Holy shit I think I obtained a sword I wasn't "supposed" to get this early. I found a cheap way to range attack the. Does 200 damage compared to the 90ish my longsword was doing. I wreck fools now :loldragon in undead burg or wherever, and as I struck at his tail with arrows it broke off after about 15-20 hits or so and I got a drake sword
How can I play Dark Souls (PS3) offline? Want to stay human, but do not want to get invaded... Is there any way to turn off the wireless? I think it connects automatically.
Almost finished with this awesome game: first run, 90+ hours, SL113. I just have to do Tomb of the Giants and some side stuff. Then it's time to upgrade everything! Can't wait![]()
How can I play Dark Souls (PS3) offline? Want to stay human, but do not want to get invaded... Is there any way to turn off the wireless? I think it connects automatically.
Almost finished with this awesome game: first run, 90+ hours, SL113. I just have to do Tomb of the Giants and some side stuff. Then it's time to upgrade everything! Can't wait![]()
God, I hate slider character customization. Whenever I make female characters in RPGs, I always end up with hideous monstrosities or 12 year olds : /
..although, I'm not sure why I'm worrying, as I'll never see this character's face once I get a decent helmet...
EDIT 3: I named her Astarea. Who'll be my Garl?
Eh..if it connects automatically to the internet through wireless, it's because you set it up that way haha. Turn it off in the network settings.
I spelled it right in the game at leastAnd it should be Astraea
I hate how vague this game is sometimes. It seems that you have to have drained new londo ruins before you can summon. How/Why would I know that? Why is that even the case?
If you've already opened the door with the Crest of Artorias, then you don't really need to. There is a boss in that area that you need to kill though.So, being done with Anor Londo, would it be wise to head over to the Darkroot Basin and do the area behind where the Hydra was? Or is there some other part to the Darkroot Basin that I'm missing?
I hate how vague this game is sometimes. It seems that you have to have drained new londo ruins before you can summon. How/Why would I know that? Why is that even the case?
haha, I waited around for awhile looking to summon someone too.
Also, being invaded and being able to summon in that little strip of land outside of the darkroot forest is dumb. I got invaded while I was at the bonfire there and so I summoned someone right away, we killed the guy, then there was nothing for us to do. If there is no boss then what is the phantom there for? He just used the separation crystal and left as soon as the invader was dead.
I hate how vague this game is sometimes. It seems that you have to have drained new londo ruins before you can summon. How/Why would I know that? Why is that even the case?
haha, I waited around for awhile looking to summon someone too.
Also, being invaded and being able to summon in that little strip of land outside of the darkroot forest is dumb. I got invaded while I was at the bonfire there and so I summoned someone right away, we killed the guy, then there was nothing for us to do. If there is no boss then what is the phantom there for? He just used the separation crystal and left as soon as the invader was dead.
I hate how vague this game is sometimes. It seems that you have to have drained new londo ruins before you can summon. How/Why would I know that? Why is that even the case?
haha, I waited around for awhile looking to summon someone too.
Also, being invaded and being able to summon in that little strip of land outside of the darkroot forest is dumb. I got invaded while I was at the bonfire there and so I summoned someone right away, we killed the guy, then there was nothing for us to do. If there is no boss then what is the phantom there for? He just used the separation crystal and left as soon as the invader was dead.
How bout : OT4 ready 2 ride the coffin?
or: Grim faced DEATH - read all about it in Dark Souls OT4.
or: Death - the real dark souls starts here OT4
edit: ok ez just brainstorming here?!?!!? Never knew folks were so uncomfortable with their ontological existence??!?!?!!?
Pinwheel. Killed him in 4hits with 0dmg taken on my first attempt.Is the Capra Demon the easiest boss? just stumbled across him, didn't even know it would be a boss area and killed him first try
One of my favorite moments in Dark Souls for sure. The place is so serene, and the music... Then the walk up to the. No other game...Dragon
Damn, I missed that. Went to Ash Lake first, though, so probably not quite the same.
Seeing the Great Hollow winding up is indeed awesome. Looking into the distance, I'm sure the horizon is dotted with other trees - no doubt just as massive as the one you come down. You really get a sense of scale down there, like looking into space.
Ash Lake may not have been as impressive as other parts of the game level-design-wise, but as others have said before, the brevity of it all makes it feel very well implemented. That place is not necessarily supposed to challenge you; it's not even necessary to the story. It is just there, and it is integral to the world. Something unique and awe-inspiring that the creators put there for players to witness.
Edit: Have to add that the effect is even greater after the nightmare descent that is Great Hollow. Pretty decent design when you consider the 'reward' factor alone, but in true Souls fashion, not without its own sense of danger.
Ash Lake is a great place, the only bad thing about it is you have to go through the annoying Great Hollow to go there.
Ok, I'm calling off the weird fan-fiction wedding with Thagomizer's sunbrodette. I want to elope with your brain instead.There's also another super subtle genius to the area.
When/if you see the hydra earlier in the Basin, you can never really see the whole thing. It's obscured on your way to it by trees, and then you can't see behind it.
In Ash Lake, you walk in and see it just -- fucking -- swimming there, and, relevantly, you see ALL of it (not just the head, but the tentacles floating behind it). The music en starts playing, you pan the camera around and look at the immensity of the world and then you slowly proceed down the hill before eventually coming face to face with the enormous monster. The difference in scale from when you're high up versus fighting it is just crazy.
Everything I loved about the game, everything I'd worked toward in the game, was solidified during the Ash Lake trip. Nothing about what made it special was thrown in my face, it was all created in my own head, be it throuh connecting the dots or otherwise. It was just a surreal, beautiful moment that I've never had in a video game before. If someone watched a video it would mean nothing to them. Hell, most people who actually play the game probably never even visit that area. But to me, it meant everything, and that's video games being video games.
"the pendant is a lie".
Is the Capra Demon the easiest boss? just stumbled across him, didn't even know it would be a boss area and killed him first try
the thing with all the dogs near him? No, that's where I'm kind of stuck now
Though I imagine he would be pretty easy without the extra enemies.
Yep. I liked your whole post, but this part right here hits the nail on the head.It's just there, forever, until you kill it; another one of your many obstacles, shrouded in mystery.
One of the requirements for summoning to be available is for the boss to be accessible. Until you drain New Londo the boss door is submerged. The areas with golden fog doors blocking the boss work the same way, you can't summon anyone until they're gone.
And Im supposed to know this how? This is what I mean. "One of the requirements" that they never actually laid out or made clear in any way. Its ridiculous. I just hate that they keep so much hidden from you and dont even do a good job of hinting at it. Ive found out most things in this game through either dumb luck or google. Such a shitty way to make a game.
Even the requirement you just gave me makes no sense because there is no other moment where that happens in the game (so far for me anyway). How was I to know the boss wasnt accessible? Am I supposed to blindly assume that there was no boss before you could even drain the level? That there wasnt some minotaur standing right in front of it protecting it? HATE this game sometimes.
But I mostly love it.
And people complain about all the hand-holding this gen.
No, I know what you mean - people voiced the same complaints about Demon's Souls. Really though, there are ways to figure this stuff out without help. So far as I know, nothing is truly unknowable; NPC conversations and cutscenes reveal everything. The trouble is, until you know what they're talking about, you don't know wtf they're talking about. Like how in the beginning of Demon's, when you have to find the Monumental, a lot of players, myself included, didn't know where to go or what to do, but if you watch the cutscene carefully, it spells it right out for you. But you need to know what you're looking for, so it's tricky.
Thinking about it some more, it's how the game replaces the magic of the initial playthrough: for the second playthrough you actually know what the cutscenes are trying to show you and what the NPCs are actually talking about.
Have you opened up the Firelink shortcut through the sewer to the boss door? Makes things easier.
And yeah, trick is take out the dogs first, though that can be a bitch.Capra is fairly easy after that.
I enjoy the little "story" that happens between the witch and her sister (if you have the ring). Very interesting.
Yeah I found the shortcut on my own and figured out the dogs come first but that's easier said then done with that big fucker leaping at me. I almost got him yesterday because I ran up the stairs and one of the dogs kind of knocked me on top of the archway to where I couldn't be hit from the boss. Gave me time to take the dogs out and deal with the boss but I failed anyway. 1 mistake and you're usually done in this game lol.
I dont really mind that I have to talk to NPC's to get a bulk of the story. This is fine. For instance, I enjoy the little "story" that happens between the witch and her sister (if you have the ring). Very interesting.
But with stuff like what I described, I feel that they should do a better job of laying that out. Something like that should be made very clear because otherwise you automatically assume that there is something wrong with the the online component.