I find it weird that there's a cartoon about a convicted rapist and women beater.
Like, I'm not saying that in a "how dare you watch it" getting on my high horse type of way. I just think it's interesting how society can completely shun someone based on their crimes, but then not just accept someone else but even elevate them to an even higher position, despite their crimes being much worse.
And the thing about Tyson is that it's very hard to find any proof of legitimate remorse and rehabilitation. By his own admission he was still beating up women in 2009. His whole sobriety schtick turned out to be a scam.
So we've got a violent alcoholic with a history of rape and an insane amount of violence against women, but everyone's just like "but lol face tattoo".
I dunno, I've always thought it was a bit weird.
Separate the art from the artist. Separate the message from the messenger. Etc. That's part of what they are doing.
It's pretty messy, real grey area. Sometimes I'm uneasy, other times I feel people are overreacting. At the end of the day it's because it's a subjective, emotional thing.
I was against destroying the art done by Rolf Harris but could understand how victims of abuse didn't want that trigger in their society. I'm a fan of hanging a lantern on it, rather than pretend it never happened we should put a distinct disclaimer on it so future generations can gain a proper understanding of humanity to avoid our past mistakes hopefully.