I didn't plan on doing a hybrid build as I love magic. Is there a difference between these two aside from the different stats at the beginning? Can a sorcerer cast better spells in the endgame or do both classes have access to all spells in the game?
Furthermore, I heard the pyro was nerfed in v1.05 - what about the sorcerer?
Is there something like a Kris Blade (Demon's Souls) that boosts your magic drastically? In Demon's Souls I equipped a Talisman of Beasts (allowed me to cast spells and miracles, both, and scaled the damaged based on intelligence AND faith!) in my left and a Kris Blad in my right only for the damage buff - Its only physical purpose was to destroy crates. Are there items similar to these two in Dark Souls?
Thank you!
edit: Sorcerer is useless in PvP?

Is there no Fire Spray spell any longer? Can you guys recommend me a kickass build that's suited for PvE and PvP? I know it's irrational, but I can't enojoy an RPG when I'm not headed for the best build possible.