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David Jaffe: It's Youtube Grifters that Killed Veilguard


i am in 55 hours in and i can tell you that grifters have nothing to do with the death of this franchise. Vailguard is possibly one of the worst written game ever and it never stops treating the player like an idiot. it is incredibly shallow and sadly very dull.

Only reason why i am this deep in the game is there are few reediming qualities and i always listen to podcast when i am playing the game therefor i can ignore the most infurriating part of it: the dialog.

Acting is awful
Combat is repetative
Story is boring
Characters are idiotic
Narrative is insulting
Side missions are neverending

I like the art style and world design and i am obsessed with taash. The worst written character in existance, completely moronic baffoon, devoid of any self awarness. Hillarious mockery of wokeness, while trying desparetly to be ultra woke.


He lost my respect long ago when he was triggered by this tweet:

What a clown!



Bioware chose to introduce the world to Veilguard with a reveal trailer than can, at best, be described as "fucking awful". There was not a single thing appealing in that reveal, so as a fan of Inquisition, I was out from the get go. Given it's failure, I imagine I'm not alone. Baby's first RPGs pretending to be low-IQ Marvel non-sense pretending to be a game from a legendary RPG developer doesn't rank on my list of things to play. I'd rather watch STALKER 2 melt my CPU.
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Grifters alone cannot kill anything. Why do those grifters have audiences? How big is their audience? Why does their audience listen to them?

There has to be some truth to what they are saying or they will not gain any traction. Most of the gaming media praised this game to high heavens, while a few creators trashed it. Ultimately people didn't like what they saw.
Grifters alone cannot kill anything. Why do those grifters have audiences? How big is their audience? Why does their audience listen to them?

There has to be some truth to what they are saying or they will not gain any traction. Most of the gaming media praised this game to high heavens, while a few creators trashed it. Ultimately people didn't like what they saw.
That's the grift of alternate media. Peddling truth. Makes it harder for legacy media to construct a narrative.

blue velvet

Political grifters in the gaming industry is what killing these games. Those content creators are just the result of years of political pandering, forced diversity, and absolute shitty writing from these developers. They think they can't force their personal politics and get away with it. Make them hacks accountable.


If anything killed Veilguard, its the writing quality that did not come anywhere close to the quality of its predecessors. Andromeda had better writing than this. Even the ones who gave Veilguard a chance and saw some redeeming qualities cannot defend the game's writing, the biggest competitive advantage for a Bioware game.


People seem to want to have it both ways

Either DEI is killing games and therefore influencers bringing attention to this surely contributes to that.

Or it's because the game is bad in some other fundamental way e.g.bad writing, gameplay or graphics etc.

Which is it?
Why not both, DEI in the game and in the dev studio 9 out of 10 times makes the game much worse so game is bad and on top it has woke stuff in it, thats what killed DA:V :)


Gold Member
It's actually not that deep and there's no conspiracy. What killed Dragon Age The Veilguard:
- too modern language and lots of anachronisms, and I don't even mean things like trans or non-binary, but the little things such as "team" instead of "party"
- an RPG in which you can't play a bad guy (douchebag or complete psychopath is not possible, "bad" only as in a mildly unfriendly character type)
- moral or background can't be shaped via dialogues; like the director wants to avoid any kind of escalation
- the protagonist constantly babysit his/her companions and intervene like they were kids
- big ludonarrative dissonance; beggars in the street and a narrative that tells you how bad things are while coins are literally lying everywhere when to destroy pots and stuff; also health potions
- repetitive combat system
- lackluster facial animations that doesn't fit the tone and mood of the voice actors/actresses
- visual art style that doesn't fit most fan expectations
- braindead puzzles where the solution is either spelled out, given away by companions or is just literally a camera sway away
- very limited skills, no lockpicking skills, no intelligence or charisma; there's no lockpicks
- dialogues without any skill checks
- gameplay doesn't allow to play out your role (e.g. a rogue... there's nothing really rogue-ish to do in this game)
- simplistic and stereotypical main villain(s)
- companion quests work in the same archaic way it already had in Mass Effect 1 where everyone tells you that need to their stuff so they can focus on their main task... and they tell you that one by one at the round table like it's everyone's turn
- changing visual style of (ugly) characters and/or races to make them more aesthetical pleasing
- lots of repititons in Varric's summaries, e.g. constant mentioning of the villains -> poor writing and narrative
- dialogue answer icons doesn't match the spoken lines, often the text doesn't match, too (while the text calls someone an idiot, your character just says something like "What are YOU doing here?")
- little conflict in dialogues even if you pick the "meanest" answer... which isn't mean at all
- stealing gold in a church with countless dead bodies isn't side-eyed or mentioned at all by any companion
- companions banter setting in too early even before you arrive at the point they're reffering to
- some companions acting like children and teenagers when they are so terrified by the environment they match their tone to something scary, like the narrator in an audio book for children
- constant banter and congratulations with bro and buddy attitude in combat that doesn't fit the universe or dangerous situation
- very few decisions with drastic consequences
- dialogue system that points out that your answer will end a romance for good or pursue a romance, but without final commiting; that's video game romance for dummies
- following quest markers is easy as riding on a railroad
- copy and paste caves and rooms
- lackluster and udnerwhelming loot
- most locations lack credibility with almost empty taverns
- no NPC daily routines (something a little game called Gothic in 2001 already managed to do), no reactive behaviour of NPCs to the player, like the barkeeper don't say anything when you jump behind the bar
- no or few NPCs at the docks or ships
- environment doesn't match NPCs behaviour or inventory; a trader standing beforevarious paintings only trades... vases... of course
- one NPC is supposed to be in jail for many many years and yet when you arrive he looks like fresh out of shower and is heavily equiped

Not sure If I've mentioned everything, but it's still quite exhaustive already.

It's simply not a good role playing game. It's a very simplistic combat-orientated action adventure with bad writing. That's it. There's no anti-Veilguard agenda, no conspiracy. Just as some gamers focus on the gender stuff to talk this game down (while there's plenty of other reason to not like this game), there's a number of players focusing on these people and deny all the criticism that has nothing to do at all with diversity attempts.
Half your list is no surprise given the new art cover. I've never even played a DA game. I've just skimmed YT videos of the various games and Veilguard seems so much more bubbly and childish. The cut scene dialogue in Veilguard is a laugh. It's literally Fortnite cheesy just like the cover.

At the risk of setting myself on fire here. He's not completely wrong.

People are already starting on Avowed simply because we now know you choose pronouns in the character creator.

The obvious solution is if that kind of stuff bothers you, ignore it, play something else. Leave it for people who want it. There's more than enough games for all of us out there. No need to set fire to it because it hurts your feelings.

But we're not ready for that conversation.
Google Pout GIF

SF Kosmo

I think Veilguard had a really garbage marketing cycle and rollout. I could have told you it was gonna tank long before the grifters were coming for it.

Grifters make everything worse but I don't think they have as much impact as people think, they just take up a lot of oxygen.
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Gold Member
I remember the reboot of G4TV calling people nerds if they had a problem with their stuff.

It is like, yeah, your audience are nerds. Jackasses.


Gold Member
I remember the reboot of G4TV calling people nerds if they had a problem with their stuff.

It is like, yeah, your audience are nerds. Jackasses.
Some industries seem to have employees (content creators or media personalities) who seem to out of touch with the customer base.

I think a key problem isn't just weird people with personal politics thinking they are gods on TV or making video games, but the industry can sometimes go apeshit doing 180s on their new game when a similar kind of game (sequel) that is simply better than the last game can be good enough.

I totally get that RPGs are totally different than FIFA roster updates or a shooter where the biggest difference is the maps, but even for RPGs you can still walk the trend. If it's a darker game with controllable NPCs being the key features. Keep doing it if thats what they want and the sales are still good. Why risk fucking it up with a colourful cheesy dialogue game and no controllable NPC?

It's like movies. Sometimes a new director comes in and has do his own 180 rebooting the movie his way (Spiderman with Peter Parker in high school for the 25th time). Well, maybe the better thing is just keep doing what the last director did.
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Nah, i played 30+ hours of it, veilguard killed veilguard.

Yup crap af game. Just dropped it after 30 too. They even made it a pain in the arse to skip dialogue, which is what I've been doing the last 5 hours i've played. Boring combat, crap story, "thE GoDs," boring characters, fast-travel the game.
The reason why I say we're not ready to have that conversation isn't me being a dick. I honestly think we cannot have this conversation because both sides thinks the other side is the worst thing in society and there are actors in both camps actively and needlessly antagonizing the other group just for the hell of it or because they're genuinely misguided.

sorry but that sounds intellectually dishonest , only one side tries to restrict what the other can do

But you know who those people are. The ones saying things like "straight white men gamers are ruining video games", or "DEI kills art".

no, the one saying "straight white men gamers are ruining video games" try to restrict what others do and like while the ones saying "DEI kills art" never restrict what others like or do, they simply refuse to buy thing they don't like, yet they are called names, curiously one side represents the actual clients and their rights and now we see the oppressing side crumbling as the real consumers are using their right to not buy products they dont like

I'll say that I disagree with most of the more vocal people on here when it comes to this topic. And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing. For the most part, I feel like we're talking past each other and cherry picking what we respond to(I've been guilty of this too). That's unfortunately what debating online has devolved into. The sad thing is nowadays if we disagree on one thing, we automatically have to dislike each other. Another reason why we just can't have this conversation.
no, one side simply stated one day to restrict the other side, as I said they dont want to have a conversation they want to dictate what most consumers are to like and buy
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If David Jaffe had a woman, he would the biggest cuckold of a husband this planet has ever seen. He has that mentality.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
The pendulum is swinging back, hard. Games with woke agendas are suffering badly. People don’t want politics in their entertainment - they just want to be entertained. Now that companies are seeing it affect their bottom line, they’ll have no choice but to listen.


He lost my respect long ago when he was triggered by this photo:

Imagine looking up to your partner as a superhero. God forbid!

He'd probably be the first out of the house if a fire broke out.

Or send his kid down in the middle of the night to see what that noise was downstairs.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I was done when I saw they turned it into an action game. Then I saw how they wanted to lecture people about the trans stuff and I was convinced it was dead and BioWare with it.

They will do the same thing with mass effect.


I feel clueless idiots like this can't ever decide until it's convenient for their cope, if these so called grifters have no power/influence, or all the power.

I've loved Bioware CRPGs since Baldur's Gate 1, I made mods for Neverwinter Nights...but I wouldn't play this game if it was given to me for free.

Dumb Mid-tier action combat, CW-tier cringe dialog, all wrapped up in a sanded down Disney looking slant of an aesthetic.

We went from a dude slashing a blood trail from a demon, the blood trail formed a dragon, that coiled into the logo while Marilyn Manson music played in the trailer for Origins...but nah some youtubers made Veilguard sales slump.

Only consistency is how many of these older devs have lost the plot, and can't even relate to their former audience anymore.


" one hit wonder " game developer wants attention

A while back somebody on GAF was giving him shit, he responded to them, put them on blast, and told the person they would never know anything about being at the top of the world like he was.

Total tool, and people give him too much credit. Who cares if he worked on God of War if he never did anything after that.


Gold Member
A while back somebody on GAF was giving him shit, he responded to them, put them on blast, and told the person they would never know anything about being at the top of the world like he was.

Total tool, and people give him too much credit. Who cares if he worked on God of War if he never did anything after that.
I find it amazing that any videogame employees thinks they could be top of the world no matter how popular a game is. A lot of them seem to think just because they made a game suddenly they are Brad Pitt or Lebron James.

But that's video game people for ya.

Even the biggest money makers like Fortnite and COD not only have tons of people working on the game to share the credit, but compared to mainstream stuff like whichever band of key people is in charge of Coke sales or marketing or R&D lab team who makes new pop that sells billions makes infinitely more company revenue, is a much more famous brand, and it's steady sales every year. Yet, there's not one person at Coke anyone has heard of, nor do any of them seem to care about being a popular streamer for clicks. At least I've never heard of anyone. I had to google it and the CEO as a start is named James Quincey.
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Jaffe has a trans kid so he’s invested in all things LGBT.
Yep. He fully subscribed to far-left ideologies and, unsurprisingly, lost his mind as a result.

I actually followed him on Twitter for a long time (had a lot of respect for him as the creator of two seminal gaming franchises), and watched him fall apart in real time. Damn shame, really.
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Gold Member
Yep. He fully subscribed to far-left ideologies and, unsurprisingly, lost his mind as a result.

I actually followed him on Twitter for a long time (had a lot of respect for him as the creator of two seminal gaming franchises), and watched him fall apart in real time. Damn shame, really.
Guy is bored to death. And nobody seems to want to hire him for anything else. 1 game in 12 years. And the last one (which bombed) was 7 years ago.

He's not even that old. But I think I'd be losing my marbles too if I resorted to streaming for 7 years, where hardly anyone views the content too. His YT channels biggest viewed videos almost all relate to God of War. Still milking it. Recent videos only get about 2,000 views.
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Thinks Microaggressions are Real
sorry but that sounds intellectually dishonest , only one side tries to restrict what the other can do
One side is saying people who want to make games with the content that Veilguard and Concord shipped with shouldn't be allowed to make games. One side is saying things like "Pronouns in fantasy games shouldn't exist". Those sound like restrictions to me. What do they sound like to you?

Guy is bored to death. And nobody seems to want to hire him for anything else. 1 game in 12 years. And the last one (which bombed) was 7 years ago.

He's not even that old. But I think I'd be loosing my marbles too if I resorted to streaming for 7 years, where hardly anyone views the content too. His YT channels biggest viewed videos almost all relate to God of War. Still milking it.
Yeah, I don't think he has another game in him.


The nicest person on this forum
One side is saying people who want to make games with the content that Veilguard and Concord shipped with shouldn't be allowed to make games. One side is saying things like "Pronouns in fantasy games shouldn't exist". Those sound like restrictions to me. What do they sound like to you?
I’m not fan of either Veilguard or Concord but devs have every fucking right to make those games.

I also don’t like the idea restricting devs, they should allowed to make whatever they want but us as consumer also allowed to like or not like them.
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Gold Member
I’m not fan of either Veilguard or Concord but devs have every fucking right to make those games.

I also don’t like the idea restricting devs, they should allowed whatever they want but us consumer Im also allowed like or not like them.

You know the old saying.... the customer is always right. And I agree when it comes to freedom of choice to like or buy what they want.

Problem is many companies (not just gaming) have employees who like to rock the boat and try to bully a product how they want it. Not how the customer wants it. See recent Tropicana news on bottles, which looks like they didnt learn anything from their 2009 debacle. 2009 was artwork. 2024 is bottle shape.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
I’m not fan of either Veilguard or Concord but devs have every fucking right to make those games.

I also don’t like the idea restricting devs, they should allowed to make whatever they want but us as consumer also allowed to like or not like them.
100% agree on both statements.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I’m not fan of either Veilguard or Concord but devs have every fucking right to make those games.

I also don’t like the idea restricting devs, they should allowed to make whatever they want but us as consumer also allowed to like or not like them.
GAF won't abide by that lmao.

I played both Concord and Veilguard. Concord had a lot of bad designs, some good ones, and some fun gunplay --- but nothing "crack" addicting was here like a CS, Valorant, OW, CoD, Apex, etc etc. It was missing the sauce, and all the drama around the game would've brought the sauce down if it had it.

Veilguard held my interest for about 20 hours until I finally realized this game on the hardest difficulty made every single fight the exact same encounter. Truly boring ass repeat play. It does look good, it does run well, and has some fun dress up for the character, but it's a RPG lite at best. The story decision felt pointless, and the stakes just weren't there. I got bored of "why" i was doing this idiotic grind.


All the trans, nouns, LGBTBBQ+pulled pork shit honestly doesn't matter. Put w/e you want in the game and if you do it in a in your face, asshole way, and sacrifice a good game to push an agenda? Yeah your game will flop. Always.

Counter argument? BG3. Has a ton of this goofball shit, and yet people adore the game to heaven and back.

TLDR: These devs just need to focus on making a great game. The rest doesn't matter.
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