Sideshow Powergirl, Batgirl, Emma Frost.
Really don't like that Emma.
Dropping my hype for Pee Gee, exchanging it for full steam Batgirl hype.
Also down for that Deadpool.
Sideshow Powergirl, Batgirl, Emma Frost.
Really don't like that Emma.
otoh,it's a vision of Zizek as he always has been to us: playing both sides and profiting from the blood of [his] countrymen. The Zizek we see in Bosnia isn't so different than the Zizek who dies in Juarez.
Bishoujo She-Hulk and Wasp artwork...
YESBishoujo She-Hulk
Sideshow Powergirl, Batgirl, Emma Frost.
Really don't like that Emma.
Breast size has nothing to do with my interest in female characters. Also you should know that I read 90% of the same books as everyone else. I think I have quite a decent taste with a slight slant towards average female led books.
That Emma statue is almost comically grotesque. Liefield Edition (tm)
Toy updates!
Deadpool ArtFX+ reveal:
Just read it. Zero is seriously fucking powerful. It's an experiment that works so damn well. Here'sRoman Zizek, and we know he's by-the-book scum, and we were all happy when Zero killed him. Or not happy, more relieved. And yet, here's the tragedy that potentially makes him who he is, makes him cold, and fuck is it brutal and heartbreaking and perfect.
Ales Kot is a great writer, but more importantly he's an incredibly storyteller.
Bro, I was originally going to post that it needed more vaginas but didn't want to offend anyone. And I'm 100% kidding. Blame Nocenti!
If anyone can be pinned down in their comic book taste, it's me. I purchase zero DC. Zero. I purchase very limited Marvel, mainly my two favorite characters (Daredevil and the Punisher).
I purchase way too many Image releases. You can almost always guess that I'm buying Image Title X and be correct.
Are those the really expensive ones people were referencing yesterday? Maybe it's just the angle or the camera work, but they all look pretty bad. I'm not feeling them at all. The Emma Frost one is particularly bad, but Power Girl doesn't look much better.
Dropping my hype for Pee Gee, exchanging it for full steam Batgirl hype.
You will also see that Grandharrier is insane.
The only thing I am ashamed about is how much money I gave dc for Catwoman while not enjoying the book.
What is wrong with you?
Aww, kinda disappointed by the Power Girl premium format, not impressed with the face of in-motion hair. Definitely sold on Babs though!
If you spend enough time here you tend to see what everyone is really into and then you will know what kind of books they are likely to buy. Most people here know that I enjoy what could be considered teen girl books. I dont think there is any issue with that. You will also see that Grandharrier is insane. The only thing I am ashamed about is how much money I gave dc for Catwoman while not enjoying the book.
Some people just don't enjoy DC and I get that. Same for marvel. Image tends to get universal love.
Batman Play-Arts designed by Nomura.
Okay, since it's a new page, let's review all the fun new toys...
Deadpool ArtFX+
Batwoman bishoujo w/alternate face pictured + Zatanna artwork reveal
Bishoujo She-Hulk and Wasp artwork
I'm sure some of you like fighting games. Tekken and Street Fighter bishoujos.
Juri sculpt, Sakura artwork, Pink Chun-Li (presumably SDCC exclusive or something), Poison reveal. And the pic you can't see because Sakura is blocking it is Anna Williams artwork from Tekken.
Okay, since it's a new page, let's review all the fun new toys...
That Starfire is pretty good.
Okay, since it's a new page, let's review all the fun new toys...
Batwoman bishoujo w/alternate face pictured + Zatanna artwork reveal
Bishoujo She-Hulk and Wasp artwork
I'm sure some of you like fighting games. Tekken and Street Fighter bishoujos.
Juri sculpt, Sakura artwork, Pink Chun-Li (presumably SDCC exclusive or something), Poison reveal. And the pic you can't see because Sakura is blocking it is Anna Williams artwork from Tekken.
this page got hella anime real quick my nigga
Did you miss that Manga stuff last night? Shit was crazy.
I understood zero in that conversation chain. It was like pulling back the curtains to a foreign world.
I'm going to have to start putting money away for this shit because goddamnit I want ALL OF THOSE BISHOUJOS.
She is. She's one of the bishoujos I'm looking forward to most.
How is Starfire the only one not comically wearing heels?
This is what it felt like
The better question may be why aren't any of the other bishoujos straddling vaguely penis-shaped rocks?
Haha! I saw that live and commend Eminem for his comedic chops. But yeah. That's pretty much my face last night. Pure WTF.
Harley and Ivy Bishoujos?
Well, to be fair, manga are just Japanese comics.
Not exactly. Ivy had those vines wrapped around her legs, which was pretty sexy. Harley was just standing on a giant hammer, no? She wasn't doing anything suggestive with the handle.
I am consistently impressed with Tomasi and Gleason's Batman. Tomasi has these characters fucking down, and he's telling a damn cohesive story, while still maintaining momentum.
I also read the Zero Year finale and was totally let down. Snyder cannot figure out how to end these overblown story arcs. Ever. Capullo is on another level, but for fuck's sake, somebody get Synder an able editor and a skype session with Ales Kot. I take advantage of that Marvel Unlimited 99 cent promo, all hyped to read some classic Moon Knight, only to discover that not only does Marvel Unlimited not have any classic MK, they don't even acknowledge he existed prior to 2006. Moon Knight Vol. 1, Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu, and Marc Spector: Moon Knight aren't even listed in their database. What the hell, Marvel. Gah.
Hello ComicGAF! I have decided recently to try and get back into comics after about 10 years by buying a ton of TPBs and was wanting to know what comic sites/podcasts you guys/gals recommend. Also, how awesome is this Matt Fraction Hawkeye?
Hello ComicGAF! I have decided recently to try and get back into comics after about 10 years by buying a ton of TPBs and was wanting to know what comic sites/podcasts you guys/gals recommend. Also, how awesome is this Matt Fraction Hawkeye?
For fun, here are the release timetables for the newly announced Image books.
Drifter - November 2014
The Humans - November 2014
Intersect - November 2014
Tooth & Claw - November 2014
Southern Cross - November or December 2014
Rumble - December 2014
Descender - March 2015
Valhalla Mad - Spring 2015
Tokyo Ghost - July 2015
Injection - TBA 2015
Invisible Republic - TBA 2015
From Under Mountains - TBA 2015