Maybe we should do of comic version of this thread
Maybe we should do of comic version of this thread
I'm not wealthy enough to be an official member of FigureGAF, but I just got these in the mail today so I had to share (gloat).
The Hellboy with the heads from "Heads" is my new pride and joy... they're much larger than I expected too! Probably 7" or more. This week has just been the best!
New version of the art we saw for Ei8ght:
has there ever been a story line where batman becomes robin and robin becomes batman?
Kindahas there ever been a story line where batman becomes robin and robin becomes batman?
Sorry, just need to get something off my chest here.
Worst things to ever happen to Moon Knight:
2. Bendis
It was some Teen Titans event, the JL got regressed and the Titans got older
Got Marvel unlimited but it wont let me cancel, anyone else have the same problem? "Error in processing transaction"
Batman guys.
Batman guys.
Zub is replacing the previously announced co-writer Brian Wood after things "didn't work out." (Bleeding Cool)Jim zub( skull kickers) and Gail Simone are doing a Conan-red Sonja mini. art by Dan pasoisan
And then I read Secret Origins.
Don't wanna to sit here and rehash old grievances, but it really bums me out that Ian Bertram was on that Damian story. I just don't get the appeal of that art style at all.
Jim zub( skull kickers) and Gail Simone are doing a Conan-red Sonja mini. art by Dan pasoisan
Wait, is the Viz Media catalog region locked on Comixology?
What the hell, Bertham was great on that, I get your issue on Batman Eternal issue, but he draw really cool Damian and its isn't ugly at all.
I would be joyful if he getting a run in Batman & Robin when Damian came back.
I think it is
Manga licensing is really complicated IIRC
Hey man it's cool, we all have our opinions. Doesn't mean that every opinion is right, though.
In other news, happy birthday to me.
This right here is nightmare fuel. I just don't get what he is going for with those eyes. Like the fake anime eye plastic surgery thing that some people have done in Asia?
They aren't even looking at each other. Talia is looking into the fucking abyss and Damian must see something over her shoulder that interests him more than the fight.
You'll love itWe also opted for Thursday passes for NYCC. Those are in our hands now. This is the first time we're going to any convention, and we decided just to ease into it and go hard next year for SDCC and NYCC.
Speaking of figures, has the Uncanny X-Force colors Deadpool ever had one?
You'll love it
And you'll spend an insane amount of money
It's great
Also, Happy Birthday Zombine!!
Happy birthday!
ArtFX+ Damian is up at AmiAmi for about $34. Set for a January 2015 release. Keep in mind, this is a Japanese shop frequented by FigureGAF. Otherwise you'll have to wait until he goes up at a US shop, and also have to wait an extra month to get your hands on him.
When Brubaker and Phillips signed that deal with Image, they said Criminal and Incognito would be moving with them. Maybe it'll be unavailable for a bit as they transition.
Just read the first issue of Six Gun Gorilla going in totally blind. What an awesome comic. I'm probably gonna read through the rest of it today and I'm really excited to see where it goes.
NeoGAF is the only place on the internet where I have seen a negative opinion on Batman 33. Oh you guys.
My resiliency has paid off! I found a lost dog at Walmart in the middle of the night. I made 200 colorful flyers through the dity and has been reunited with its owner. This proved to me that I can be a comics superstar. Non sequiturs be damned.
I just got the marvel unlimited 99 cent deal.
Any recommendations guys!?