You're all getting worked up over one character. One fucking character.
Why wouldn't you wait for the gameplay reveal before judging the game as a whole?
Fucking hell...
I mean, it's the overall tone that people are talking about. Obviously there will be more to say once they reveal gameplay, but after being burned by Destiny 1, people are viewing all of these trailers with skepticism and caution, because we don't want to shell out a bunch of money for a game that ends up disappointing.
And, uh, sorry for discussing a game on a game discussion forum, i guess?
this all basically amounts to "i bought a game blindly without doing any research, and i didn't like it. since i didn't like it, i will rage about it for years, and you'll have to listen to it."
People did research, but Bungie falsely advertised the game. They showed footage of stuff that was never put into the original game (or even the game in its current state), said it would be an open world MMO, etc.
Also, plenty of people who gripe about Destiny also love many aspects of the game. If people didn't like the game, they wouldn't be invested enough to discuss and critique it. You can enjoy some aspects of a game while still critiquing other glaring problems in it.