It is when everyone cheers, despite having their friends killed and homes destroyed. That action only makes sense if they are responding to "loot" the way the audience would, rather than their characters.
If you're going to try to take deeper perspective, walk it the whole way through instead of just stopping where it's convenient for your point.
The people who were cheering are Guardians. Who were dead for who knows how long before being revived by their own Ghosts. They have no family. They also die
routinely. And are brought back. I
n fact, they kill and revive each other repeatedly when they train in the Crucible. Guardians who die truly die happen less often but it does happen constantly. The very nature of Guardians lives is kill and be killed over and over fighting in a virtually unwinnable war against groups of enemies they have barely any understanding of.
They would be deeply, deeply, screwed up beings. And deeply screwed up beings in a permanent war choosing to focus on something shallow and tangible isn't all that out of order. Vets use dark as shit humor all the time to deal with stuff.
Or, you know, you can accept that it's a humorous spot in a trailer for a video game and stop being so offended that the pixels on the screen aren't more sadface about the destruction of other pixels.
Two extremes, I know, but you have choices.