25 strikes to progress in Toland's Journal. wut
Well, that's fine and dandy, but my friends list is full. Not deleting someone for no reason for someone I can't play with period.Yeah no shit. Just add him and you will see on which Xbox he is playing.
Yeah no shit. Just add him and you will see on which Xbox he is playing.
Looking for Crucible partners to try and get Bungie at their own.
psn (ps4): koojay
I've been doing patrol missions for hours now, but I'm really close to vanguard level 2 rep. I got my first legendary while doing all of that so yay. Now I have to farm a bunch of helium stuff to upgrade the legendary. The grind continues, but I'm having fun.
You chose the wrong bounty friend
Nah, I'm joking, but seriously, I read up on the three bounties I was offered before I chose them and I noped the hell out of Torland's Journal. A Dubious Task turned out to be much easier.
My first.
Just got this baby from the raid. On last boss now.
This is so fucking hard
25 strikes to progress in Toland's Journal. wut
The reason Bungie is not playing on PS3 is because they're ducking me. lol @ their imam putting a bounty on their heads.
So how do we run into Bungie then? Just hope for the best?
Oh thank god salvage is making a return. Now make it a permanent playlist.
Yup. Pray to RNGesus that you get matched.
Wow that emblem is gonna be rarer than the exotic drops. Wish they at least told us what game type they're playing.
25 strikes to progress in Toland's Journal. wut
I'm on that right now, just rerunning the earth strike over and over
if anyone on ps4 is doing the weekly strike i'll join in as well
oh i'm all over that. tuesday. hell yeah.
Does everyone get Suros Regime for beating the game?
If not then I got extremely lucky.
I did the Cosmodrone public event farming for 1 hour and it was nice, I did patrol missions in between. Going to do it again for 2-3 hours so I can cap for this week and then I'm going to enjoy PVP.
As soon as I upgrade my Vanguard rank to 2, and FWC to 2 I will have 2-3 legendary items (boot, chest, gauntlets) and I am waiting for Xur and some strange coins to buy a helmet. I like this plan better than farming for engrams.
Still holding out for Hard Light, if anyone has it do you mind describing how does it handle and fire?
Wut, u got that after finishing campaign?
Reef on Tuesday? Based Bungie
They did, it's Clash.
I played against a guy in rumble today who had it. I still managed to win, but anytime I came across him, he would drop my health extremely quick, and the gun was very disruptive visually on my screen.
37 Strange coins and 43 Mote of Light.
I'm ready for Xur this time.
Does everyone get Suros Regime for beating the game?
If not then I got extremely lucky.