You really think a fully upgraded Thorn beats a fully upgraded TLW?
I have both guns but havn't upgraded the thorn yet. Finding it hard to imagine it comes close, but maybe I should give it a shot...
Of course, I'm eagerly awaiting the incoming buff.
Building around stuff is cool, but it's not /that/ in depth that you can build something that really elevates the gun beyond more ammo and better reload speed.
Maybe some limited synergy so you can sort of stack dot effects, but I still don't see how the current version could get anywhere close to the efficiency and overall effectiveness of TLW.
For some guns, I assure you that you can. That reload speed for hand cannons may be a negligible asset when using most, but makes an enormous difference when considering Thorn's default. It's a massive weakness that can be deflected.
There's also the matter of how you want to use it- you wouldn't play even close to the same way with Thorn as you would with TLW or any other hand cannon for that matter.
With Mark of the Devourer:
2 headshots or 3 body shots, and disengage- unless the target gets health regen somehow from a skill or gear mod, that's a guaranteed kill from the DoT. This means that the magazine on Thorn is best looked at as a potential 3 kills before a reload if you're accurate. You aren't going to run in and pop shots off like candy as you would with TLW. You're going to plant accurate shots on target until you know they're as good as dead and then move on... never, ever reload early unless you're positive you're in the clear.
thorn played like TLW and TLW wins a hundred times over. but you can't play TLW like you can play Thorn at all.
Do you have any specific ideas how it could be done?
There are a number of class-specific builds that could maximize it: Chain of Woe on Gunslinger is the simplest choice, any headshots that kill give you license to reload at a more normal speed. War Machine on defender could be incredibly effective well- spec to be able to keep force barrier up as much as possible. And I'm still not sure if Surge on Voidwalker increases reload speed or not. But of course a reload boost can be handled by gear too. The
fourth build down here focuses on essentially being the most annoying thing ever by going for the full-DoT Sunsinger approach.
Last night in the crucible I also had this idea for one (didn't think out the full build, but a playstyle): run Thorn/shotgun, and use an initial shot from range on someone to "paint" them. The floating 7s from the DoT will keep their exact location revealed to you for 5 seconds. Edge around, swap, and slide in to finish them with one shotgun shot, which wouldn't have to be perfect (they'll have no shield). Repeat until one or the other needs reloading (at which point hopefully 5 other people are dead

). A Titan running with Blessing of Light on their ward might be really well suited for this.
I absolutely love the raid relic. Using a shield as a weapon? Aw yiss.
welcome to nirvana
MM for the raid is a bad idea, imo. Detailed reasoning
Weekly 100% yes.
Nightfall ok, but maybe with a warning screen that pops up letting players know about the no death rule and that the content is recommended for a pre-made party.
there just needs to be an in-game party board where you can leave a message, specify the group's reason for forming, and set expectations for those that join. like Monster Hunter. exactly like what provides but in-game.