Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Enemy drops? yes, it is random.
Are some items "rare?"
Enemy drops? yes, it is random.
Are some items "rare?"
Yes, although in most cases these are on respawning enemies, and in the case of those that aren't, the items generally aren't very good. For example, one of the first bosses can drop a weapon and/or a piece of armor randomly, but neither are particularly good.
I still don't have that fucking trident
No, there isn't. Gwyn's tomb is a dead end.
Yes, but it's a pain in the ass if you don't and you might as well unless you are deliberately going for a "kill the literal minimun bosses to beat the game" run.
Well, I just found a strange bug... Joined Sunbro Covenant, and somehow my character is stuck perpetually kneeling. Can't use items, can't access inventory, can't move at all. I'm afraid to hit the reset button.![]()
So even yard trash can drop good loot?
On NG+++ now, i've discovered that all bosses in this game are optional except:
*The first boss
*Great Wolf Sif
*The 2 bell bosses
*The 4 lord soul bosses
*Ceaseless Discharge
every other boss can be skipped. quite cool really.
I have an urking feeling there may be a way to skip ceaseless discharge if you have an absurd amount of HP and can survive running across the lava towards the bonfire by the Capra Demons, but that's not possible unless you save edit.
edit: Actually, I have a theory that skipping great wolf sif might be possible, but it depends on if you can summon white phantoms, have them jump into the abyss and trigger the boss while you camp on the stairs
Gwyn's tomb contains three treasure chests at the end, one of them contains the Lordvessel, so yes, O&S can be skipped by killing Gwyndolin, otherwise you'll find that chest to be empty when you do kill him.
How can you reach Anor Lando without beating Iron Golem ? and can you run past Pinwheel to the ladder ?
Actually, I think there's a bug where you can trigger the cutscene before you beat him. Dunno if they fixed it in the patch, though.
Also, I forgot about Iron Golem, fiddlesticks. thanks for that lol
I'm finally going to be able to start a new character after Namco was rude enough to release the patch while I had no time to play the game, and I'm pondering my weapon choices. The plan is a no-shield, Faith-oriented character with enough Int to equip some sorcery to use with the Tin Darkmoon Catalyst along with the obligatory Miracles. I want to avoid touching the Strength stat, giving me 12 to work with using Cleric as a starting class. I need 14 Dex for the Parrying Dagger, which puts the Bandit's Knife, Rapier, and Shotel all in the running for my main-hand weapon, but I'm debating whether or not pumping Dex to 20 and opening up Ricard's Rapier and Priscilla's Dagger is worthwhile. I've played around with Priscilla's Dagger and it's pretty fun, but maybe not 6 stat points worth of fun. Never even touched Ricard's Rapier, but I've seen a guy using it in co-op and it seemed pretty neat. Not sure it's 6 stat points neat, though.
PvP build? Because PvE, that's a build that's just hard to play with. Shield is important for PvE. But it's an interesting PvP build. I dislike FAI since it robs me of the melee world if I want to use it, since the best talisman kicks in at 50+ FAI. With INT I can crack it up to 40 before there's no further use, so I can also have 40 DEX.
Why Parrying Dagger if you don't have the AR to do any damage? 40 DEX + bandits + Darkmoon blade and parrying dagger with Hornet's ring seem like a one-shot build, but 20 DEX? Why not just grab the biggest shield in the game and wield a talisman in your right hand if you're going so pure magic?
What's the point of the warp bonfire in the abyss? Can you get back into new londo from it?![]()
What's the point of the warp bonfire in the abyss? Can you get back into new londo from it?![]()
Why Parrying Dagger if you don't have the AR to do any damage? 40 DEX + bandits + Darkmoon blade and parrying dagger with Hornet's ring seem like a one-shot build, but 20 DEX? Why not just grab the biggest shield in the game and wield a talisman in your right hand if you're going so pure magic?
Cannot be used while Transient Curse effect is active.
If you join the Darkwraith covenant you need to go back there to level up your allegiance.
Chaos Rapier +5 with Hornet's Ring will one-shot most non-tank players on riposte. Only 12 DEX needed.
Is Chaos better than Fire in 1.05? I was leaning towards an upgraded Rapier anyhow since it would fit with the off-brand Oswald look I was aiming for.
+5 is unchanged. Chaos is still marginally better at 10 humanity, so I see little reason in making it over fire
Chaos +5 does about 3-5% more damage when backstabbing the black knights in the Kiln compared to Fire +10. That may translate to 50-75 more damage on riposte. A subtle advantage, but significant for that type of play style.
For someone who is doing PvE, it's probably not worth the hassle of maintaining 10 humanity, but once your character goes dedicated PvP, maintaining humanity is not a big deal.
I've been using my Demon Spear +5 ever since I completed Anor Londo, and I really like it. Or to be more precise, I really like strong spears, preferably with an elemental effect. So is there a better choice out there?
Something that probably scales better or has better stats when upgraded?
Thanks!Demon's Spear has STR and DEX C scaling, it is a very nice ranged weapon, but depends on your stats. Not sure if you want damage more that range, but a Lightning Pike +5 has greater damage output, but with no stat scaling and range is not as far..
The delay Strong attack for the Demon Spear for me is turn off, which most of the time you will only be using the normal attack.
Dragonslayer Spear is weaker than Demon Spear but has decent range, but has a projectile as strong attack (one or two handed I forget).
If you want strong spear Lightning pike is awesome for the damage
I found it to be useless.God fucking dammit. I forgot to join the Gravelord covenant before killing Nito. Please tell me the items/equipment are worthless, please.
Is there a way to get rid of this curse in Blighttown (specifically, in the Ash Lake area) or does the game just expect me to restart my file?
Is there a way to get rid of this curse in Blighttown (specifically, in the Ash Lake area) or does the game just expect me to restart my file?
God fucking dammit. I forgot to join the Gravelord covenant before killing Nito. Please tell me the items/equipment are worthless, please.
The Gravelord sword gets pretty powerful after upgrading, and it has Toxic, which is a pretty brutal status effect at low levels and is still a decent distraction at high level play. It can also stagger like a boss. The Gravelord Sword Dance miracles are basically just a reskinned Firestorm and are pretty useless for anything but fooling around; the windup takes FOREVER and pretty much any enemy strong enough to justify its use will just beat the shit out of you before you can even fire it off, and it's even worse in PvP.
This is the most accurate description. While the Gravelord sword is pretty powerful at low levels and I really like the move set, the covenant isn't all that great. The miracles gained through the covenant suck and the PVP items are the worst in the game.
If your question is "how can watch this?" the answer is "by using mmcafe's magical url".This is supposedly part 1 of a 1.05 speed run:
But I can't find the rest of the videos. Anyone fluent in Japanese here (you need an account to view the videos, but registration is all in English)?
Rushing past these skeletons to kill the sorcerer that brings them back to life in The Catacombs is a bit tedious.
Cool area, though.