You'd be surprised at how non-white it actually is. Or if it's even a counter.![]()
We need to solve this mystery.
You'd be surprised at how non-white it actually is. Or if it's even a counter.![]()
As we're winding down with this first arc, the killer is revealed and I suspected that person an issue or two ago. I'm glad my intuition was spot on though I'm curious how the sixth issue will play out. Like most Image books, I think The Fuse will read better in trade form. Volume 1 will release next month on August 27th.
We need to solve this mystery.
Trade day! Just got Deadly Class, looking forward to getting stuck into that. Also Preacher book 4 (softcover, fuck you for letting the HCs go out of print DC)
Trade day! Just got Deadly Class, looking forward to getting stuck into that. Also Preacher book 4 (softcover, fuck you for letting the HCs go out of print DC), and Chew vol 5, been ages since I read a volume of Chew.
I figure I should just wait for the deluxe HCs for Scalped - I have two paperbacks already but I reckon just double dip and go with the nice books. Same thing happened to me with Starman and I didn't regret it.
Nice shout on the Scalped HC, I'd missed the news on that one, just pre-ordered. Have all the trades, very meh quality for such a great series, so I'll happily be upgrading.
Who else has been tradewaiting Deadly Class? Mine should hopefully show up today (should have been here yesterday, blah), will be fun seeing what people think. I'm thinking I might try and get my girlfriend onto it too.
I don't know man, the way those softcovers feel is kind of amazing.
Hardcover (in general) or get the fuck out. I'll never buy a softcover. I just can't do it. It'd be a sore thumb sticking out in an otherwise immaculate hardcover collection.
I'm usually a purist in that I like all of the same trade style, but in the case of Preacher dire needs must be met and I'm switching formats midstream. I kinda find softcovers easier to read too, not so much lost in the gutters in the middle of the page. And I find big softcovers to be quite nice to read - the 12 issue Shade trade was great.
I'm usually a purist in that I like all of the same trade style, but in the case of Preacher dire needs must be met and I'm switching formats midstream. I kinda find softcovers easier to read too, not so much lost in the gutters in the middle of the page. And I find big softcovers to be quite nice to read - the 12 issue Shade trade was great.
Yo, that Shade book is so fucking underrated. I never read Starman, but I picked up the Shade floppies as they came out and damn, such an interesting character, and a really great mini-series. Also, Frazer Irving and Pulido art.
Imagine this brah is going to have four Image ongoings next year. AND churning out Affirmative Action America for Marvel. I will meet his challenge.Holy shit man, Deadly Class #1 is probably the best thing I've ever saw Remender commit to page. It's literally pitch perfect. The book almost feels like it inhabits the same world as Miller's Year One, just with enough tonal and artistic shift to accommodate the change of city and age pov. Wow. Trade is really chunky too, can't wait to get further into this thing.
Holy shit man, Deadly Class #1 is probably the best thing I've ever saw Remender commit to page. It's literally pitch perfect. The book almost feels like it inhabits the same world as Miller's Year One, just with enough tonal and artistic shift to accommodate the change of city and age pov. Wow. Trade is really chunky too, can't wait to get further into this thing.
Just read new Hawkeye and Manhattan Projects. Loved Hawkeye, but it felt too short. Waited for so long, I want more. I just got caught up on Manhattan Projects yesterday thanks to the image sale on comixology, so I was happy to see a new issue arrive today. Loved that too, but it had a certain final feeling to it. Is the comic over? Or is it still going?
Still going, they're setting up a new status quo for the team as they move forward in time.
Imagine this brah is going to have four Image ongoings next year. AND churning out Affirmative Action America for Marvel. I will meet his challenge.
Heh, every issue is like that.
Still going, they're setting up a new status quo for the team as they move forward in time.
Woooo! My IST order already shipped!
Now I just have to decide what I want to read between now and when the order arrives. I think I might finally read Fraction/Brubaker's Immortal Iron Fist. It's been a while since I read a superhero book.
Damn guys it's so good. It is kind of unbelievable Remender has so much on his plate. I guess it's like Snyder a few years ago though, some of it will be in a high state of plotting/completion and so on. Rafa my man, if you can get four books published at once, I'll buy em all. Glad I hung in with Remender. Didn't like his Cap or the end league at all, felt Fear Agent was getting much closer to what I wanted but still not there. This and Black Science are so good though, Deadly Class might be my favourite thing right now haha, and I'm only on issue 3. Gotta let that honeymoon period wash away I guess, I'm just blown away right now.
Low #1 - out today![]()
Happens to me tooBii, I don't want you to take this the wrong way because I love your looking at your photos when I'm home, but whatever image host you're using somehow circumvents the "don't show images" option on NeoGAF mobile version and pages take a long time to load when I'm out.
Anyone else experiencing this, or just me?
Tim, did you catch that Ray Fawkes question yesterday? I got some good answers, but no-one had read the spectral engine to give me feedback.
Bii, I don't want you to take this the wrong way because I love your looking at your photos when I'm home, but whatever image host you're using somehow circumvents the "don't show images" option on NeoGAF mobile version and pages take a long time to load when I'm out.
Anyone else experiencing this, or just me?
I wasn't around yesterday, so I missed it. If you're looking for a jumping on point for Fawkes, go with One Soul. It has a bit of a learning curve for reading it properly, but it's fantastic. Spectral Engine is quite good, but you should know it's a collection of Canadian ghost stories and folklore. His art in it is stunning, but depending on your interest in the source material you may not enjoy it as much. Best issue of Harley ever! I am sometime amazed how some of this stuff makes it past editorial..That Dan Didio shame!
That sounds...incredible haha. I love folklore man, from all around the world, and definitely always interested in stuff I don't know as much about. I think I'll start with One Soul though, and go from there.
Yeah Spectral Engine is by no means bad, don't get me wrong. I just love the concept and execution of One Soul so much.
Just noticed Hawkeye was $3.99 today. It's $2.99 on Comixology and I believe the previous issues were all that price too. That's a shame.