Did you try lowering whatever RAM/VRAM intensive settings there are? Cause that looks like trashing caused by a lack of RAM.
He put everything on Low/Off as far as i know.
Did you try lowering whatever RAM/VRAM intensive settings there are? Cause that looks like trashing caused by a lack of RAM.
Did you try lowering whatever RAM/VRAM intensive settings there are? Cause that looks like trashing caused by a lack of RAM.
The performance is still rather unreasonable considering that it cannot maintain 60 even if you drop all the settings to low.
See this video I just made @ the lowest settings.
Either I am so CPU bound that the game just cannot main 60 no matter what settings are chosen, or they built a texture/object streamer that does not scale correctly to high framerates and is prone to stalling. Given how the game runs on console-tier CPUs, I at least expect the game to scale in settings and hardware: aka, be a proper port. It drops frames so often, it is kind of absurd. Is it better than the console version? Yes, but that is not good enough.
I am curious if minimum 60 fps is capable on any rig. Anyone out there with a better CPU want to duplicate the test I made above?
It's possible AMD need to release better drivers for the game, it being very CPU limited means AMD drivers are holding back performance.
I'm sorry I know it won't improve your situation but AMD have their fair share of responsabilities in the performance of this game. It runs much better on Nvidia cards because of drivers, except obviously when you are completely GPU bound.
Dx11 drivers are crap for certain reasons but those reasons don't apply to this title.
No AMD doesn't share the responsibility devs need to start relying on using the API right or testing stuff. Nvidia or AMD shouldn't be in the business of patching up their work so games can run right, devs should be doing it right to begin with., This discussion has been had before and I see no reason why hardware manufactuers who do things right have to go out of their way to patch a POS like this game.
It still runs like crap on 2 of the 3 machines I bought to play this one is nvida the other amd. They had months to fix this and still can't why the hell are they getting paid.
great posts
Thx for posting these guys.great posts
You could just drive around erratically crashing, same difference really.does it have to be that exact part? I couldn't be arsed to start up a new save and go through all that diner stuff again, so I just swerved around in the same area. (there are still cops chasing cars and such)
I have an i7 950, with everything low I was seeing something like an average of 85. Everything on/High, it's close to 60 but not quite.
That said, it was my first time seeing the game on Low and... I was surpised to see how good it still looked.
even tho the minimums say 57, 58, whatever etc. it feels just awful and much lower. the frame pacing is all over the place. it feels less smooth than the ps4 version running at its locked 30 when it stutters and hitches.
Thx for posting these guys.
This is of course subjective, but I see all those 1% spent frametimes. All those framtimes shooting to 33, 20, etc. ms quite often. They happen every 1 or 2 seconds essentially... It is of course playable, but like bloodborne, is visually distracting and troubling. It is happening so.... often.
You could just drive around erratically crashing, same difference really.
Locking to 30? :/ You have a Gsync monitor right?
I am curious how a lock to 40 turns out...
I should not laugh, but I am laughing. Sorry mate.
I believe I still have this installed. I'll try it and post my results.
i7920 (stock)
12GB ram
970 FTW+
+ whatever settings GFE recommends to me.
yeah i have gsync. not sure if my statement came across clear. i meant that everytime the game stutters, it feels worse than playing at a locked 30 even tho its not nearly that low.
You're lucky then, because here....
GTX 980 (factory OC)
I7 4770K @3.5ghz
16gb of RAM
Windows 10
Latest Nvidia drivers.
The benchmarks don't lie : this game is just not 100, silky smooth. Runs well enough for me to enjoy it but no doubt those who swear by consistency better stay away from it.
Thx for posting these guys.
This is of course subjective, but I see all those 1% spent frametimes. All those framtimes shooting to 33, 20, etc. ms quite often. They happen every 1 or 2 seconds essentially... It is of course playable, but like bloodborne, is visually distracting and troubling. It is happening so.... often.
I have a 120hz monitor, so we are getting similar sync ups (yours are of course better).I know how awful all the stuttering in Bloodborne looks and it's far from that when I play this game. But I do have a 144Hz monitor, so that probably helps with that.Those spikes are on the screen for such a short time that I don't see most of them. It's definitely noticeable at times, but not to the extent that it would put me off from playing it. Need to test some more scenarios before I can say that the game is "fixed" for me, but this is a huge improvement over launch at least.
Elder_Pliny said:Hi everyone! I’m going to jump in and help out Yorick as a second pair of eyes and ears for you all.
With the game now available for sale, I wanted to provide a status update since the release of the September patch.
As we confirmed earlier today, the PC version of the game now supports all add-on content that has been released thus far for console. The configurations for this content are being updated now and we expect everything to be available in the next few hours. We’ll confirm when this process is completed.
We are still working with our GPU partners to add full support for SLI and Crossfire. In addition, we are working with these partners to address stability issues on certain cards related to the latest drivers.
After extensive testing, a hard drive paging issue with some GPUs on Windows 7 may occur after extended gameplay sessions. If you encounter this, simply re-launching the game will resolve the issue.
For Windows 10 users, we’ve found that having at least 12GB of system RAM on a PC allows the game to operate without paging and provides a smoother gameplay experience.
I have a 120hz monitor, so we are getting similar sync ups (yours are of course better).
But I nonetheless expect a lot more of a game on PC than to just be... playable.Dropping frames so often just is not right IMO, especially on the lowest settings.
Unfortunately, this is one you're probably always going to be better off locking to 30fps. Trying to run it at 60 results in too many drops from streaming in new parts of the map, etc while traveling. I hate sounding like I'm lessening the blame on the developers, as they definitely didn't do a very good job, but Unreal Engine 3, in particular, just has issues with this...and it's even worse in open-world games. Arkham City still stutters for me in DX9 mode, too. I don't think it'll ever be 100% smooth.
Wait, what, they made it worse??? That's impossible!!!
Out of interest if you lock the game to 30fps is it atleast stable or is it still a mess?
Out of interest if you lock the game to 30fps is it atleast stable or is it still a mess?
Out of interest if you lock the game to 30fps is it atleast stable or is it still a mess?
Out of interest if you lock the game to 30fps is it atleast stable or is it still a mess?
Rig: Core i7 930 @ 4.2 Ghz, Titan X (1425/+500), 24 GB RAM
Post-launch patch:
with Gameworks
What's "1620p"? Cause this is what I have in 2560x1600 with everything on/max except motion blur, CA and film grain:
That's on i7-3820/980TiG1
Disappointing. Do they intend to keep patching?
At this rate the only true patch would be to throw their Franken-engine into the recycling bin.
2880X1620 (200% DSR I believe)
Motionblur is on, CA off, Film grain off, all NV effects on.
They said they are in talks with people because of the SLI. I ASSUME that this means they will patch more, but given what they did so far I am really not so sure.Disappointing. Do they intend to keep patching?
They said they are in talks with people because of the SLI. I ASSUME that this means they will patch more, but given what they did so far I am really not so sure.
They had better. I don't care about the timeframe so much but it better damned get into a mostly fixed state eventually.
They had better. I don't care about the timeframe so much but it better damned get into a mostly fixed state eventually.
I've always been getting stutter tbh and I just learned to live with it unfortunatelyI thought it was just my 5400rpm HD but after seeing these posts... lol.
I'm still going for 60 because when it works it's so smooth.
I hope WB fixed this for real because this current patch did nothing to improve the performance of this game. Seems like the patch is a waste of hard drive space to be honest.
4 months, folks.I Think A Warner Bros Wanker said:For Windows 10 users, weve found that having at least 12GB of system RAM on a PC allows the game to operate without paging and provides a smoother gameplay experience.
do the physx-ish gameworks effects still revert the game to dx10 mode?
It added the dlc content presumably taking up most of the update size no?