So I've put about 15 hours into the game this weekend and feel like writing some thoughts. Firstly, this is everything I wanted from a Dark Souls sequel and I am in the hot zone with it where I can think of nothing else. I was washing my car in the sub this afternoon and all I could think about was getting back into the game

The next few months will be tough, and I can't even think about inFAMOUS and MGS which are both out on Friday!
I am not 100% sold on the non-respawning enemies; Among the main reason, it also makes the game world feel empty as you can travel for a while at times without coming across anyone. I do wonder if FROM will patch this out in a future update, but I guess we don't know how well it will work out at the moment. You can easily get souls from the awesome co-op play but who knows how busy that will be in 6 months, 1 year down the road..
Couple of remarks about PS3 version
- Framerate is shit and DOES affect controls at times
- Audio glitches. Audio constantly cuts in and out, quite nasty at times.
- Loading is... Long but not horrific (I do wish online summoning was done like Burnout Paradise where your games just merged together though, the loading into someone's game is a little long)
Game world feels good although perhaps bot as interconnected as before? Wont know for a while on this. The game has lost the wonder factor of DkS1, but thats not the games fault, it IS a sequel to two other games. Combat feels really slick, the new changes feel good and keep you on your toes. Along with this, things such as Stamina getting fuuuucked (almost feels like a negative value when it zeroes), and your character basically giving up

These changes, with slower Estus drinking, and Max health loss upon death have really bumped up the overall difficulty. After playing all weekend I think I like the changes, and its just getting used to change

Natural human emotion and all that!
So yeah, game is amazing and I love it.