I'm so tired of CG reveals.
And now we have to wait almost two months for some gameplay? Why.
Just curious, but why do you care? You can't play until the fall anyway, so if they show gameplay now or in June, what difference does it actually make?
I'm so tired of CG reveals.
And now we have to wait almost two months for some gameplay? Why.
fingers crossed for more open worlds with actual side-quests and characters to find and talk to.
Overall hoping for Destiny to be more of an rpg then just an action game this game. The shooting mechanics were fine but the first one left a LOT to be desired when it came to it's overall world design/structure and story elements.
Okay now I'm confused on which version to get, I was sure PS4 was gonna have the biggest playerbase, but kb+m is hard to pass up and PC could potentially overtake the PS4 playerbase. This will be a crucial decision.
Who are these many of us?Many of us were expecting to see some sort of new alien race (black pyramid ships, personality) that would elevate the conflict to new juicy heights. Or perhaps the next evolution of the Hive or Vex. Not the Cabal. I hate fighting the Cabal.
I'm with you. Shame more aren't. Destiny burned a fair number of us bad on day one. Hell, Destiny right now, as of today is still almost less than the originally promised lol.
Excited but need to see and hear lots more.
The point is cayde didnt say "go take down orville! Or is it omar..Oryx?...ANYWAY DO IT FOR THE LOOT!"
He called them stashes as well. Not "loot". Hes going for that lol funny random thing
That isnt working because apparently hes deadpool now. Im certainly not the only one who noticed.
Easy drive byes. Just ignore them. The trailer captured their disparate personalities perfectly. I swear it's like some of the commenters haven't played the game before. I'm excited for sure, preordered all three LEs.
Was Cayde this annoying in the first game? I mained a Titan character so I didn't interact with him that much.
Trailer did nothing for me.
8th and 18th. I'm confused about the 9th and 19th also lolNirolak, the date for the gameplay premiere is May 18, not 19. Right?
Little confused, what's the difference between digital deluxe and game+season pass on psn? Seems like the digital deluxe comes with expansion pass as well so it kinda makes the other version useless.
September 9th?
Does the game really launch on a Saturday!?
September 9th?
Does the game really launch on a Saturday!?
No because it launches on Sept 8thSeptember 9th?
Does the game really launch on a Saturday!?
The humor was just on the edge of cheese, but was done well enough to be funny. Lookin good.
trailer says september 8th??
Which has to be considered a good thing. Friday releases >>>>>>>> tuesday releases
You shouldn't have to play a new game's predecessor and its multiple DLCs to make a criticism on the trailers of said new game. If it hasn't done its job in selling newcomers (of which, seeing as this is on PC now, there will be many) then it hasn't done its job.
So any news of Pro/Scorpio support? I have to imagine there will be, right?
So any news of Pro/Scorpio support? I have to imagine there will be, right?
So any news of Pro/Scorpio support? I have to imagine there will be, right?
I've never played Destiny outside of a bit of the first demo and all I can get from the two trailers is that Destiny 2 is looking to ape the comedic styles of Borderlands, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc. I'm not being shown a game that takes itself seriously as a space opera/sci-fi so a comedy is what I'll see it as. It wasn't particularly funny to me at all so if this is the tone Destiny 2 is taking then I'm skeptical at best.
It might just be the one character. But it's the one and only character who been very prominently feature in both the teaser and trailer.
It could turn out not to be as comedy focused as these two video's are. But so far all we have to base this on is what Bungie shows us. And what they've shown us is Cayde-6.
I'm talking about the commenters on this thread. Besides this trailer will excite the core for the game and that's what they wanted. The casuals will buy it because it's a big holiday game and they'll be told to buy it. Cayde being Cayde isnt for hyping little Johnny down the street wanting a new game for Christmas. Not sure what the issue us here.
A single character's personality is not a reflection or representation of a game's tone.
I'd wait for a story trailer tbh.
Anybody have a video for the preorder theme on PSN?
The guy has been stuck behind s desk for years give him a break.He was definitely humorous/snarky, but not to this degree. He seems a lot more self-serving and annoying in the trailer than in the game, IMO
You're deadpool.The guy has been stuck behind s desk for years give him a break.
What's with this place and Deadpool, first the other day in OT people thought spider-man was too much like Deadpool
Now today, cause, a sarcastic, snarky AI is Deadpool?
Come on people