and do you need the map packs to get double xp?
there's and infinity ward post on the us psblog, i beleive they said till the 10thcelcius said:How long does this last?
JustHadToJoin said:and do you need the map packs to get double xp?
Source: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010...lc-hits-psn-tomorrow/comment-page-3/#commentsFix so Pavelow correctly counts towards future killstreaks
Matchmaking Improvements
Allow ability for host to kick players from Private Matches
Improved Party Stability
Prevent elevator glitches
Prevent players getting into geo
Prevent XP hacks (negative or positive)
One Man Army Tweaks
source: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010...lc-hits-psn-tomorrow/comment-page-4/#commentsThe Stimulus Package will hit the PSN Store for $14.99 and bring with it five new maps to the multiplayer of MW2.
Correct, the maps hit the UK on May 5th for 13.99/£10.99
Source: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2010...lc-hits-psn-tomorrow/comment-page-4/#commentsIt lasts till Monday the 10th and Double XP only counts towards kills and objectives. Not challenges or match bonuses.
jiien said:Okay, so they've promised One Man Army tweaks again. Let's see what happens.
Arms crossed against my chest, tapping my foot, fuckers.
divisionbyzorro said:They're getting the same patch that the 360 got a month ago. So the only tweak will be that you can't swap the OMA pack for another weapon.
Team Tactical 6-8 Players playing small team based games with Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, and Demolition. (First Person viewpoint)
This playlist is being added by HUGE demand from the community on our forums, Twitter, and other messages youve sent in to us; in addition to another requested change of adding the Ranger maps (Terminal, Skidrow, Highrise, Invasion) to the HC HQ Pro playlist.
When I said onslaught, I MEANT onslaught!
amar212 said:OMG THE FPS TEAM TACTICAL IS BACK!!!!!!!!!
Thank you IW, I'm getting back to the fight!![]()
Bumblebeetuna said:Really? That was the "tweak" on 360? No wonder I never noticed anything different :lol Why would anyone want to switch their pack for a weapon anyway? Just reload another layout.
Today is the day I get back into MW2. Only at level 33, double XP came at the right time.amar212 said:OMG THE FPS TEAM TACTICAL IS BACK!!!!!!!!!
Thank you IW, I'm getting back to the fight!![]()
Likely. It only pertains to PS3 on the blog but I wouldn't fear it not coming to 360 though.KingOfSoap said:Wat? Is this also for Xbox?
backflip10019 said:IW really needs to start hosting more double XP weekends. They've had one per console within the 6 1/2 months that the game has been out? Bungie had a double XP playlist for Halo 3 every weekend (granted, XP really didn't mean anything in Halo 3). What gives, IW?
Haha yeah. I wasn't surprised that Activision announced CoD: Black Ops right before the beta went public. Such a hilarious timing move on their part.divisionbyzorro said:They should put up double XP during the entire Halo: Reach beta as a big EFF YOU to Bungie. :lol
Yeah, I'm with that. It IS weird. I think there 2 or maybe 3 of them by this point in COD4.divisionbyzorro said:They should put up double XP during the entire Halo: Reach beta as a big EFF YOU to Bungie. :lol
divisionbyzorro said:Never on purpose, but it has happened to me accidentally. Very frustrating.
backflip10019 said:Haha yeah. I wasn't surprised that Activision announced CoD: Black Ops right before the beta went public. Such a hilarious timing move on their part.
DeuceMojo said:Yeah, I'm with that. It IS weird. I think there 2 or maybe 3 of them by this point in COD4.
I really need it at this point considering I've hit the "boring-ass 50s" in my 2nd prestige and the game is really starting to be a grind again. Matter of fact, I'd say that hits somewhere in the 40s.
:lol :lol :loldivisionbyzorro said:I played some of the Reach beta last night, and I'll be playing more tonight. It's not bad, although why all of these FPS designers (Bungie, IW, Dice) all refuse to allow you to customize your controls is beyond me.
Oh SHIT he's right in front of me! Time to ZOOM IN ON HIS CROTCH! That'll show him!
Team Tactical has already been on 360 for a month. It came with the DLC.LiquidMetal14 said:Likely. It only pertains to PS3 on the blog but I wouldn't fear it not coming to 360 though.
seattle6418 said:Well, since i got excellent replies the first time, more noob questions.
Why are the leaderboards on PSN so bugged? Why this isn't fixed on updates? It makes the leaderboards kind of useless since it's all based on hacks/cheats.
seattle6418 said:Best weapon for you: high damage or good mobility? SMG , LMG or Assault rifle? (still can't decide if i prefer FAL or L86 or Mini Uzi's...)
seattle6418 said:Had a blast using the riot shield last night... just had some problems being stabbed on the side... is lightweight a good perk to improve my safety with the shield?
seattle6418 said:Finally, the most important question... i've been playing a lot of free for all lately... what's the best mode to get a lot of XP quickly? I'm at level 62 and i get about 4.000 to 5.000 on a match minus the challenges... what to do to get more?
divisionbyzorro said:Demolition.
amar212 said:OMG THE FPS TEAM TACTICAL IS BACK!!!!!!!!!
Thank you IW, I'm getting back to the fight!![]()
divisionbyzorro said:It's difficult to tell. Fourzerotwo mentioned on his twitter that they're going to try to clean up the leaderboards, but how can you really, truly tell if someone cheated. Obviously someone with a 200 K/D ratio is a booster, but what about someone with a 10 K/D? Where's the line? How can you tell for sure?
My guess is that the obvious people will be taken down, but plenty of boosters will survive.
INSANE match bonusesjayb said:why would demolition help you gain more XP over the other modes? just curious, as I don't play demolition that much.
You know, I've never noticed that he makes a ton of mistakes in this video. He nukes, yeah, but he misses many opportunities...divisionbyzorro said:If you have Danger Close and C4, watch this and learn:
Plus, in a match where at least most players care about the bombs, you will easily score between 30 and 100 kills.PetriP-TNT said:INSANE match bonuses
celestial body said:I think it was literally the next day when they were put in normal rotation, it might've been two but it seemed almost immediate. Also they weighted them so that they would come up pretty often in the rotation.
TOM f'N CRUISE said:if you and a friend tactical insert and kill your buddy(on other team) to get a nuke can you get reported for that???
divisionbyzorro said:But if I see anybody with a gold desert eagle or modded gamertag, I report their ass for system tampering in a heartbeat. And I hope everyone of those asswipes gets permabanned.
No, you can't, but is that a reason to do it? Earn your nukes.TOM f'N CRUISE said:if you and a friend tactical insert and kill your buddy(on other team) to get a nuke can you get reported for that???
aku:jiki said:Is anybody on 360 having lag problems lately? Worse than normal, I mean! Our connection seems fine, downloads go well and other games play OK, but for the last 2 days, MW2 has been a lagfest regardless of what the ping meter says.
aku:jiki said:Is anybody on 360 having lag problems lately? Worse than normal, I mean! Our connection seems fine, downloads go well and other games play OK, but for the last 2 days, MW2 has been a lagfest regardless of what the ping meter says.
Hanmik said:hmm.. Double Xp week on PS3.
How will I get the most out of it..?
Playing Search & Destroy.. where 1 kills net you 1000Xp and a headshot, bomb defuse, bomb plant gives you 2000xp..?
or is there another mode where I will get more XP fast?
When I play S&D I get from 2 kills to 15 kills. so what mode is the best for high XP..?
(and what is doubled, Kills and objectives. or is there more..?)
Bumblebeetuna said:Demolition is the best mode for XP. You might get an insane amount of points for a kill in S&D but you don't get many kills.
If you average 20 kills in Demo, you definitely need to stop camping so much dude.Hanmik said:You kill 20 people: 1000xp x 2 = 2000xp
Defuse or plant 3 bombs: 300xp x 2 = 600xp
Final Score : 2600 xp + challenges and match bonuses (which do not double)
Linkzg said:um, for those who have the PC/Steam version, why is it downloading 12+ gigs? I didn't even buy the stimulus package
Strider2K99 said:What do you mean exactly? The PC version is 12 gigs, that's how it is.