Fraull said:u I get it if one uses them when a team is grouped together or to flesh people out, but using it as a means of primary attack is retarded.
why do you say that?
Fraull said:u I get it if one uses them when a team is grouped together or to flesh people out, but using it as a means of primary attack is retarded.
JustHadToJoin said:why do you say that?
What they do is shoot off 2 noob-tubes, then OMA switch to the same class, shoot off 2 noob-tubes, rinse & repeatFraull said:You can only get 2 kills out of it, reloading is ridiculous especially in tight fights. I am not going to go and lie saying I haven't used noobtubes a good amount in my time, but by using them I cannot stand them after a while. Plus a lot of times in games the other team at times have certain players who are just noobtubers, they get their one or two kills and ALWAYS die after that. Whats the point in getting 1 or 2 kills then constantly dying afterwards. They might as well use their goddamn assault rifle and build up some killstreaks, instead of getting an easy one or two kills.
Oh yeah, just because they're fun doesn't mean their existence is not frustrating as hell. It's a damn shame there's so many of them running around, and that they're not getting touched.Bumblebeetuna said:So is noob tubing people into dust with an endless wave of M203's![]()
I agree with the guy above me, I hate the idea of using something just as some sort of stress relief but at the same time, I'll be damned if my custom class list isn't full of classes designed simply for "revenge grief" or classes designed simply to stop the broken shit in this game. It's like an endless cycle of douchebaggery and grief in this game. Please make a bare bones or MW1 playlist.
Geoff Keighley said:http://bit.ly/9TF076 This Friday's GTTV on Spike will feature the world premiere of the next CALL OF DUTY.
divisionbyzorro said:Shit just got real folks!
This is why I eliminated the care package from my killstreak setup. That shit was too rage inducing when someone managed to steal it. Made my life a little easier now. Especially with the Hardline perk.MDavis360 said:Just had my AC130 care package stolen from me.
divisionbyzorro said:Shit just got real folks!
purple cobra said:This is why I eliminated the care package from my killstreak setup. That shit was too rage inducing when someone managed to steal it. Made my life a little easier now. Especially with the Hardline perk.
I have Predator missile, Harrier strike, and Chopper gunner equipped. With Hardline, everything comes a whole lot quicker if you're having a good game.![]()
PS_John said:I just came across this Intervention montage :lol
So bad it's funny :lol
:lolPS_John said:I just came across this Intervention montage :lol
So bad it's funny :lol
PS_John said:I just came across this Intervention montage :lol
So bad it's funny :lol
J2d said:So I just stabbed my third copy of MW2 with a screwdriver and then snapped it several pieces, the fucking thing wouldn't let me live. I hope I can do some reading and renew my interest in photography before a fourth copy enters my home and just kills every other interest I might have.
It's weird because I didn't really like CoD4, I'll chalk it up to the killstreaks this time around.
I'm too lazy to sell stuff on the net and I didn't want to face the employes on my local game store again, it was getting pathetic.Patrick Bateman said:I just want to sell that game, too. It's annoying to the max. But I spent 15$ on this map pack.![]()
J2d said:So I just stabbed my third copy of MW2 with a screwdriver and then snapped it several pieces, the fucking thing wouldn't let me live. I hope I can do some reading and renew my interest in photography before a fourth copy enters my home and just kills every other interest I might have.
It's weird because I didn't really like CoD4, I'll chalk it up to the killstreaks this time around.
I'm with you. The other day I'm on Overgrown running up to the little shed near the covered bridge and a sniper teleports out of the shed and caps me with a single shot... I expected the killcam to show something believable, but no, he _runs_ out of the shed, raises his Intervention and blows my head off in a quarter second.PetriP-TNT said:Intervention has taken my #1 spot on the long list of "fucking annoying stuff in MW2". Not regular sniping, but all this no scoping/quickscoping bullshit 90% of all players seem to be doing right now. Yeah, I get it: it's easy as fuck, powerful as hell and I guess fun for some but come on
I guess I could have just thrown it in the trash but now I have a broken disc to remind me atleast.Stallion Free said:Wow, intense much?
J2d said:I guess I could have just thrown it in the trash but now I have a broken disc to remind me atleast.
There is a fine line to sniping but at times, people may mistaken quick scoping as "garbage" unfairly. As a OHK sniper, if you want to be a good sniper you have to be fast cause at times you can't afford to to expose yourself for more than a second. I consider myself a decent/pretty good OHK sniper and there are plenty of times where I knew relatively where the target was, popped up and failed to locate a target within a second, only to pop right back down for cover (I'll just repeat the process until I can locate or I'll give up and run away). There are also times where I've spawned into frays where I was forced to quick scope spam just to try to survive - I run Akimbo M93s which switches fast, but in certain cases you can't afford to switch.DeuceMojo said:I'm with you. The other day I'm on Overgrown running up to the little shed near the covered bridge and a sniper teleports out of the shed and caps me with a single shot... I expected the killcam to show something believable, but no, he _runs_ out of the shed, raises his Intervention and blows my head off in a quarter second.
But whatever, props to snipers. I'm not wired for that garbage.
If you want to try a different offense class with the UMP, I suggest giving this a go (especially if you're the host or have 4 bars).divisionbyzorro said:So I had my best S&D match ever today; 12-2 on Derail, with one plant and one defuse. I'm actually starting to really enjoy S&D! I tend to switch between two different classes when playing:
- Offense: UMP + Silencer, Throwing Knife, Marathon, Lightweight, Ninja
Strider2K99 said:Two times I was denied a nuke earlier. Was 1 kill away the first time and 4 kills the next.
I'll get my first nuke someday... I hope.
Your claymore dissappear ~5 seconds after you die.Shalashaska said:If you want to try a different offense class with the UMP, I suggest giving this a go (especially if you're the host or have 4 bars).
UMP + Red Dot & Rapid Fire, Claymore, Bling, Stopping Power, Ninja.
Class is deadly in any non-open area map. Claymores are nice because they stick around the whole round even if you die.
Critical Jeff said:Your claymore dissappear ~5 seconds after you die.
TheVampire said:I bet your heart was beating real fast when you were 1 kill away.
And then it sunk in your chest when you died.
divisionbyzorro said:So I had my best S&D match ever today; 12-2 on Derail, with one plant and one defuse. I'm actually starting to really enjoy S&D! I tend to switch between two different classes when playing:
- Offense: UMP + Silencer, Throwing Knife, Marathon, Lightweight, Ninja
- Defense: M16 + Holo/Silencer, G18 + Akimbo/Silencer, Claymore, Bling, Stopping Power, Ninja
Akimbo silenced G18s are hilarious. It feels like you're throwing shitloads of needles at the enemy. :lol
I've been messing around with Riot Shields, and it's been all uphill (and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel, lol). I haven't really tried the Marathon/Lightweight approach yet...I've been going with the DC and CB angle which is the following:ZZMitch said:Anyone here use riot shields?
I have just been getting into them... they are pretty hilarious :lol
My current class is
Riot Shield
Akimbo G18s
Blast Shield
Flash Grenades
Marathon Pro
Light Weight Pro
Commando Pro
Have to agree that this is the best approach for shielding. This class at least lets you stand a chance at getting some kills and doing some objective work. I used to run Marathon/LW on it and it always just ends up with you getting bullshitted constantly. Stabbed through the shield, shot through the shield, etc, non-stop. With C4, you can at least strike back sometimes.mr_boo said:I haven't really tried the Marathon/Lightweight approach yet...I've been going with the DC and CB angle which is the following:
Tbh, I kinda like it as is. You still get bullshit deaths and kills (respawning right behind your killer, or the same being done to you), but it also rewards you for flanking by spawning five people just as you strike.FutureZombie said:Has there been any talk of the respawn points being changed so that instead of spawning where your teammates are, you respawn where your enemies aren't?
I have only two serious issues with the game: Painkiller gives too much of a health boost (should be less of a boost, but last longer), and the respawn points are infuriating.
They stay in S&D until the round is over.Critical Jeff said:Your claymore dissappear ~5 seconds after you die.
Equipment stays in play until you respawn in all modes. Since you don't respawn in S&D, it stays until next round. So you should always wait through your killcam if you just placed a claymore and a guy kills you, or if you were cooking a frag or just launched a rocket or whatever.Shalashaska said:They stay in S&D until the round is over.