I wish people could provide objective data to back up their subjective assessments.
I am not benchmarking every single game i play, also i am not counting fps on every game i play. I have two eyes.
With older drivers, last official from July and before the latest patch i had stutter when driving that was making this game unplayable for me. Also i had 2-3 seconds freezing when gliding, and just randomly. It doesn't happen anymore.
There are some fps drops and stutter here and there usually when driving but it's much better than before. It doesn't go below 30, everything on Ultra. I wasn't able to play this game with textures on High, now i can. It's smooth and works well almost all the time. Maybe i will have problem with longer play sessions, i didn't test that.
R9 280X
man the GPU usage on this game is terrible, only 59%....
Hmm, I'm definitely leaning that wayI'm thinking about going for a 250GB SSD as it's within my price range. They've definitely gotten a lot cheaper recently!
I don't think I'd need to go bigger because I have a second hard drive in my computer which is 5400rpm/500GB used for last gen games because they don't seem to need fast streaming. I also have really fast internet and I don't tend to keep a lot of 50GB games installed at a time.
New Egg has the 850 EVO 500GB for $149.99 currently, was a little less Sunday as part of a deal they had going (took $7.50 off that price) but you can still get a copy of AC:S with it and since you already have it you could either sell it to make a bit of your money back or give it away. I was tempted to buy a second one but ended up holding off.
So on closer inspection it doesn't look like they've done anything with the incredibly high CPU usage (we're talking like AC: Unity levels here)
I wonder if the game actually needs it or if it's just poor porting. I'd be surprised if it was CPU bound considering PS4 performance.
I wish people could provide objective data to back up their subjective assessments.
Consoles are running at 30fps, at that framerate the CPU requirements even with the very heavy DX11 are quite low.
60fps is another matter entirely.
Placebo is a thing. Hence my comment, a graph can't lie. What my data is telling is that the stuttering has indeed been reduced, but is still there and noticeable for those who are extremely sensitive to it. I cannot say it bothered me at all, ever since the September patch the stuttering has not been anywhere near bothersome enough to prevent me from enjoying the game.The patch was a huge improvement; anyone with eyes can see that. Comparing graphs and charts might be a hobby for you but people don't need to "back up their subjective assessments" to somehow make the improvements more real. It either runs better or it doesn't and so far its widely confirmed to be a huge performance boost. I was just playing it a few days ago before this patch and I could immediately see the difference. A beefy rig is still required but that's not going to change.
On my i5 4590 with my 970 I was getting just under 60fps (like 57-58fps) at Notre Dame, which is like the most demanding area. I was at 99% usage though. But still, I don't see why AK would need as much power as Unity.This. Same thing with AC:Unity, to run at 30fps/high settings you could get by with a SB/IB Intel i5 Quad Core with no overclock, but to run the game maxed at 60fps you easily needed a very highly overclocked i7 to make sure you were above 60fps at all times. Even then you were above 85-90% CPU usage most of the time.
I wouldn't say it "kills performance" so much because they ARE incredibly expensive effects. The quality of the port doesn't really affect them.so enabling Nvidia Gameworks smoke/debris and fog still kills performance?...I would like to be able to enable like this will previous Arkham titles...the smoke is a bit over-exaggerated but I think it looks nice
so enabling Nvidia Gameworks smoke/debris and fog still kills performance?...I would like to be able to enable like this will previous Arkham titles...the smoke is a bit over-exaggerated but I think it looks nice
They hit the performance the most. That said, I'm playing with both on on a 980, and while I still can see FPS dips to 30s-40s, they are far better than they were when the game released. Perfectly playable.
I'm guessing Rocksteady/WB are working on 1 more major PC patch to be released with the December DLC
Why would there be a major patch coming with the dlc?
I got 60fps before most of the time except with the batmobile pursuits
no more stutter with this fix.
It seems achievements systems update is flawed.
That is still in game after they relaunched? Fucking insane.
The November patched fixed the quick fire stuttering for me.
So I'm a little confused and surprised, but I'm about three hours into the game and so far performance has frankly been great.
I've got every setting maxed except AA which is off, all nVidia effects enabled, 1440P and I'm maintaining 90FPS locked about 85% of the time. I've never seen my FPS drop below 60. I've seen a few instances of some stuttering but for the most part it's been smooth as butter. GSync probably helps as well.
i7 4790k @4.7GHz
GTX 980Ti, pretty heavily OC'ed
The other Batman games appeared in my Steam library as part of the compensation for AK. Tried Origins.. runs worse than AK (980Ti, Win 10).
Nope, TAA I believe. Everything max I can just about keep 60fps minimums at 1080p! In comparison I can maintain 60fps at 1620p with everything on in AK. Very odd. Found a few benchmarks of the same hardware and I should be seeing 150fps+Now that's something I was not expecting to read. Are you running 8xMSAA ?
Max settings (including GPU Physx) + FXAA high or 4xMSAA at 60fps is totally achievable on your system, perhaps even at 1440p.
Nope, TAA I believe. Everything max I can just about keep 60fps minimums at 1080p! In comparison I can maintain 60fps at 1620p with everything on in AK. Very odd. Found a few benchmarks of the same hardware and I should be seeing 150fps+
Did you check your settings in Nvidia Control Panel?OK. Don't know what happened, but now there is a big PHYSX > CPU on the top of my screen at all times only when I play this game.
I have a 980 and a i54690. I changed nothing. 3 questions:
1.Why is this up there?
2.How do I get it off?
3.I thought this game did PHYSX through GPU, not CPU???
That was the first thing I did. " I didn't change anything".Did you check your settings in Nvidia Control Panel?
I did read your post yes. The setting can change sometimes and that's why I asked you to look in the control panel.That was the first thing I did. " I didn't change anything".
Anyways. I figured it out, it wasn't under PHYSX settings drop down like it logically should have been. It is under a tab at the top of the nvidia panel by itself. Random as hell. I never touch up there because I've never had to. And now this random shit happens.
That was why I was so confused.
So can I achieve a stable 60 fps at 1080p with a heavily oc'd 2500k and stock 390x?
Also how would it perform at 1440p? Id mainly want to go this route if the AA in 1080p isn't enough. I hate jaggies. How bad are the in AK?
If you are playing this game Phsyx should not bet set to the CPU (that would tank performance), but rather the GPU.
ignore the german, but it is set in the 3rd setting in the tab on the left (auto, CPU, or you can pick which GPU it runs on)
Just cannot get this to launch at all anymore, it's very frustrating as I might finally have some time to play it.
It either crashed to desktop or freezes moments after gameplay starts. Have tried turning all the settings down, using the tweaker tool, but no luck.
Could the cause be that I only have 8gb of ram? Should I try reinstalling it?
It's hitting the cpu cap on batmobile gameplay. It's an old cpu anyway.