

Now lets see how it compares to other recent Samurai games :messenger_beaming:

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)212,915 units

Rise of the Ronin (PS5) – 64,646 units

Nioh (PS4) – 75,477 units

Nioh 2 (PS4) – 91,892 units

So Shadows is officially a flop in Japan. why did the Japanese people rejected this game like that :messenger_downcast_sweat:
We already know why they rejected the game and it isn't because of any shrines I assure you...... besides that outside of Nintendo platforms nothing does well in Japan anymore 🤷🏿‍♂️


Neo Member
Once again, CoD sold 26k physical last October in Japan, doesn't mean much
Including digital sales wouldn't change much. Digital sales just make up 50 % of total sales at most in Japan. So the reason why CoD and Assassin's Creed sell low numbers at retail in Japan is just because they are small franchises in general in Japan, not because they would sell gangbusters if you include digital sales.
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We already know why they rejected the game and it isn't because of any shrines I assure you...... besides that outside of Nintendo platforms nothing does well in Japan anymore 🤷🏿‍♂️
ff7 rebirth and DQ3 remake performed decent too, but those were basically 2 exceptions to otherwise switch only filled market in 2024 :
9. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5) – 358,353
15. DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake (PS5) – 230,581
I mean, AC has always done badly in Japan or below what they always expected compared to anywhere else. You can’t suddenly expect Japanese players flock to this game when the entire game’s design is something that they never truly interested to begin with, with or without Japanese setting.
they "address" it "this time" because of people like you who've gotten the insane idea in their heads that AC games are suddenly supposed to be documentaries; no fake, leonardo da vinci wasn't a super spy master providing highly advanced gadgets to a secret order of assassins who will wind up fist fighting the pope.
Or it’s because they realized Yasuke’s inclusion as the MAIN character of the game set in Japan was poorly planned attempt to insert a “minority” just because a certain author with dubious credentials wrote a book about him and Japan wasn’t buying that excuse. Had Yasuke been relegated to a side-story or a support character, the reception wouldn’t need addressing historically, fist fighting the pope or otherwise.
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Once tencent gets majority of shares, we will be at least getting based ancient china AC main entry, so im hyped for that at least, i bet u wont see any DEI if tencent has any say about it,

Are You Sure About That John Cena GIF by MOODMAN

I bet to the Chinese, who are deeply involved with Africa and historically do not have the best relationship with Japan, would view Yasuke's inclusion as pretty... how do the kids say it... BASED.


All that matters is that they managed to make a boring ninja game. If you’ve played any open-world game in the last 15 years then you’ve played this game.

If you haven’t played a videogame since Xbox 360, sure, you’ll have the time if your life.


Question, do you deny that real numbers will eventually drop and this mirage of success will fall away?

Can you really not see what is going to happen with a future article. It'll just pop up one day. Underperformed.

I'm guessing low 90s percent chance of that happening.

Do you still think it never will? Like, do you imagine there will never come a time to prove exactly how this game performed and when that time comes do you believe the game will stand up as a success? Do you really believe or are you just making hay while the sun is shining? Because I'll tell you, I think it's coming. The whaft of bullshit is in the air ever since the first "players" count came in.


Ubi should be happy they still sold some copies there. I'd never buy a game that more or less intentionally takes a big dump on the culture from my country.
Valhalla was pretty much an abortion for historical accuracy. The only difference was most british people couldn't give a shit. Ubisoft painted this image of dark ages britain filled with medieval castles made out of bricks and greek temple ruins every 10 metres and people just lapped it up. Tbh good on the Japanese for saying fuck off.
Question, do you deny that real numbers will eventually drop and this mirage of success will fall away?

Can you really not see what is going to happen with a future article. It'll just pop up one day. Underperformed.

I'm guessing low 90s percent chance of that happening.

Do you still think it never will? Like, do you imagine there will never come a time to prove exactly how this game performed and when that time comes do you believe the game will stand up as a success? Do you really believe or are you just making hay while the sun is shining? Because I'll tell you, I think it's coming. The whaft of bullshit is in the air ever since the first "players" count came in.
When even IGN is wondering where the sales numbers are, you know that Ubisoft is hiding that the game is a flop.



do they count people clicking on the trailer while looking at the buy screen as playing?
or the same people turning the game on and off 5 times as 5 people playing
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Identifies as young
Question, do you deny that real numbers will eventually drop and this mirage of success will fall away?

You could just as easily ask those who are saying the game is a flop if they would be able to admit the game is a success if the numbers say so. Start by asking yourself.


Identifies as young
Ubisoft is free to make whatever the fuck nonsense they want - more power to them.

But, for all you biting back against the anti-woke crowd who think that all of us who dislike this are just being bigots or snowflakes; etc…maybe consider the context.

Some of us were right there with the "anti-woke crowd" when it came to games like Veilguard and Dustborn because they were just over the top with their nonsense. But personally I'm just not going to flinch at every "woke" reference as if they are all the same. This isn't a battle worth picking, imo. At the same time, I'm not calling anyone a "bigot" or whatever because they don't like what was done in Shadows. And I really haven't seen the discussion drop to that level from anyone so not sure why it needs to be brought up. I am going to pushback at what I think is nonsense gaslighting though when it comes to how the game is performing. I do so as a fan of the series so not claiming to be unbiased, but I can say I have no political agenda whatsoever here. I'm not sure everyone can say the same.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I haven’t heard ANYTHING interesting about his character that couldn’t have been accomplished with a native Japanese male. So again, what was the purpose? Why was it THAT character

A native Japanese male wouldn't have the backstory of him being a Portuguese slave, the external non-Japanese connection ties the games greater plot in how / what the Templars are doing in Japan.

Could they have told a different story with a native Japanese male? Of course, but this is the story they're telling and Yasuke's status as someone out of place is kinda key to his narrative arc in the game.

ps. the protagonist who gets more screen time of the two is the native Japanese girl, for what it's worth.

Why would they push his romance with a “trans” character? While he was Romancing the wife?


There's no trans character in the game.

All the romances are optional, nothing is pushed on the player.


King Snowflake
For me the surprise is that any previous AC game was ever considered "successful" in the JP market.

"AC Derangement Syndrome. Let us help you to help yourself."
Making a big deal about a market where these games sell less than 100k in when they are multimillion sellers is actually pretty deranged. Or maybe just plain stupid. FFS do you people not understand scale for numbers you can't count on your fingers. 40,000 copies is chump change compared to any number of millions. Selling half of that is not a big deal.


Some of us were right there with the "anti-woke crowd" when it came to games like Veilguard and Dustborn because they were just over the top with their nonsense. But personally I'm just not going to flinch at every "woke" reference as if they are all the same. This isn't a battle worth picking, imo. At the same time, I'm not calling anyone a "bigot" or whatever because they don't like what was done in Shadows. And I really haven't seen the discussion drop to that level from anyone so not sure why it needs to be brought up. I am going to pushback at what I think is nonsense gaslighting though when it comes to how the game is performing. I do so as a fan of the series so not claiming to be unbiased, but I can say I have no political agenda whatsoever here. I'm not sure everyone can say the same.
I’m making a general statement-

I believe people are free to champion to causes, games, sexuality etc etc they want too. I just look at products, like Shadows, and the “message” is very obvious; the agenda is blatant. Again, that’s totally their prerogative- but all I did was try and lay out possibilities why some people FEEL frustrated and have attacked this games choices, and again in a general sense, i named off the reasons of having a gaming media/press/etc call your biggest demo the things I said in my original post for years and years, you’re likely to get a pushback and - at times - it may even be outsized.


A native Japanese male wouldn't have the backstory of him being a Portuguese slave, the external non-Japanese connection ties the games greater plot in how / what the Templars are doing in Japan.

Could they have told a different story with a native Japanese male? Of course, but this is the story they're telling and Yasuke's status as someone out of place is kinda key to his narrative arc in the game.

ps. the protagonist who gets more screen time of the two is the native Japanese girl, for what it's worth.


There's no trans character in the game.

All the romances are optional, nothing is pushed on the player.

Is that character just gay and not trans? My bad. I will take the L if so. I thought I heard “they/them” pronouns were being used on a character and then this scene was shared.

Again, like I said - they can make WHATEVER story they want; but it’s very blatant the “message” Ubi is pushing.

To clarify- they could have told a story about an enslaved Japanese native; I think the time periods align in the late 1500; a ronin etc etc - Heck, they could have had a story of how Naoe could have been a “Comfort women”
Broke out of sex slavery and became a bad ass killing machine; you can slice the apple, while playing even less loosely with Japanese history.

It’s very apparent Ubisoft were going specifically for the fact that HE IS BLACK. The nature of his skin color was a primary motive for them to choose what basically non-existent history they conjured up for him. Is it a cool premise? That’s totally down to the person who is taking it in.
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Identifies as young
I’m making a general statement-

I believe people are free to champion to causes, games, sexuality etc etc they want too. I just look at products, like Shadows, and the “message” is very obvious; the agenda is blatant. Again, that’s totally their prerogative- but all I did was try and lay out possibilities why some people FEEL frustrated and have attacked this games choices, and again in a general sense, i named off the reasons of having a gaming media/press/etc call your biggest demo the things I said in my original post for years and years, you’re likely to get a pushback and - at times - it may even be outsized.

That's fine, but I'm just addressing the other side of what you call those "biting back against the anti-woke crowd". Many of us are just sick of the chud vs woke fight in general so it ain't really about the "anti-woke crowd". Simply put, the assumption should not be made that anyone who defends this game is a defender of all things "woke".


That's fine, but I'm just addressing the other side of what you call those "biting back against the anti-woke crowd". Many of us are just sick of the chud vs woke fight in general so it ain't really about the "anti-woke crowd". Simply put, the assumption should not be made that anyone who defends this game is a defender of all things "woke".
I think we’re talking last each other.

I see your point.

I don’t particularly care what side of the cause anyone is on. Sure, I have my bias’ - I don’t love anything that feels forced, regardless of political or social reasons - for that reason I chime in. My commentary means nothing to anyone lol.

I think the operative aspect here is that YOUR burnout on woke v non-woke talking points; specifically in this case the slamming of this game because of such things is exactly why people feel emboldened to keep at it. Your argument is valid as is their’s; Whether either side cedes ground is unlikely
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It looks like Assassin’s Creed Shadows is off to a terrible start in Japan, recording the worst first-week sales of any mainline AC game in recent years. Not only that, but it’s been completely outsold by other recent Japan-set games.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey (PS4) – 45,166 units

Assassin's Creed Valhalla (PS4) – 45,055 units

Assassin's Creed Mirage (PS5+PS4) – 28,436 units

Assassin's Creed Shadows (PS5)17,701 units

So not only is Shadows the worst-performing AC launch in Japan, but it's also less than 40% of Odyssey/Valhalla’s sales and even loses to Mirage, which was a smaller-scale game.

Now lets see how it compares to other recent Samurai games :messenger_beaming:

Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)212,915 units

Rise of the Ronin (PS5) – 64,646 units

Nioh (PS4) – 75,477 units

Nioh 2 (PS4) – 91,892 units

So Shadows is officially a flop in Japan. why did the Japanese people rejected this game like that :messenger_downcast_sweat:
Why don't you show us any sequel that sold more than it's predecessor on PS5 physically in Japan?

Hint: There is not a single one.
try to pay attention and not go in circles with this argument, it's already been answered.
There is no real argument. It’s an undisputed knowledge that Yasuke was a forced implementation here and his inclusion did not give the results Ubisofts woke devs wanted. They had to issue an apology multiple times believing from the start this was just feedback from a few unruly gamers, we called this out when the first showing was revealed an anyone who tried defending it has been eating L’s ever since right down to the “players not payers” success argument . Citing fictional over and over again won’t change this fact.
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Identifies as young
I think we’re talking last each other.

I see your point.

I don’t particularly care what side of the cause anyone is on. Sure, I have my bias’ - I don’t love anything that feels forced, regardless of political or social reasons - for that reason I chime in. My commentary means nothing to anyone lol.

I think the operative aspect here is that YOUR burnout on woke v non-woke talking points; specifically in this case the slamming of this game because of such things is exactly why people feel emboldened to keep at it. Your argument is valid as is their’s; Whether either side cedes ground is unlikely

The difference is this isn't a political forum. If it were then I would be out of place being 'burnout' on the subject, but it simply isn't. The politics is what is feeding this, not the game itself as most of the people talking about the politics are not playing the game.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Is that character just gay and not trans? My bad. I will take the L if so. I thought I heard “they/them” pronouns were being used on a character and then this scene was shared.

I've played through that part of the game already and I can't even remember any gendered specific pro-nouns, no attention is brought to it at all.

It's an incredibly tame scene, probably even tamer than the romance scenes in Valhalla and Odyssey, in Odyssey you have a lot more romance options, your characters can basically be sluts. This game has 2~ per character at most. And in Valhalla you can cuck your canon brother by romancing his wife/gf, I forget the full context.
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