What is this HxH?
Yeah, I will give you that page also. I liked that.
What is this HxH?
Yep. A while back.--
Was Ame-Comi Girls been cancelled? I am really in love with this book. Its perfect for me.
Yep. A while back.
For other superman stories for people that usually aren't fans of supes read secret identity by Busiek.On the topic of All Star Supes, I only just read it the other day and was blown away by it. I've never been a huge Superman fan either.
Why must everything I like die![]()
Whats the over under on how long it takes us to get a new Batgirl statue?
If that's the case, Ann Nocenti will live forever.
The new costume, you mean? NOT SOON ENOUGH.
DCs adversion to using hero names on TV I so annoying . Starting watching arrow and he's called "the hood"
I await flash being called "the bolt"
I always confuse Kipp and Zombine.
Because we both have excellent taste and quality posts?
I think my posts are great.
Also Ollie not wearing a mask is another pet peeve.
They are. Top 5 at worst.
DCs adversion to using hero names on TV I so annoying . Starting watching arrow and he's called "the hood"
I await flash being called "the bolt"
Also Ollie not wearing a mask is another pet peeve.
Every time someone posts a full page spread from All Star Superman I laugh out loud. Hideous stuff.
My two favorite Supes stories (with art that doesn't look like it was drawn by a six year old) are Secret Identity and Red Son.
I'm all about Huntress and Power Girl rejoining the Earth 2 team.
Read some really good stuff the last few days guys. Already wrote about Black Science & Umbral. Also read Pretty Deadly volume 1. First thing I've read by Deconnick, and bar maybe being a little too symbolic and vague at times, I really really liked it. Great art, doesn't hold your hand too much, isn't afraid to deliver a complex character driven story. I really liked the pretty unique folklorey history and rules they built for the world. As an unendingly huge dark tower fan, I love anything that is dark fantasy western but this was a good shot. As I mentioned, the only thin gI hold against it is there were one or two lingering things at the end I was like hmm. Did this go over my head, or was it too vague, or what? Perhaps a reread with most of the answers in hand will make those clear though. Really really good, would definitely check out Deconnick again (bitch planet doesn't necessarily appeal to me though).
Also read Velvet volume 1. Yea, I mean, what can you say about Brubaker at this point? The beginning of his Cap run was one of the two major books that I got into when I got back into comics as a teenager. He really speaks to everything I like about the genres he tends to write, so I knew I would love it before I opened it, and loved it so I did. Top class espionage, and I feel incredibly spoiled by Image these days.
Last thing I read was Sledgehammer 44. It's a mignolaverse book, and plays within the earliest years of WW2, before Hellboy arrived and the BPRD 1940s books. I liked it, some fantastic art. In the greater context of Mignola books, I certainly think it's on the lower rung of things, both in terms of how much I liked it and how important it is. But still, I liked it, and if you're looking for more Mignola, you wouldn't be going wrong with it.
Also, off topic, I finally finished Christine (by Stephen King). Been working on that one for awhile, mostly just trying to find the time to sit down and really enjoy a novel, and also it was a slow starter. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes a good horror yarn. I guess that's me about 15 books in now since I decided I was going to go back to the very beginning of King's bibliography and read em all. Pet Sematary up next, pretty excited for that one.
Hope everyone's having a good weekend!
Shoot, I was planning on doing that with King too. Dang! I was up to Firestarter, IIRC. You've inspired me to give it another go!
"Boy, Ryan Sook's covers really tie Futures End together in a real 52 kind of way. Who do we have lined up for Worlds End? Why isn't anyone looking me in the eye right now?"
Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett & Mike Johnson (writers)
Ardian Syaf, Jorge Jimenez, Eddy Barrows & Paulo Siquiera (artists)
Ardian Syaf & Jaime Mendoza (cover)
Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett & Mike Johnson (writers)
Eddy Barrows, Tyler Kirkham & Paulo Siquiera (artists)
Ardian Syaf & Vicente Cifuentes (cover)
Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett & Mike Johnson (writers)
Eddy Barrows, Tyler Kirkham, Ed Benes & Jorge Jimenez (artists)
Ardian Syaf & Jonathan Glapion (cover)
Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett & Mike Johnson (writers)
Eddy Barrows, Tyler Kirkham, Ed Benes, Jorge Jimenez & Paulo Siquiera (artists)
Ardian Syaf (cover)
Jason Aaronn and john cassaday are doing a Star Wars ongoing .
So expect it one every 3 months
Wow! First ever cannon EU story.
Wow! First ever cannon EU story.
I've always felt that Star Wars was ripe for an expanded universe canon.
Oh my god. Waid and Dodson Princess Leia.
Following in February is "Star Wars: Darth Vader" by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca with covers by Adi Granov. This series takes the pitch of the first one and flips it – focusing on Vader as he struggles to regain control over the Empire's troops after his defeat at the end of the first film.
I've never seen any of Star Wars.
How about I raise you a Star Wars: Darth Vader ongoing by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroc?
Because who doesn't want more fucking Anakin.
I've never seen any of Star Wars.
This is better than Celebration for me. Holy fuck.
Wat. How is that a fucking issue for Vader? He just chokes a bitch and orders a Star Destroyer to level anyone who doesn't do what they are fucking told.
I've never seen any of Star Wars.
Outside of the mainline Star Wars those are some weird choices.
I'll be in for the X-Wing / Rogue Squadron series they better announce at some point.
Also Ollie not wearing a mask is another pet peeve.
Terry Dodson really does give all his women the same face.
Wat. How is that a fucking issue for Vader? He just chokes a bitch and orders a Star Destroyer to level anyone who doesn't do what they are fucking told.
The ideas in a book can be good even if the art isn't ones personal taste. All Star Superman nailed the feel of Superman quite well.