The decade has been a turbulent one for the US video game industry. It began with the surge in players, engagement and …
We got an official percentage increase/ decrease from Circana ( formerly NPD) versus last gen, launced aligned to July 2023 the PS5 is up 5% over PS4 and the Xbox Series is down 10% from Xbox one. Over at install base they have monthly numbers as of July 2016 for PS4 and Xbox One and have worked out the yearly and total numbers for PS5 and Xbox Series. Amazing how close they were with their previous estimates.
July 2016
PS4 : 14.18 m (YTD 1.739 m)
XB1 : 12.40 m (YTD 1.277 m)
PS4 = 53.3%, XB1 = 46.6%
July 2023
PS5 : 14.89 m (YTD 2.990 m)
XSX+S : 11.16 m (YTD 1.460 m)
PS5 = 57.1%

XSX+S = 42.8%
credit: Evilms from InstallBase