Okay, here's what I bought from that Batman sale:
Batman #436-439 - Year 3
Legends of the Dark Knight #49-50 - Doctor Quinn's Diagnosis (this one's for you, Messi!)
Gotham by Gaslight
Detective Comics #777-782 - I didn't know Brubaker wrote Batman!
The Dark Knight Returns #1-4 - will give it another shot, this time in English
I had no money left for Gothic, Prey and Venom
I know I'm a week late, but I wanted to write about a thing that was bugging me: Wonder Girl in Teen Titans #1 by Will Pfeifer and Kenneth Rocafort.
The issue itself is fun: fast-paced, the little story begins and ends here but is also a start of a bigger arc, the dialogue is fun, the idea is cool. The linework and colors are very nice, but everything is also very static which sucks when you realize that it's a comic about a bus speeding through New York. Also, the gay part at the end was forced and made no sense. Overall it was a cool issue.
But why does Wonder Girl look like a pornstar?

I know nothing about the character so maybe she had plastic surgery like Emma Frost, but I doubt it. I understand that someone wanted her to look hot, and sure, she does look hot (I'm twenty so I can say that a 17-year-old girl is hot

), but also totally not like a teenager/young adult.
It sucks because there recently was another teenage hero comic with a super hot female character who looked like an actual person. Yup, Miss America:
Whoa! Not only very attractive, but also realistic.
Everything about the way Wonder Girl looks is wrong. The costume is just silly, seriously. Teenage girls are rarely into flashing their tits like that. Her hair is tied-up when she's in civilian clothes but loose when she's out superheroing? That's a minor detail I could toally lie with, but coupled with everything else it just doesn't work.
And what's worse is that in her everyday clothes she actually looked very good and believable.
So yeah, that's that. It kind of came back to me when I saw that Batgirl statue and she has ridiculous breasts. Each one of the statues does which I think is silly.
Oh and btw, what's a "bishoujo statue?