Canis lupus
The last few titles aswel as the shift to more cinematic and action oriented games have damaged FFs status, so I don't think it will ever reach the sales of the old days.
I think favorably...if released today, FF7 would be the equivalent of Gears or Uncharted at the start of the generation, absolutely stunning to look at, really set the benchmark for graphical fidelity. Also, those were really amazing games through and through, it's not so much that JRPG are being ignored, they're just aren't that many good ones anymore. Valkyria Chronicles for a while, was the only JRPG I had on my PS3, and it's not even traditional...Elder's Scroll, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc...still sell very well, and the Dark Souls is now a franchise. It's not so much JRPG are being ignored now, or job systems like FF8's functioning wouldn't be well-received. literally, FF has just been bad, and Dragon Quest, Tales Series, Ys, Legend of Heroes, just about EVERY other decent/good/great JRPG is on portables...Haha Luu, I just wanted to remind people that any 'sales' rip against any game, especially since Ff13 detractors love to parade this like it means the total picture, should be looked at with the whole picture, which is that JRPGs are declining in sales across the board.
Also, not everyone is reading the OP. I said imagine if FF7 and 8 came out brand NEW today (but with better graphics), how would they be received? How would people react to FFIX's art style or 8's junctioning system in today's market?
But FF hasn't been like it used to since FFXII. Not to mention, both FFXII and FFXIII had a lot of internal development problems, and then there's the FFXIII's director, that failed to even get back half the sales for the sequel, which shows how many people cared for his original game.Definitely not as well as they did back then. I don't think many realize the market has changed drastically and think if they make FF like they used to it would auto make everything better.
I think favorably...if released today, FF7 would be the equivalent of Gears or Uncharted at the start of the generation, absolutely stunning to look at, really set the benchmark for graphical fidelity. Also, those were really amazing games through and through, it's not so much that JRPG are being ignored, they're just aren't that many good ones anymore. Valkyria Chronicles for a while, was the only JRPG I had on my PS3, and it's not even traditional...Elder's Scroll, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc...still sell very well, and the Dark Souls is now a franchise. It's not so much JRPG aren't good anymore, literally, FF has just been bad, and Dragon Quest, Tales Series, Ys, Legend of Heroes, just about EVERY other decent/good/great JRPG is on portables...
Haha Luu, I just wanted to remind people that any 'sales' rip against any game, especially since Ff13 detractors love to parade this like it means the total picture, should be looked at with the whole picture, which is that JRPGs are declining in sales across the board.
Also, not everyone is reading the OP. I said imagine if FF7 and 8 came out brand NEW today (but with better graphics), how would they be received? How would people react to FFIX's art style or 8's junctioning system in today's market?
The reason people still love FFVI to this day is because when we read the dialogue we make it the way we want to hear it in our mind whereas Square's delivery is quite poor belonging on kid shows.
Even disney learned to grow up. It's time Square learned too.
The only thing keeping the genre down is mediocre games or well playing games with not alot of mass market appeal. JRPG's really suffer for the same reasons that anime is suffering right now - a niche mentality and less talent.
I couldn't tell you how many former gamers I've encountered who used to play JRPG's and asked "Whatever happened to those kind of games?" There is an untapped market out there of former JRPG gamers (now part of the general lapsed gamer collective) who don't even own consoles.
7 would be recieved the same way. 8 would still be recieved the same way, the junction system would still be considered a hassle. IX would still be considered a fairy tale style closer to precious moments dolls/statues.
Combining the sales on both platforms FFXIII still performed quite well.
Versus sounds great but is it even going to get here in time?
This lightning returns thing, why? Lightning was never considered a great character and I when it comes to memorable characters she doesn't even rank. It's going to use the same battle system that we've endured from xiii to xiii-2 so great...the streamlined boring not even pretending anymore combat is still there. The story presentation is mired in playstation 1 times. The reason people still love FFVI to this day is because when we read the dialogue we make it the way we want to hear it in our mind whereas Square's delivery is quite poor belonging on kid shows.
The problem with that, is FFXII had a great dub, with great writing and voice direction.
FFXIII could have had a great dub too if the script wasn't thirteen kinds of ass, voice direction could not save that script from being ass.
the reason "lighting returns" is happening is obvious. Square needs to be able to pump out games more frequently than it has been to generate revenue, and that means re-using assets and sequels to games no one is really that excited about. Get used to this being the status quo, rather than the exception from here on out.
People talks about quality but there have been a good chunk of good JRPG this gen. Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate, Valkyria Chronicles, XIII-2, hell SO4 is a good RPG that have awful characters and plots but it has solid RPG mechanics.
No the problem lies elsewhere.
People talks about quality but there have been a good chunk of good JRPG this gen. Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate, Valkyria Chronicles, XIII-2, hell SO4 is a good RPG that have awful characters and plots but it has solid RPG mechanics.
No the problem lies elsewhere.
What they don't realize is that they won't generate any revenue when they kill the franchise in a couple more games.
FF7 remake will lead the comeback of the JRPG.
absolutely not. These two are textbook examples of what NOT to do to keep the genre moving forward. "solid mechanics" can't make up for cringeworthy and incomprehensible plots and characters.
If JRPG devs want western players to actually buy these games over skyrim, the souls games, dishonored, fallout, etc they're going to need to do a hell of a lot better.
I agree with you- making sequels to a poorly received game is bad business. Unfortunately shareholders rarely think much farther beyond the next quarter, and that's who S/E answers to. Potentially "killing the franchise" is a distant second.
They are not rewarded when they are.
They are not rewarded when they are.
The situation is even more large than this... it's not just FF or jRPGs that risk to become irrelevant, it's the whole japanese gaming in the West that in few years could disappear completely. And doesn't have anything to do with quality or changed tastes. It has to do with western developers rising on an american console and little by little shipping out games more akin to western players' tastes. Tastes that always have been the same (our cultures are different afterall and that never changed), but once you had FF7 and only FF7 on consoles. Now you got more choice, and a Mass Effect, Dragon Age or Elder Scrolls are obviously closer to our culture than those games.
Where as now:
like that.*pics go here*
I really think that a big factor is the art design. In the JRPGs of previous gens, the characters were obviously Japanese, but they had an appeal to their designs that even westerners liked. For example:
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that ANY of the above are at all bad games. I just think that the more extremely Japan designs of the games really turn off a lot of Westerners who think it looks weird.
disagree entirely here. The sales for the games you quoted are all over the place.
FFVIII sold around 8 million.
Persona 4 sold 400,000- and only 100,000 of that in North America.
The art from FFXII (which you posted twice) was FAR more western than the series as a whole, yet it's sales are among the worst of the mainline FF games. FFX which is VERY eastern/asian in flavor has nearly twice the sales.
The art from disgaea 4 (or is that 3?) isn't different from the first game at all- and the series as a whole is near 2 million copies sold- for a niche srpg.
FFXII sold more to consumers than XIII though.
The art from FFXII (which you posted twice) was FAR more western than the series as a whole, yet it's sales are among the worst of the mainline FF games. FFX which is VERY eastern/asian in flavor has nearly twice the sales.
Researching numbers for this thread made me learn that phenomenal rpg du jour Persona 4 sold:
Persona 4 (PS2) 110,000 (150,000 expected)
This simply isn't true. FFXII sold 6 million copies; FFX did sell more, but FFXII is actually among the best selling ones.
This is not remotely correct.
North America
Persona 4 (PS2) – 110,000 (150,000 expected)
Devil Survivor (DS) – 40,000 (25,000 expected)
Persona 4 (PS2) – 300,000 (180,000 expected)
Devil Summoner 2 (PS2) – 180,000 (120,000 expected)
Devil Survivor (DS) – 110,000 (100,000 expected)
Persona (PSP) – 160,000 (50,000 expected)
Growlanser (PSP) – 50,000 (40,000 expected)
Next gen (or this gen) had already arrived when FFXII launched. That always hurts the sales somewhat.
FFIX had the same faith.
Exodus beat me to it, But I've yet to see a JRPG even make the attempt at more mature content. They've been making the equivalent of terrible anime in game form for years, and are wondering why the west is losing interest.
The closest I can think of would be FFXII- but even that had unnecessary teenage protagonists thrown in at the last minute, and the plot was the weakest part about it.
The same thing happened to FFIX and will likely happen to Versus XIII.
I'll just leave this here....
And I corrected both of you with my first two posts.