when PSN is back up:
alright Raid crew, i'm home and i'm willing to go one hour early so 6PM EST if you guys are ready. i'll be on idling around then waiting for Figs to invite me.
Yup, either way I'm tired of it naoOdd that I can get to the character select screen but no further. I think it's a PSN to Bungie authentication problem tied to PSN, and not real connectivity. Sux.
Odd that I can get to the character select screen but no further. I think it's a PSN to Bungie authentication problem tied to PSN, and not real connectivity. Sux.
it's not "basically" a bug. it's not a bug in any sense. it's a design element being leveraged by the user in an unintended way. I could give you examples from more basic applications if you want :-/
My point is that we don't even know what the mechanic change will be, or even if it will actually happen. Why not wait until it's released, or even announced, before getting upset? It was just mentioned in passing during an interview.
And the kicker is, it would be such a freaking minor change. Defeating this part of the raid is not rocket science. Shoot supplicants, or shoot oracles. If players are not able to adapt, then I don't know what to say.
Roxy Raye plays Destiny
Well, I mean, just be discouraged thenI guess their testers simply didn't figure it out, and they dubbed it good enough. Nothing in his language whatsoever indicates it's a bug.
It most definitely is a PSN problem
I wonder if the coming xpac will increase the soft and hard level caps. XP gains to 30, gear gains to 40.
I really hope they don't up the level cap at all :-[ add new methods of getting armor with chosen stat arrays that can get you to 30, new interesting exotics to choose from, ideally new subclasses. invalidating all of our earned gear at this point is so boring and played out. even if there's demand for it I hope they don't cave in to pressure to raise it.I imagine 5 level increases, 10 is quite a lot considering the projected content they plan to ship
daaamn that's the closest control match i've ever seen.I had this game yesterday.
Bungie why.
Look at the final score.
Is there room for one more? (if this is for normal raid)
I'm confused, did that segment actually indicate anything other than that Luke himself didn't program that aspect of the fight?Eh.. the fact that Luke speaks to his own groups attempt and clear being done without knowing how the teleport works seems to suggest that they didn't intentionally design it to specifically pick the players furthest away. It could be considered a bug in that manner. I would hope that it wasn't a rogue programmer who simply decided "this is the way I'll write this mechanic to work even though it wasn't explicitly designed to work this way."
I really hope they don't up the level cap at all :-[ add new methods of getting armor with chosen stat arrays that can get you to 30, new interesting exotics to choose from, ideally new subclasses. invalidating all of our earned gear at this point is so boring and played out. even if there's demand for it I hope they don't cave in to pressure to raise it.
daaamn that's the closest control match i've ever seen.
I'm confused, did that segment actually indicate anything other than that Luke himself didn't program that aspect of the fight?
So satisfying. Darthbob and I had a game like that as wellI had a similar game a couple of weeks ago. We were down by a few thousand and ended up winning by 50 or so. I could taste the tears of the opposing team.
was a 10 or 11 kill comeback at least, led by bob of course. you don't typically see the losing team finish over 10000 in Clash. but a margin of 5 in control, dang.
Rewards don't have to be anything special really. For those of us that are level 29/30 it would give us something with matchmaking to play that is challenging. Level 24 is too easy
Yep, it's on. (Unless I find a better group, naturally).I know me and Navy Bean (dmh) were planning to do one Friday and/or Saturday. He will most likely do about 12 raids and forget, but I'll be game. I know Guitar has the thirst as well. If you are on you will be receiving an invite. Bring your camel back so your Titan doesn't cramp up.
I understand what you mean. Bungie could realistically make it better and more fun. My main point is that there are more important things such as legit glitches (portals, relic shield AOE) that need fixing first and foremost. It also really grinds my gears when a developer changes things that work just fine. An incredibly small percentage of players might be saying "Oh man, I wish the teleportation really was random!" Most people don't care and we are having fun with that part of the Raid as is.
To be completely honest its my favorite part of the Raid.
Final point: Do it right the first time Bungie.
Can't play, servers not working.
Anyone know any good farming spots for Legendaries?
That's a fair interpretation, I just think your assumption goes a little too far; there's too much information we don't have about the design ethos or what role he had in minute aspects of individual encounters like that at all.He's the design lead for the raid. So I would assume that if they had intended something so specific to happen, he would've been aware of it. If they didn't intend the mechanic to specifically teleport players furthest away, I don't know why a programmer would take such a liberty as whether or not it works that way intrinsically changes the experience.
i dunno, Figs is in charge.
Haha, it only took them a couple hours to update the page.
I'd agree that that would be a big deal, but can we point to where it is indicated that Bungie intends such a prioritization? Where are we getting this from? Actually neither the words "glitch" nor "bug" even appear in that Kotaku interview, maybe we should be talking about that?I will agree that changing the raid mechanic at this point is dumb, especially because it's totally fine as it is, but it's not a big deal. What IS a big deal is prioritizing this "fix" over other, more serious issues with the game, so I agree with that.
Yep. It's looking like I may not make it. Hopefully it's up before then.I think we have enough people atm, but if PSN is down for too long, a couple might not be able to make it.
With all the problems on psn starting to wish I got this for the Xbox one...
Yep, it's on. (Unless I find a better group, naturally).
Can't play, servers not working.
Anyone know any good farming spots for Legendaries?
You shouldn't, though. That way lies despair :/Maybe there's a better way but if I was going to explicitly try to farm legendary stuff that's probably the route I would take.
Vanguard Tiger playlist is probably your best bet at this point, assuming you're of capable level.
You can average around 2-3 blue engrams per strike, sometimes more. Also a chance of a legendary engram or an exotic item at the end of each strike. If you have Radiant Light from completing the Nightfall then all those engrams will essentially power level your Cryptarch which gives you a chance at legendary engrams every level.
Maybe there's a better way but if I was going to explicitly try to farm legendary stuff that's probably the route I would take.
I really hope they don't up the level cap at all :-[ add new methods of getting armor with chosen stat arrays that can get you to 30, new interesting exotics to choose from, ideally new subclasses. invalidating all of our earned gear at this point is so boring and played out. even if there's demand for it I hope they don't cave in to pressure to raise it.
Q&A said:If I pick up raid gear, is that going to be useful in future raids? One hesitation I have about leveling up my raid gear is, it gives me a bonus for killing oracles, but I play a lot outside of the raid, and there are going to be future raids and future strikes. Are some of those abilities going to carry over?
The bespoke usefulness that you're talking about that with respect to the oracles, or the praetorian bonuses, those are going to be specific to the Vault of Glass. But the power level that comes on that gear will be valuable going forward.
Right, like the higher armor rating and more light, and that kind of thing.
Yes. And that will be valuable in the follow-up.
That's a fair interpretation, I just think your assumption goes a little too far; there's too much information we don't have about the design ethos or what role he had in minute aspects of individual encounters like that at all.
the combination of the fact that he absolutely does not state that it is a bug and the nature of the behavior being so consistent and only occasionally functioning outside of a very strict rule leads me to believe it was completely intentional design. either way, I don't think their intended goal for the fight is irrational, it makes a lot of sense to me, though I don't have any problems with the current way it is either.
Not sure how but I just managed to connect. Is it back up?
Fucking JackNicholsonNod.gif @ Paz's 5th Diary Entry. I hope there's more of that!EDIT: Guess I can finally play Ground Zeroes now...
I already have a full inventory of Blues, I want Legendaries/Exotics. I have to do Strikes for those too?
I already have a full inventory of Blues, I want Legendaries/Exotics. I have to do Strikes for those too?
And the kicker is, it would be such a freaking minor change. Defeating this part of the raid is not rocket science. Shoot supplicants, or shoot oracles. If players are not able to adapt, then I don't know what to say.