What of the pre 52 runs are worth picking up? Is it just the original run?
What of the pre 52 runs are worth picking up? Is it just the original run?
Totally forgot WicDiv and COWL were announced then. Is COWL any good, not really a huge fan of Kyle Higgins.
should come out alongside the next volume of Casanova, surely
What of the pre 52 runs are worth picking up? Is it just the original run?
Is Lazarus any good?
Is Lazarus any good?
It's boring as shit. I tapped out after the first arc.
Even you aren't excited? Got damn, them delays did a number on everyone's enthusiasm. lmao
I'm not excited or anything. Just ambivalent.
It's boring as shit. I tapped out after the first arc.
Read the first issue and it sort of had the same vibe as Morning Glories, which is something I'm not really looking for now. Thanks for the assessment.You could try an issue or two, i read the first 13 after having pre-ordered it from dcbs and let it stack up, i didn't like it at all. I forget exactly why, i think it was more "mysterious mystery" without being a good book issue to issue. I say Nay.
Read the first issue and it sort of had the same vibe as Morning Glories, which is something I'm not really looking for now. Thanks for the assessment.
Messi dropped Catwoman, it's the Golden Age of ComicGAFYou may have worse taste than Messi, bet you gonna still buying Catwoman.
You may have worse taste than Messi, bet you gonna still buying Catwoman.
(Dunno where this is from, but it's pretty impressive.)
Prince Robot the 4th from Saga.
Edit: Did you meant the character or the video? Im confused right now.
The video, I know who the character is.
(Dunno where this is from, but it's pretty impressive.)
Is Lazarus any good?
What? You don't want a book that confuses the fuck out of you for 40 issues? Why ever not?
I actually did finally give up Morning Glories for good. I just can't deal with that book anymore. I read 38 issues and still know very little about what's happening. Ugh.
Thanks for the recommendations concerning crime/detective comics. I'll probably give Sin City a look first. But I'll keep the rest in mind.
What's the word on Lumberjanes? Book looks fantastic.
I saw the 17 min GotG preview footage last night, it's gonna be soooooooooooooooooooo good
More Batbooks are going to be announced soon, the wording used by Snyder in his latest CBR interview confirmed as much.I sure hope the new DC books are Batman/Gotham centric, poor Bats doesn't get enough representation in the DCU.
More Batbooks are going to be announced soon, the wording used by Snyder in his latest CBR interview confirmed as much.
More Batbooks are going to be announced soon, the wording used by Snyder in his latest CBR interview confirmed as much.
What's the exact quote?
Thumbs up.
I don't even know what Bat books I'd like.
Totally forgot WicDiv and COWL were announced then. Is COWL any good, not really a huge fan of Kyle Higgins.
More Batbooks are going to be announced soon, the wording used by Snyder in his latest CBR interview confirmed as much.
Is Lazarus any good?