Even though I warned you all about how goddamn terrible the Marvel 100th Anniversary issues have been still a majority of you all bought and read them. I am highly disappoint....

Sandman Overture isn't on a very consistent release schedule, but the two issues we've gotten are some of the highest quality things I've ever read. Dark Horse Presents, Black Beetle, Manhattan Projects, and some other Image books are all up there in quality but don't come close to Saga in sales. IDK
Mega Man volumes 4-6
Green Arrow, Vol. 4: The Killing Machine
Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye volumes 1-5
Daredevil: Born Again
Daredevil: Ultimate Collection Vol. 1
Amazing Spider-Man Big Time: Complete Collection Vol. 2
The Thanos Imperative
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Street Fighter Classic Vol. 1
A Game of Thrones: The Graphic Novel volumes 1-3
Hellboy Library Editions volumes 1-3
(Not 31&32)
Got it signed by Scott Snyder, Neal Adams, Jason Fabok, Peter Tomasi, Pat Gleason and Chris Burnham.
I don't have a tumblr, but I feel like it's become a go-to site for the comic community.
Steve Gerber is rolling in his grave right now. We have a guy who was the HP Lovecraft of this medium who went next to nowhere only to be outsold by a dude who writes like a 16 year old girl who is toying with the idea of becoming a libertarian.
I don't hang out there anymore, but the CBR boards had "from the beginning" threads where OP would provide a synopsis of each issue of a comic run. Then others could add comments on each issue as they see fit. I used to participate in some of the X-book threads. It was good fun.Also, I like the idea of the comic club being within the OT. Each of the regulars could get a session, be it weekly or monthly, to pick a comic run of their choice (within reason, I'm not reading any 100+ issue runs in a week).
Best I can recommend is that you not read Saga. I read it, and I like it quite a lot. Others do as well. I don't think bitching incessantly about it is going to change anyone's mind.
I do read it and I do like it. But I have a hard time believing anyone that thinks it's perfect. It isn't.
Thanks, just read through it again and I think the art pops a lot better on a tablet.C.O.W.L. #1 is currently free on Comixology. I enjoyed it, and it's worth trying for nothing.
I don't think anyone ever said that it is. Nothing is. All that really matters is that you enjoy it. A comic doesn't need to be held in the same regard as classic literature for it to have value. This is just another entertainment medium like television or video games.
Saga is riding a wave. It's a nonsensical story in a nonsensical universe that uses shock value to get people talking. BKV knows what he's doing, he knows what audience he's going after, and it's the farthest thing from his best work ever. Staples carries that book. Maybe I'll change my opinion once the book is complete, but so far it's horribly overrated. Y is far superior than this.
It's built for this tumblr generation I keep talking about.
Nice pickups Bii, looking forward to your thoughts on The Thanos Imperative! Very interested in what you think of the Street Fighter stuff too, I've been wanting to check out some of the Udon comics but I don't know where to begin.
^That is awesome!
1. Street Fighter Classic Volume 1: Hadoken
2. Street Fighter Classic Volume 2: Cannon Spike
3. Street Fighter Classic Volume 3: Psycho Crusher
4. Street Fighter IV: Wages of Sin
5. Super Street Fighter Volume 1: New Generation
6. Super Street Fighter Volume 2: Hyper Fighting (Coming soon!)
a. Street Fighter Origins: Akuma
b. Street Fighter Legends Ultimate Edition
My retort was for those people who say that it's the best book ever and that "it's better than your favorite book." It isn't. It's shallow and written with a specific audience in mind.
People always do that when they find a book they really like, though. It's probably just the novelty.
I fully expect one of the upcoming last page shockers to be Alana or Marko discovering that they have a cold sore or perhaps that their credit card has an unauthorized charge on it.
So thought I'd write a little about Baltimore today. I figure everyone knows enough about Hellboy and BPRD these days and those series get a lot of exposure, but Baltimore is pretty cool since it's Mike working with a different creator than the usual suspects, and probably more significantly it sits in it's own bubble separated from the hellboy universe, meaning it comes with no baggage. Specifically I read volume 3 this week, which is a nice short story collection and very accessible:
Haha, these are so bad man, I apologise in advance but I tried. I don't want to clog up the thread with images so I'll just do some links
Front Cover
Under the Dust jacket
Choice interior #1
Choice interior #2
The whole series of trades has a nice uniform style to the covers, by Mike
As do the spines, so they look great on the shelf
And finally, you can see all the HCs have sewn binding, which is nice!
I like it. It's not as amazing as it was hyped up to be but it gets the job done. It's sort of like Invincible with rape.
I know a few of you were wondering where I've been these past few weeks. I had the opportunity to do some overtime at a ridiculous pay scale. So, I rewarded myself with some comics...
Also, we're going to find out that the hacker who got the credit card information now has their location and will sell it to prince robot. It's also a green girl with a giraffe head and she flashes her chest to everyone. She also has a female partner that beats her and she looks like a lobster. Then people will talk about how LGBT friendly the book is.
I bet Senfield is your favorite TV show too, huh?
Sandman Overture isn't on a very consistent release schedule, but the two issues we've gotten are some of the highest quality things I've ever read. Dark Horse Presents, Black Beetle, Manhattan Projects, and some other Image books are all up there in quality but don't come close to Saga in sales. IDK
Saga is riding a wave. It's a nonsensical story in a nonsensical universe that uses shock value to get people talking. BKV knows what he's doing, he knows what audience he's going after, and it's the farthest thing from his best work ever. Staples carries that book. Maybe I'll change my opinion once the book is complete, but so far it's horribly overrated. Y is far superior than this.
It's built for this tumblr generation I keep talking about.
Exactly. My retort from before wasn't even directed toward fans of the book. I love it. It's silly, it's stupid, and it reminds me of The Fifth Element. My retort was for those people who say that it's the best book ever and that "it's better than your favorite book." It isn't. It's shallow and written with a specific audience in mind.
I Just find it unfortunate that BKV has figured out that shock value works, and a lot of the success of the book is built around that.
Honestly, my biggest pet peeve is how little actual character development we are getting. I still don't know shit Izabel, for example, she's just around. Even Alana and Marko have only a handle of things we've learned about them. I'd also like more explanation about the war. Also the universe they inhabit. Is it just one system or more? Where do all these aliens come from? How do some of them work? The Robot people don't make any sense; How did The Robot Princess give birth to something with a static, rigid head that should have split her apart? And if they give birth how are they robots? Wouldn't that be cyborgs at best?
See Also: Mark Millar.
Honestly, my biggest pet peeve is how little actual character development we are getting. I still don't know shit Izabel, for example, she's just around. Even Alana and Marko have only a handle of things we've learned about them. I'd also like more explanation about the war. Also the universe they inhabit. Is it just one system or more? Where do all these aliens come from? How do some of them work? The Robot people don't make any sense; How did The Robot Princess give birth to something with a static, rigid head that should have split her apart? And if they give birth how are they robots? Wouldn't that be cyborgs at best?
Where all of this sense of critics when you read Earth-2 breh..
LOL, I actually agree. I mean, that was the ending to an arc of Spider-Man? It was supposedly an 8-parter, but that's not how you end a story.Even though I warned you all about how goddamn terrible the Marvel 100th Anniversary issues have been still a majority of you all bought and read them. I am highly disappoint....
Look who drops in to a comic shop signing of Gerard Way and Becky Cloonan.
Look who drops in to a comic shop signing of Gerard Way and Becky Cloonan.
Oh, the new X-Force book with Cable, Marrow, Psylocke and others? I heard some good stuff about it. Haven't really read it yet. Maybe I should give it a try, the last X-Force book I enjoyed (Uncanny X-Force) was pretty good. I loved the Apocalypse Solution. But maybe that's because I like Fantomex way too much.I'll agree with that, the last X-book I really enjoyed was the Marvel Knights mini which featured Kitty and Rogue.
Although X-Force is shaping up nicely.
Osht. Batman Beyond 2.0's new arc started today. "Mark of the Phantasm". GO ON.
Even though I warned you all about how goddamn terrible the Marvel 100th Anniversary issues have been still a majority of you all bought and read them. I am highly disappoint....
So good.
The beyond books have been fantastic. Seriously they've been rocking it solidly for awhile now. It's a shame they're digital and most people ignore them.
man, why am i not there right now
I actually double dip. Digital first because I NEED IT RIGHT NOW, but then the physical copies too. As a huge fan of the DCAU, it's great to see it continue, even in comic book form.
Guys, I'm totally down for a GAF (Comic) Book Club. I've been waiting for Zero Year to complete before starting it, but I'm down to get on it early to talk about it with yous guys (and gals).
I'll second that last bit. I wish we could get another animated movie in that particular universe. The Timm/Diniverse if you will.
I have to be truthful when I say I think the art in JLB is better than BB.
How close are you?
'bout 1 hour away. My friends are all booked though. It's a hella crazy signing - Los Bros, Jim Mahfood, those aforementioned people, etc. I've met the Killjoys team around the time that book came out though, which was cool
Guys, I'm totally down for a GAF (Comic) Book Club. I've been waiting for Zero Year to complete before starting it, but I'm down to get on it early to talk about it with yous guys (and gals).
Would have been crazy to be there and all of a sudden Grant Morrison walks in.