Parody of actual AJUMP23
I will allow it.
I will allow it.
What? Really , booo That sucks. I will play solo, like I did d1 and d2, but why do these devs keep leaving out couch co-op.wait no couch coop?
i don't care i want diablo 4
and will buy 4 copies anyway
My dad really likes loot.
- Game is focused on single-player experience
Looking like it will be a big one.
Loot. With o's...
Wasn't one of the big problems of diablo 3 always online?
Be sure there will be monetization crap....maybe not like a Diablo: Immortal but at different form, after all it is ActivisionBlizzard game the father of lootboxes.....As long as they don't try to pull any auction house or other BS monetization crap again, I'm interested.
Personally always online won't be a problem. Just the damn lag. Regardless I really like the look of this one. I hated 3 with cartoony look and hiw easy it was.If anything the lack of an always online mode was absolutely detrimental to the console versions of the game. Something they are luckily fixing this time around (i.e. it's always online with crossplay).
I wouldn't buy into the single player focus nonsense. This is an always online MMO lite. You experience the single player story stuff once and then it becomes something you blow past to get to the end game so you can grind with others for better gear.Focus on single player? Well i hope it has good online/local co-op regardless... my wife and i played a crazy amount of hours together in D3, hoping for the same here.
Just gimme the fucking game already.
After callisto, ragnarock and evil west back to back to back, i need something completely different and i'm dying to play some isometric shit.
Thank you fuck. I played the whole OG game thinking it was going to get harder. I played the whole what felt like easy mode and I stopped after finishing the base game. Glad to see it's just hard to start.Combat is now challenging since the start of the game (Prepare to die a lot if you are unprepared)
They don't want to focus on that before launch. Right now they're asking the press to focus on specific talking points to distract from the fact that the game is an MMO lite with MTX. Especially after the blowback they got with Overwatch 2.What about microtransactions?
A “live” future?
The developers also stressed how Diablo IV's embrace of the “live service” model and its focus on post-launch content creates more incentives for players to explore the other classes beyond their favorite ones. In light of the issues Blizzard’s Overwatch 2 has faced since launch, however, I have concerns about Diablo IV’s vision for a battle pass and other post-launch content. Unfortunately, the Blizzard devs wouldn't expand much on this point, but hopefully lessons learned from Overwatch 2’s rough launch will ensure that Diablo IV gets off to a better start.
I came away from this preview impressed and optimistic about Diablo IV’s vision for a more open-ended and darker fantasy RPG world. The moment-to-moment hack-and-slack gameplay that put Diablo on the map is still strong here, and the new map structure and character class tweaks keep things feeling fresh. While we’ll have to see how the “live service” design of the game plays out, Diablo IV’s more open world is already off to a solid start, and I can’t wait to see more of what the game will offer.
??? When’s the last time you played D2? It had no color. At all. LolI don't get why this game, aesthetically, looks so fucking bad?
I mean, D4 looks so grey and boring. D3 looked too colorful. D2 really was the perfect combination of colors and greyness...
They don't want to focus on that before launch. Right now they're asking the press to focus on specific talking points to distract from the fact that the game is an MMO lite with MTX. Especially after the blowback they got with Overwatch 2.
wat the fuck??? When’s the last time you played D2? It had no color. At all. Lol
Does that PlayStation blog post imply there's a marketing agreement on Diablo?
Like a month ago. The game has no colorwat the fuck
i played around 1500 hours of d2:r in 2021 and i've played around 15k hours of d2 throughout these 20 years
when was the last time you played d2?
Looks like evade/dodge mechanics will fundamentally built in to the gameplay:Same, and not just controller support, i want to know if it play like the console version of diablo 3 with real time roll evade and shit.
I don't wanna fucking pay 80 euros for the console version but i fear 2 completely different game versions...
They don't want to focus on that before launch. Right now they're asking the press to focus on specific talking points to distract from the fact that the game is an MMO lite with MTX. Especially after the blowback they got with Overwatch 2.
There is absolutely no way that is not the case, we will be lucky if its not complete pay to winI have a bit of hope, but knowing the new Blizzard, we will still see a shop with skins and xp speed ups. If that's the case I'm outtie.