people outside the city not sip lattes?
do they just gulp them down?????
Rugby League's entire existence is political. It only came about because of Rugby Union governing bodies refusing to pay their workers.politics and sports should not mix says surf lifesaver tony abbott clutching a rugby ball and attempting to box our interviewer
Abbott now wants to use Wartime only Defence powers to rest control of gas resources from the states. Ok, I'm pretty sure he's losing it now, never go full Trump.
Abbott now wants to use Wartime only Defence powers to rest control of gas resources from the states. Ok, I'm pretty sure he's losing it now, never go full Trump.
The legislation leaves discretion to the minister, the minister exercised his discretion, as long as the discretion wasn't blatantly unlawful then it's within legislative power, qed do whatever. Makes sense. Blame the legislature.
what's going on here anyway with brandis? did he find his spine? does he just think abbott's a wanker? is he angling for a cushy post-AG job and he thinks SSM will kick it through?
The Sodomites actual sin was that they didn't share their bounty with the poor and desperate. Even I know that from being one of the few non-Catholics at a Catholic school.
The Brexit polls beforehand were very close and inconsistent. are the chances the plebiscite backfires like Brexit and Trump?
I think the postal survey was conceived by Dutton and the other hard right wing along the lines of only old people use the post to send letters still, hence they'll be over-represented in a non compulsory vote, and they tend to be the group most against marriage equality.
What appears to have happened though is that a huge number of young Australians registered or updated their enrolment details, meaning the momentum is behind young Yes voters, sort of corroborating the polls indicating Yes is the favourite and Yes voters are more likely to actually vote.
And of course this has implications going forward if there are a huge number of new young voters on the rolls since demographically they don't tend to vote LNP.
You should judge parties by their actions. So the Liberal party is pretty clearly an anti-gay party.
How you choose to reconcile that and your political affiliation is up to you.
To be fair by this measure Labor was an anti-gay party at least as recently as Gillard's last day of prime ministership.
To be fair by this measure Labor was an anti-gay party at least as recently as Gillard's last day of prime ministership.
What are the chances the plebiscite backfires like Brexit and Trump?
Seriously, the mail is how our online shopping gets to our sharehouses.All the polls suggest at least 58%+ firm support, probably higher when undecideds vote. Polls are a little tough to read on this as local polling companies are used to voluntary voting but all suggest that progressive and "Yes" voters are more likely to vote than Conservative and "No" voters which is probably at odds to the ridiculous meme going around that anyone under the age of 30 doesn't understand what a letter is or how to find a mailbox.
sent in a request for another form on mon cos i didn't have mine by the 25th. aec says 7-10 business days.
this whole thing is such a shitshow.
I think official spending is about 4-1 for the Nos. Yes has a lot of corporate, but none are really spending money
Are donations to the no campaign tax deductible?
If they didn't want people to "politicise" things with their support
then maybe
shouldn't have made
denying people the ability to marry those they love
a fucking
Fucking strange how that works, isn't it?
Governments love dividing their people and sitting back to watch us all fight each other. Makes things a bit easier come election time.I can't believe how messy this campaign has gotten. I knew it was going to be shitty but this is something else. Not sure if I can deal with this for another six weeks or whatever. Even if the yes vote overwhelmingly wins, this is still going to be a really crappy year for LGBT rights
My dad has also come out as one of those "I was going to vote yes but yes campaigners are bullies and now I think they have a secret agenda" people :/
A Sky News ReachTEL poll:Essential poll is run by the Guardian. Putting on my right wing commentator hat for a moment, and using only words on the correct shortlist of descriptors, the majority of respondents are of the "latte-sipping elitist inner city intelligentsia etc..."