I'm getting destroyed by all the
atm. >.< Even with a Magic Quarz +2 and Great Magic Barrier...it hurts so much guys. 
sorcerers in the Shrine of Amana
Kill invaders
The tables turned for me when I got my hands on Lightning Spear.
Hey people, silly question but: What's your favorite NPC so far?
Lucatiel. Love her design and like her story so far. After seeing the mask I was shocked that A) she was a woman and B) she wasn't a crazy murderous asshole like Lautrec.
Too bad she's kinda useless as a summon.
These guys made me swear so much. Attempting them solo as a FTH build proved to be quite vexing.
One thing that I'm noticing mid-game that is kind of...I don't know, disappointing? Compared to Dark Souls 1 is that I don't feel like I'm trudging through a continuous path anymore, constantly pushing forward deeper and deeper into madness.
It's just sort of become, warp to this area, beat a boss, warp to the next area, beat the next boss, warp to the nex....etc. etc. It's been a few hours now since I've just been able to keep pushing forward through a continuous chain of areas. I keep hitting dead ends after bosses.
Lucatiel. Love her design and like her story so far. After seeing the mask I was shocked that A) she was a woman and B) she wasn't a crazy murderous asshole like Lautrec.
Too bad she's kinda useless as a summon.
The spiders dropped for me a Ricard's Rapier and a Zweihander so far... is it a bug?
About to get my estus flask number 12. It is amazing how much easier the game becomes the further you get into it and you begin to stabilize. It was the same way for DkS as well.
How do I summon her???
You have to be human. Her summon sign in No Man's Wharf is up in the high up area where you flip a switch and a gate opens. It's on one side of the gate.
You can summon her in Sinner's Rise and some other places as well.
I'm getting destroyed by all theatm. >.< Even with a Magic Quarz +2 and Great Magic Barrier...it hurts so much guys.sorcerers in the Shrine of Amana![]()
Also, does anyone else have a problem with there not being any cinematics before the boss fights? The first boss was the only one that showed me a cutscene.
Yes, some of the boss fights seem very ho-hum and this doesn't help. You don't really get a chance to look at their designs because it's straight into the fight.Also, does anyone else have a problem with there not being any cinematics before the boss fights? The first boss was the only one that showed me a cutscene.
I haven't even found that yet and I am up to 11
Yes, some of the boss fights seem very ho-hum and this doesn't help. You don't really get a chance to look at their designs because it's straight into the fight.
Im trying to solo them cause I have no effigies, but I might have to scrap that plan. The first one is easy enough when you get the dodging down, but fighting the other two at once is where I always die. I got a swordsman build but didn't even realize it was geared towards dexterity. Oh well.
lol I just summoned someone and then rolled off the ledge like 50 feet from the bonfire -_-
My xbox can't go online ;_;
Hey people, silly question but: What's your favorite NPC so far?
Uhm, interesting.There's a weird sort of stat dead zone between 20 and 30 INT. After you hit 30 it'll start giving you decent bonuses for raising it again. I'm guessing it's to prevent people from going beyond 20 points if they're not going for a dedicated sorcery or hex build, but it's mighty odd all the same.
I have a problem with my PS3 version. The game basically turn dark and display nothing occasionally. I can open TV menu using the remote just fine but the PS3 won't display anything. The game is still running in the dark as I have died multiple times during the pitch black. On very rare occasion the signal seems to be loss altogether showing the gibberish static screen.
This only happen when playing Dark Souls 2. I can switch to other disc-based and/or digital game no problem. I even switch HDMI cable.
Is this a known issue or is my disc defect or something?
Damn, beat the game with 8. I found a shard to get to 9 afterward in Brightstone.
Can't believe how much stuff I've missed
Also have beaten the other two, but finding this considerably easier so far. Although it's my first sorcerer too. So instead of in close dodging and parrying, I just hang back and cheese everyone.But I've found enough melee loot I'm tempted to respec later.
I'm not even sure I'm playing Sorcerer right, but seems to be working so far.
Upgrade a bow and cheese them. It's the only way to beat that section without wanting to kill yourself.
kinda early don't you think ? but with that said I'm definitely putting the blue print down in my head for one.so anyone doing a SL1 run yet?
Whoever did the voice acting for Vengarl has an amazing voice. I want to listen to an audiobook by that guy.
so anyone doing a SL1 run yet?
A ton of them are really well hidden so don't feel bad. Most people know about the early flasks and boss flasks but there are random ones hidden behind illusionary walls or passage ways with little to no foot traffic.
General locations are below:
2 in Majula
cardinal tower
2 in Brightstone Cove
Shaded Ruins
Shaded Woods
No Man's Wharf
Harvest Valley
Lost Bastille
Drangelic Castle (?)
Shrine of Amara
You can also strengthen the flask to +5 in the first run through (that I know of)
You have to learn to dodge sooner of later.![]()
Im SL 61, should I stop leveling? I'm trying to raise my dex and I enjoy being summoned so I have a ton of souls early game. I don't want to be punished.
I was going to say only on bosses, but if I have trouble as a Sorcerer all I need to do is summon someone to act as a punching bag/distraction. Have yet to use Yearn though, maybe that would even help enough.
She was the most valuable summon ever for me against new game+Lucatiel. Love her design and like her story so far. After seeing the mask I was shocked that A) she was a woman and B) she wasn't a crazy murderous asshole like Lautrec.
Too bad she's kinda useless as a summon.