Since Im pumping points into Int to accompany my Iaito Sword, Im not really sure if I should go Enchanted for better scaling, or Magic for better base damage.
I'm about to play the game online for the first time since my account finally was unlocked.
I'm terrified.
I'm pretty sure that the only really, positively crucial part is that, but I'm not absolutely certain. That set of steps is just what I did when I set out with the intention ofyou kill the bug and get the Sunlight Maggot before you beat the Centipede Demon and enter Lost Izalith, and is probably a bit more complex than it entirely needs to be. It did work, though.saving Solaire
Yup. The game could do better with explaining the essentials : co-op, humanity, kindling, leveling, casting magic/pyro etc. Anything more, however, should be left to experimentation.
It drove DSPGaming's Phil mad. That playthrough is lolworthy; because he insists on not using the Internet or other sources of info, he dies several times in so many ways, blaming the game for being "frushtrating". Of course, a normal player would try to play with the controls and see what they did - I know I did that in Firelink with weapons to see how they worked.
His channel...
and the crowning moment:
I would often then watch EpicNameBro's videos to see the contrast. A good guide for melee users.
after reviewing yours and my own analysis, there are two crucial points:
a.) get sunlight maggot helm first and kill that bug beofre anythign else just to be safe
b.) hire solaire and talk to him after centipede...i think if you go straight through the shortcut without talking to solare he may not be at the kiln.......I bleleive the official guide stated this but could be wrong.
Haven't seen a summon sign yet, and no one's summoned me. I'm lvl 37 checking around the bonfire in Blighttown, undead parish, firelink.
I hope there aren't network issues with my schools internet.
37 is probably too high to get summoned in parish, you can't get summoned in firelink. Which blighttown bonfire, have you tried the one near the boss?
The swamp one. Now I can't even use my white soapstone for some reason.
You can only use it in certain areas.
One more thing to add is that you shouldn't kill Bed of Chaos via the shortcut before killing the Demon Centipede, otherwise Solaire will not show up after the Centipede.
Why would it not let me use it at the bonfire near andre?
becuase at that point you could go to three different worlds, sens, parish or garden. THe game allows one co-op pairing per boss, that's it. COnnector areas are usually off limits...prettty sure you can't for valley of drakes, but still have not confirmed whether the path to hydra would be open if summoned on the strip between the door to headless lightning demon and the door to the garden (properly the butterfly strip). I know I could drop my soul sign on the path to hydra so I assume you could actually summon help for hydra etc. but not sure if you could do both butterfly and hydra in one swing, assuming you were starting with hydra first.
I guess that's smart. So most of the common summon places are bonfires within areas?
I know I could drop my soul sign on the path to hydra so I assume you could actually summon help for hydra etc. but not sure if you could do both butterfly and hydra in one swing, assuming you were starting with hydra first.
I guess that's smart. So most of the common summon places are bonfires within areas?
I've had both happen, namely getting returned to my world after defeating Hydra and in another instance was allowed to stay, but I don't know for which boss because I was an idiot and returned home thinking the game was glitching. Haven't tried again since. I wonder if we could have gone up the ladders?
right, the most logical places to pick up help are at the start of a level, or in front of boss doors. the hotspots are as follows in order of my own perception of hotness:
1a,) Anor Londo (and painted world)- soul farming, plus reprisal, plus sunlight, plus best boss battle of the series in Orn and Smu. wide variety of SL' atleast 30 though.
1.) b.) Kiln - SL60-100 - obviously the classiest area to drop the red stone for straight duels - still enough griefers around to wreck a clean slate of PVP for gwyn, solaire etc.
2.) Darkroot Garden - always tonnes of noobs wearing the Alvina ring ready to assault anyone wandering into the garden - help for Sif. wide variety of SL's
3,) Queelag - owing to fire and pyro being pretty much useless, lots of help is required ...the hotpsot is the bonfire down in the middle of the swamp, as the mildred npc phantom invasion happens just outside the door - extra souls for helpers here 8000 after patch!! - can't remember the last time I waited for a summon more than 5 minutes here at SL 25-45 that is.
4. a.)) Sen's fortress (golem) - lots of fun level wise and tonnes of low level scammers like me trying to get lightning spear at SL 25 etc. so could get all types up to SL50-60 even.
4.b.)) Gaping (which I hear has an recent influx of even more traffic than normal, again becuase of easy prey in the NPC invasion line with Kirk providing the bait, plus an easy boss - and solaire medals.
5.) Obviousy gargoyles in early game but this trails off later...still get the odd NG+ person doign it at SL100.
6.) Capra door -always someone wanting help with Cpara...thinner than above though owing to wide SL's possibly wandering by.
7.) Crystal cave - bonfire before park while still in seaths tail this way, tough on own otherwise.
the rest get a smattering, but not enough to make it a "hotspot" ironically the laval areas are not so hot, but the first bonfire gets a few hits...always had help for firesage.
Zero for stray demon / asylum - not tried valley of drakes, dropped near hydra so assume yes but unconfirmed. NOt sure about havel wearing dude watch tower area.
Yesterday I beat Nito and completed the Tomb of the Giants. Now it's time to upgrade my weapons and armors I think. My character is 40 END, 50 STR, 25 FAITH.
So far I have:
- Zweihander (lightning +5)
- Flamberge (fire +10)
- Claymore (normal +15)
- BK Axe (+5)
- Great Club (divine +10)
I still have 1 titanite slab left, what other weapon should I upgrade to +15? Any suggestions?
I tried using the Greataxe, but I find its reach a bit too short. Not really my playstyle.
Also, what dragon weapon do you guys think is the best for a STR build?
So what gift should I roll with?
So what gift should I roll with?
and class. New.
Well I put my summon sign down in Blighttown for about 15-20 minutes and nothing. How do I do the thing where you switch servers?
Could this just mean my NAT settings are preventing me from being summoned? I'm able to see messages and bloodstains, but I haven't seen a single summon sign when I'm human.
Knight or Warrior? Read so many different opinions on the Key.
I've been pondering a Grant build but I've been wondering something about the logistics of it. Can you get it before? As I recall it's impossible for real invaders to invade in areas with the golden fog still in place, but I'm not sure about NPC phantoms. The spawn point is before the golden fog, so it's mostly just a question of if he'll actually show up when you make it down there. Anymore I consider an early run to theplacing the Lordvesselto be mandatory on a Faith character anyhow, so going a little further wouldn't hurt as long as I was already down there.Tomb of Giants
I suppose if it's impossible to get it early it could be kind of fun to get the Demon's Great Hammer and use it as a stop-gap. And then as a tool to acquire Grant.
"Hello Leeroy, I am so glad you could make it to my invitation-only Humongous Hammer Hoedown."
Since Im pumping points into Int to accompany my Iaito Sword, Im not really sure if I should go Enchanted for better scaling, or Magic for better base damage.
No, you have to have placed the lordvessel for him to show up. I was using the Dragon King Greataxe up until I got it, as I mentioned in my post above, but I knocked him off of the cliff and had to play through the entire game and get to NG+ to get the grant.
I really wouldn't recommend the build if you want to be doing Kiln PVP, as the weapon is so slow. It's a lot of fun to roleplay as Leeroy and invade in the Tomb of Giants though.
Knight or Warrior? Read so many different opinions on the Key.
I'm not sure whether that video was the result of the game not explaining itself or his own inattention. He goes off on lengthy rants about the game spawning an extra Treant in a room (it clearly does not) and the amount of damage the stone knight dealt him in "one hit" (he is actually hit 3 times).
Knight looks cooler, but Warrior looks like nice dps.
Knocking him off the cliff is pretty harsh. Building an entire character around a single weapon and then having an over-exuberant holy warrior carry it straight to the bottom of Ash Lake is a very Dark Souls thing to have happen, though.
I'm not really concerned about PvP. The fact that every character I make inevitably spends half their life as a friendly ghost has made me always aim for every character to have some baseline level of PvP competency, but the idea of making an actual dedicated PvP build interests me not in the slightest.
I'm actually running a Faith character right now that I was planning on having use everything of Leeroy's save Grant, but I'm not too chuffed with him and might start over with an eye towards making a full-blown Leeroy build. I'm going to have to just get over my aversion to having the clunky roll if I do that, I suppose.
That was the single angriest moment of my vidya game playing career, and I posted a rant in this thread immediately after it happened. If you have to wear the paladin armor you would probably have a clunky roll. I did that for effect, but it was not practical at all. I've got:
Grant and darkmoon talisman in the right hand. Iron round shield in the left hand. Mask of the Father, Catarina chest, black knight gauntlets, catarina leggings. Ring of favor and dark wood grain ring.
That puts me at 55.1/110.4 equip load and with the ninja roll. The only big downside is that I have no range attacks whatsoever. At 8 dex the only bow/crossbow I could use that also did decent damage was the heavy crossbow, but that put me over the weight limit so I had to stop using it. I don't even have the drake sword because of this.
Sorry everyone, I will stop posting so much...
I have a question about the lord vessel. Now that I have it, is it at all possible to? Or is it a one or the other deal?join the Darkwraith covenant and still keep Frampt around
scriptedmxgt said:hah, just had my first invasion while exploring the depths, was pretty exciting.
despatched him rather easily and got 7k souls![]()
Does it matter which one you do? I guess dealing with Frampt means I can get toOne or the other.
Nope. Just grab what you can and get out of there.Does anything in the tut matter?
I killed the guy that gave me the flask.
The main benefit of joining the Darkwraiths is to invade random people without their consent, so if you're not into that, not much point.Does it matter which one you do? I guess dealing with Frampt means I can get to?The Duke's Archives earlier
hah, just had my first invasion while exploring the depths, was pretty exciting.
despatched him rather easily and got 7k souls![]()
probably the NPC one kirk.
Nope. Just grab what you can and get out of there.
Has anyone ever tried the hollow or ash lake??
I think the requirements for co-op are too strict. I understand why they do it that way, but I also think a more open co-op system would be good fun. Just summon someone at Firelink and explore/rack up souls with them etc. It sucks that once an area is finished you just can't summon there at all.
I suppose that's why you should put down your summon sign after a certain point, but I've only been summoned once, even post-patch.
The co-op part of the game is great, but it's too complicated and doesn't work as well as it should on a technical level.