Not a fusion rifle fan, but it takes a bit more skill to know how to handle the charge rate. Still think that FRs need to be tweaked slightly. Range needs to be nerfed.
I just don't think there's anything wrong with HCs.
yikes. nothing he said was incorrect or even close to uncivil. the point about it being for others' benefit is well-taken, too. no one should think two body shots from a hand cannon can kill, on either side of the gunCømet;134584744 said:I don't even know at this point. Ghallahorn I guess? Getting a little burnt out on Destiny now. Which is good, I have work to do.
lol okay, whatever you say buddy. My eyes don't lie. Enjoy your time on the ignore list.
there just needs to be an in-game party board where you can leave a message, specify the group's reason for forming, and set expectations for those that join. like Monster Hunter. exactly like what provides but in-game.
So now people are complaining about HCs?
Unlike AR's and shotguns, you have to be precise and actually aim with a HC. If you miss a shot or two, you can easily be taken down. HCs are one of the few weapons that are balanced correctly. Nothing broken about them.
I actually raged at a Handcannon last night. Painted Big Chief or whatever, a rare. The guy had it set to explode on impact. I had heard it sucked as it diluted the damage, but it shook my screen so much when it hit it allowed the person to win duels with me very quickly.
So....having experienced that....what other Handcannons have this perk?!.
Yeah, there should be a way to just have "Want to do Raid" visible in your friends list in game....alternatively/additionally they can just allow a player to specify the event(s) they're interested in and when you look at your friends list in game it would show what people are looking at doing.
I actually raged at a Handcannon last night. Painted Big Chief or whatever, a rare. The guy had it set to explode on impact. I had heard it sucked as it diluted the damage, but it shook my screen so much when it hit it allowed the person to win duels with me very quickly.
So....having experienced that....what other Handcannons have this perk?!.
Can people clear the Hard Raid Atheon multiple times in a week and still get rewards? I thought it was only once a week....
Does anyone have a preference for the best scout rifle that is sold by the Vanguard Quartermaster?? ... there are two of them and one of them has a crazy letters and symbols name... not sure what is the consensus on which one is better... thanks!
Say how it goes? The person using the Painted Chief was pretty good, so that amplified it, but there's nothing so maddening as having a headshot lined up and getting jarred out of it.Haha really? Never got hit by that in PvP yet. Fatebringer has it, will have to try it tonight![]()
Thank you.It's a random perk for some legendaries. I have it on my TDYK.
I think that's correct, but doesn't TLW lose on outright range?TLW seems slightly more versatile to me.
I could give you a page of people trying to use it exactly like a Regulator and posting that it sucked....This is a fairly obvious way to use Thorn.![]()
makes sense, but again, a build that puts it at the center can make a big difference. I don't know why you'd write off counteracting its reload speed when it's such a weakness!I will try it, but all reports from peopel I know who have both maxed suggest its fun but not as effective as TLW.
hmm what does this mean?See, the only proper build here is the Sunsinger one (the rest are just using obvious reload buffs)
I should clarify, I am totally incapable of separating the idea that we know it's being buffed from my consideration. I'm saying it's competitive now, with any kind of buff it could wind up being the winner.You'd have to do some testing, but I don't really see Thorn edging it at all, not in its current state and going by what I've read/seen on videos etc...
Of course, I need to try it for myself. Will upgrade next and give it a go.
Should be additionally- this would be a different thing but also great for QoL. The key with a LFG board is that it doesn't hook you up with friends, it hooks you up with anyone that is keyed to doing the same content you are at that moment, with whatever additional caveats (first time looking for help, mics required, casual run, experienced only, etc.)...alternatively/additionally they can just allow a player to specify the event(s) they're interested in and when you look at your friends list in game it would show what people are looking at doing.
Yeah, there should be a way to just have "Want to do Raid" visible in your friends list in game.
Do you get more xp if you do it in higher difficulty levels?
Also do i have to be using the weapon to get xp or i just need to have it equiped?
I know bounties xp goes to everything that's equiped. But when i'm actually shooting stuff to me it seems like i only get upgrades on the weapon i'm using at the moment.
It's a random mod. My Big Chief which got me through the early 20s didn't have itI actually raged at a Handcannon last night. Painted Big Chief or whatever, a rare. The guy had it set to explode on impact. I had heard it sucked as it diluted the damage, but it shook my screen so much when it hit it allowed the person to win duels with me very quickly.
So....having experienced that....what other Handcannons have this perk?!.
This is accurate. It takes a steady hand but the range is wonderful and the RoF is just shy of zoomed-SUROS-Regime levels (man that is a good gun -_-). It's definitely viable, though I don't think it's superlative among scout rifles- i haven't tried very many yet, especially in PvP.I picked up the a-whatever last night and played around with it in strikes (no pvp). RoF is good, stability is good, mag size is solid and precision damage is great. Handles very well and has solid range, and decent hip fire accuracy. I imagine in competent hands it will do very well in pvp and should be more than enough for any same-level encounter in pve. The other one had better range but a slower fire rate so I opted for this to pvp with.
It's a random mod. My Big Chief which got me through the early 20s didn't have it![]()
Good to know it causes that much of an effect on the victim though... something to keep my eyes peeled to have in my collection
Yeah, there should be a way to just have "Want to do Raid" visible in your friends list in game.
Which weapon would you guys recommend spending marks on at the crucible quartermaster:
I was leaning towards Zombie Apocalypse Machine Gun or the Final Boss Sniper Rifle. I know people have said good things about the Lord High Fixer hand cannon but I don't really care for hand cannons. I've had maybe a total of 50 kills with hand cannons since the game launched.
Okay I'm starting to get pissed off with the Cryptarch now.
I'm at level 15 and have never received a legendary engram from him. You should at least get a guaranteed Legendary for every 5 levels or something.
RNGesus please.
Is it possible to get raid gear with different mods?
The Last Word is the only hand cannon I've seen in a video someone using and actually destroy everyone with it.
The Roster should let us see people who are playing what modes. Like group them into Crucible or Strike etc. Having to go into each person's emblem and checking is a hassle.
The Last Word is the only hand cannon I've seen in a video someone using and actually destroy everyone with it.
So it's Xur's Eve! What's everyone hopping for tomorrow?
Really hoping for a a nice helm for my sunslinger. I'm also hoping for a new primary for my Titan. Using the vendor version of the shadow price with the low clip is really annoying in a few different situations, having to reload to take down the Templars bubble he puts you in sucks, and using a machine gun to do it means I can't have a launcher equipped.
So it's Xur's Eve! What's everyone hopping for tomorrow?
Really hoping for a a nice helm for my sunslinger. I'm also hoping for a new primary for my Titan. Using the vendor version of the shadow price with the low clip is really annoying in a few different situations, having to reload to take down the Templars bubble he puts you in sucks, and using a machine gun to do it means I can't have a launcher equipped.
in the videos I linked above, the guys go 22-3 with Hawkmoon and 16-3 with Thorn, which is pretty respectableThe Last Word is the only hand cannon I've seen in a video someone using and actually destroy everyone with it.
Those are all good choices. Think about what's missing most in your arsenal first. Do you have a Solar special weapon? An Arc Heavy?Which weapon would you guys recommend spending marks on at the crucible quartermaster:
I was leaning towards Zombie Apocalypse Machine Gun or the Final Boss Sniper Rifle. I know people have said good things about the Lord High Fixer hand cannon but I don't really care for hand cannons. I've had maybe a total of 50 kills with hand cannons since the game launched.
Excuse me sir. That would be a social feature, and if you want extra social features, e.g., the ability to easily see what your friends are doing in-game, well, you'll have to wait for the DLC planned for 2019.
In the meantime, please feel free to exchange phone numbers so you can call your friends and ask them. Or, alternatively, you can exchange ICQ numbers, so you can download our ICQ app and connect with people that way. Easy!
Which weapon would you guys recommend spending marks on at the crucible quartermaster:
I was leaning towards Zombie Apocalypse Machine Gun or the Final Boss Sniper Rifle. I know people have said good things about the Lord High Fixer hand cannon but I don't really care for hand cannons. I've had maybe a total of 50 kills with hand cannons since the game launched.
He's right bro. I have The Last Word, 2 shots doesnt kill a dude. Maybe someone used golden gun or in the chaos that is crucible was hard tell. You retort is coming off very childish. ZOMG IGNORE. Cmon dude. That's not how Legends act.
This is wrong, with the exception of one of the two being one of Hawkmoon's ace shots or another HC mod that does random bonus damage. 4 shots anywhere is a kill, or 1 headshot and two body shots.
Not even two headshots kill a fully-shielded target with full Toughness. Two headshots still require a quick tap somewhere else (or Thorn's DoT) to finish the job.
Four shots is exactly right and while it may well have been lag, it's also not as easy-as-operational-pie weapon like something like the SUROS Regime is.
Well... okay, but you'll actually be at a disadvantage
heh, really hope that doesn't happen, i'm loving it. just needs more modes and maps, and our list of guns that need buffs
Logical fallacy. First, attack stats are irrelevant in the Crucible, so plenty of Rare guns are completely viable if you like them (I suggest the Galahad-E to starving AR fans
myself). Second, the fact that your entire team got demolished by an HC doesn't illustrate anything other than the fact that your entire team got demolished by someone who happens to use HCs. Why you ascribe this blindly to the weapon class is beyond me? Have you spent significant time playing with one? Let me put it this way: I've come first on servers using ARs, I've come first on servers using Fusion Rifles, and I've come first on servers using Hand Cannons. guess which one took the most effort and skill o_o
So now people are complaining about HCs?
Unlike AR's and shotguns, you have to be precise and actually aim with a HC. If you miss a shot or two, you can easily be taken down. HCs are one of the few weapons that are balanced correctly. Nothing broken about them.
yikes. nothing he said was incorrect or even close to uncivil. the pointabout it being for others' benefit is well-taken, too. no one should think two body shots from a hand cannon can kill, on either side of the gun
here are some videos with very good weapons in which you can see fairly obviously that "two shots anywhere" do not kill
The Last Word
I hope you'll reconsider your stance :-/ though a break from Destiny is probably not a bad idea.
So now people are complaining about HCs?
Unlike AR's and shotguns, you have to be precise and actually aim with a HC. If you miss a shot or two, you can easily be taken down. HCs are one of the few weapons that are balanced correctly. Nothing broken about them.
Well kinda. thorn's more niche, TLW is more versatileI decided to upgrade my Thorn instead of The Last Word, I keep wondering if it was a mistake...
It's pretty much just spamming invites at people. It doesn't help that PSN is so slow.Or for that matter, show the events that you've completed for the week...make it really easy to scroll through the friends list to see who hasn't done what you're looking for. Any method is better than "you guys figure it out".
Yeah, that's the worst part. They tell you friends are in activities, but not who.The Roster should let us see people who are playing what modes. Like group them into Crucible or Strike etc. Having to go into each person's emblem and checking is a hassle.
Did the raid for the first time last nightand was wondering if I did it again this week, would I get anything for doing it?and got no armor or weapon drops at all :|
If bungie nerfs HC I will delete the game
I agree with that. People should just get ships constantly for only starting at checkpoints haha