I've been playing more warframe than BF myself...
I just don't like BF4. I had a moment of clarity where I realized I spend way more time unhappy playing than happy playing. Like a lot more. So I returned my PS4.
Let me know if it gets drastically better. Otherwise, I'll see you guys on Steam until Destiny.
I still love you.
BF3 is still gud
Also, guess I'm building a PC?
I just don't like BF4. I had a moment of clarity where I realized I spend way more time unhappy playing than happy playing. Like a lot more. So I returned my PS4.
Let me know if it gets drastically better. Otherwise, I'll see you guys on Steam until Destiny.
I still love you.
On the bright side, Conquest GAF now reigns supreme.
Best GAFFor you 360 gaf converts maybe.
Best GAF
Best GAF
Edit: Also Domination? That's damn near the worst game type, after Squad DM and Air Superiority.
On the bright side, Conquest GAF now reigns supreme.
What DLC is required for air superiority? I'm actually able to fly jets and not crash anymore lol
China Rising.
Is that on PS4 yet? Pretty sure I entered the code for it
Yes, but on the PS4 after you enter the code, you have to find the DLC in the PS store manually, I think.
I just don't like BF4. I had a moment of clarity where I realized I spend way more time unhappy playing than happy playing. Like a lot more. So I returned my PS4.
Let me know if it gets drastically better. Otherwise, I'll see you guys on Steam until Destiny.
I still love you.
24-15 dom shanghi using a scar h and noob tube + grenadier got me this...
I just don't like BF4. I had a moment of clarity where I realized I spend way more time unhappy playing than happy playing. Like a lot more. So I returned my PS4.
Let me know if it gets drastically better. Otherwise, I'll see you guys on Steam until Destiny.
I still love you.
You broke up the band.It's because I am not there.
It's because I am not there.
adamsappel, Double, Milk:
I miss all you assholes already. Well, maybe not Milk so much.
adamsappel, Double, Milk:
I miss all you assholes already. Well, maybe not Milk so much.
You broke up the band.
I'm having fun with BF4 but not as much as BC2 or BF3. It's probably mostly due to fatigue after 3000+ hours of other BF games combined. PS3 GAF fell apart which is funny considering how incredibly excited we all were for this game.
Funny that you mention BC2. Playing engineer in some of these maps reminds me so much of that game. I've had more success with mines in this game than in BF3.
Solid games tonight but the steam rolling scared so many people away :/
You broke up the band.
I spawned into a rock on Caspian because of you Milk![]()
I'm Digital Limit on Xbox One. Feel free to add me, boys.
I usually only play China Rising on PS4 because it's runs much smoother than the regular maps. Maps with levolution have been playing like shit lately.The only bad time playing with PS4 GAF is when you guys decided to play China Rising.
Just getting into Battlefield 4 and my first 3 games KD ratio:
- 2/21
- 5/18
- 3/20
This game is no joke I have never ever had anything lower than a 1/1 ratio in any FPS.
Quick tips?
Great thanks I will.
Is there really no Party System in this game?
Just getting into Battlefield 4 and my first 3 games KD ratio:
- 2/21
- 5/18
- 3/20
This game is no joke I have never ever had anything lower than a 1/1 ratio in any FPS.
Quick tips?
Nope. Dice rushed this game pretty hard. How they didn't expect people to expect a party system, I don't know.
What system are you playing on?
Ha, I remember that. I spawned in at the point and was like WTF? I AM IN A ROCK! Then I was just going to stay there to capture the point back and while that was happening, you spawned on me not knowing where I was. I thought it was hilarious. All that aside, we had a few good games there.
That is bonkers. Playing on PS4 right now.
This game though guys is insane. Coming from COD to this is like a whole other level. It feels like the game MAG wished it was
Just getting into Battlefield 4 and my first 3 games KD ratio:
- 2/21
- 5/18
- 3/20
This game is no joke I have never ever had anything lower than a 1/1 ratio in any FPS.
Quick tips?
Use the test range, get familiar and comfortable with vehicles and vehicle controls.
I would recommend the veteran control scheme.
Once you get a weapon you're comfortable with, learn it, its range and what attachment works well with it.
Be patient, watch the mini map, watch your squad mates when spawning.
Always spot enemies, so you can help your team and keep a track of where they disappear to on the mini map.
Be whatever class the situations needs you to be, DONT RELY ON RANDOMS in this game, they are useless.
There is always a guy behind the guy you killed, ALWAYS.
My personal tip, ALWAYS keep moving. Never stop.
Great great tips man thank you.
Use good guns, especially if your new, theres no reason to limit yourself.
What classes do you enjoy? (You should be swapping back and forth depending on the situation)
Do you like ARs when you play assault? ACE 23, L85 (both late unlocks unless you hit level 10 and do the L85 assignment early), good early game alternatives would be the AK which is the first unlock for assault and the SCAR.
Do you like using carbines? AK5C, ACE 52
Sniping? SRR (its the final unlock, but the scout is the first unlock, meaning aggressive sniping is the way to go until you pickup the SRR)
(I don't know shit about support so i wont comment)