I think that's correct, but doesn't TLW lose on outright range?
Yep, absolutley.
Thorn range, precision, dot allows you to ignore last shot.
TLW fire rate, reload, more bullets, precision at mid range.
(for pvp where impact is normalised)
I could give you a page of people trying to use it exactly like a Regulator and posting that it sucked....
Of course, but I know people who played the dot game too and said it was fun but not anywhere near as efficient. Of course, they could have just been not very good with it.
makes sense, but again, a build that puts it at the center can make a big difference. I don't know why you'd write off counteracting its reload speed when it's such a weakness!
hmm what does this mean?
I didn't write it off, merely suggested faster reload is going to be pretty much staple for all HCs, not exactly a "build" more of a "given".
It also benefits TLW, so it buffs both.
I should clarify, I am totally incapable of separating the idea that we know it's being buffed from my consideration. I'm saying it's competitive now, with any kind of buff it could wind up being the winner.
Not disagreeing it's competitive now, but I am disagreeing that it matches TLW in terms of overall efficency therefore calling it the "best upgraded exotic HC" seems off.
Unless we're saying "best" to simply mean "what I enjoy most".
I'm not trashing on the Thorn, I know plenty of people can use it well and I look forward to testing this myself, I just don't think it comes close to TLW in pvp from what I've experienced of TLW and read/seen about Thorn.
I also don't see any "building around it" that does anything besides buff the reload speed aside from that Sunsinger one that you admitted yourself was very gimmicky, this game does allow for a certain amount of building but it's not in depth enough to really make a gun shine much more than its own inherent limitations allow.