Marvel is doing an Annual for an event book... ?
Has this happened before?
That is weird, a one-shot or something would make more sense.
An annual though, I think Marvel/DC are forgetting what that term means.
Marvel is doing an Annual for an event book... ?
Has this happened before?
He has to get there, he doesn't just start out perfect day one. Even in a work of fiction. Making your character perfect from the get go makes them unrelatable. He's barely used his powers, and now suddenly has to fight off a bunch of warriors who are hell bent on destruction and killing you. I'm not expecting miracles the first time out.
Plus HOW MAN FUCKING TIMES in the comics has Metropolis seen similar levels of destruction. All the fucking time, don't give me that he always takes it to the moon or remote location bullshit.
That is weird, a one-shot or something would make more sense.
An annual though, I think Marvel/DC are forgetting what that term means.
Why didn't Superman stop Darkseid from killing Dan Turpin?! He's Superman!!!
All the time in the animated series too.
He has to get there, he doesn't just start out perfect day one. Even in a work of fiction. Making your character perfect from the get go makes them unrelatable. He's barely used his powers, and now suddenly has to fight off a bunch of warriors who are hell bent on destruction and killing you. I'm not expecting miracles the first time out.
Plus HOW MAN FUCKING TIMES in the comics has Metropolis seen similar levels of destruction. All the fucking time, don't give me that he always takes it to the moon or remote location bullshit.
Why didn't Superman stop Darkseid from killing Dan Turpin?! He's Superman!!!
I went to B&N for the DC sale and bought:
Ooh, thanks for the heads up. Fables Deluxe volumes are included. $14 shipped per volume is a great price.
Is Coffin Hill shit?
Yo someone quote this and add laughinggreglands.jpg for meDamn it LAND!
Ends tonight btw. All DC and Vertigo books.
Batman Beyond 2.0 is still so damn good. I noticed Justice League Beyond 2.0 hasn't come out and isn't in their list of digital comics. Did I miss an announcement of it being cancelled, or on hold?
Coffin Hill is a beautifully illustrated piece of crap. It started off wonderfully, and eventually changed into a carbon copy of American Horror Story: Asylum. I hopped off after the first arc.
Fantastic :/
Coffin Hill is a beautifully illustrated piece of crap. It started off wonderfully, and eventually changed into a carbon copy of American Horror Story: Asylum. I hopped off after the first arc.
You didn't do bad. When I say horrible I mean horrible by Vertigo standards. The art really is beautiful. You'll like it. The first part is pretty girls fighting over a guy.
Not a single "brah" or misspelled word in that dialog, terrible mischaracterization
Not a single "brah" or misspelled word in that dialog, terrible mischaracterization
Well, BuddyJoeHooker presented an idea to me that was too good to ignore. He told me I should write a webcomic about Rafa and his eventual rise to comics superstardom.
So anyways, here it is:
Rafa and the Long Road to the Inevitable Achievement of Comics Superstardom #1
I think I'll try to do one little strip of it a week. If any of you guys have ideas for one of the strips, please let me know! It'd be great if most of the strips were written by you guys.
This #1 issue was BuddyJoeHooker's script idea by the way, so thanks Joe!
This is incredible.
Forgot to ask, how was Legendary Star Lord #1?
There we go. Fixed and un-redacted: http://i2.minus.com/iEVQiiM5iI9Ew.png
Now my lettering is all spaced oddly, but oh well.
You are going to be a comic star. The next Jeff Lemire.
Edit: Wait...that's Rafa. Oh my god. Haha oh my god. What.
This is artThere we go. Fixed and un-redacted: http://i2.minus.com/iEVQiiM5iI9Ew.png
Now my lettering is all spaced oddly, but oh well.
I just realized, I haven't actually read anything by Jeff Lemire... Hm.
Also, the worst part about this drawing thing is that I keep being disappointed when my art isn't professional comics quality. Then I need to remind myself that I've only been drawing for two weeks now and I probably ought to lower my expectations. Why can't I just be immediately amazing.
Did you not see his nametag/his Wal-Mart vest/his Liefeld face/the title of the comic?
Maybe I should've made it clearer.![]()
There we go. Fixed and un-redacted: http://i2.minus.com/iEVQiiM5iI9Ew.png
Now my lettering is all spaced oddly, but oh well.
Good lord.
And I'm glad someone else is enjoying Justice League United. Book's only going to get better IMO.
I like Justice League Unite a lot. His creator owned books are slightly pretentious but still good in their own way.
Good lord.
And I'm glad someone else is enjoying Justice League United. Book's only going to get better IMO.
That's the first good thing I've heard about JLU since the first issue. I do hope it stays good, because I like the cast.
I'm pretty sure I've seen some of Lemire's creator owned books at the library. I'll check some of them out sometime.
The comic about Rafa will likely be a star before Rafa at this stage...
Make sure that before you read The Underwater Welder you put on a fedora or you might not get it.
Nah brah, he got this.
Oh geez. It's that bad? (If I'm interpreting that statement correctly)
Yeah, had no fucking clue. Then again, when your book has New Lobo, you never know who may get brutally brutalized by that generic ass rebooted character.You missed my noob moment. I thought it was badass whenonly to find out thatHawkeye got his hand cut offI believe that threw Slug off also.he can regenerate.
Haha kinda. His books are very good. They're just not your typical fare. He's very...indie.
Yeah, had no fucking clue. Then again, when youre book has New Lobo, you never know who may get brutally brutalized by that generic ass rebooted character.
This #1 issue was BuddyJoeHooker's script idea by the way, so thanks Joe!
Did some research and it seems to have quietly been sidelined / canceled with Batman Beyond going weekly.
That really bums me out.