And? This is still a quick port/update vs stuff you get on PC if the developers implement decent enough ray tracing.
I don't think you can call a game that got this amount of changes to the way it handles raytracing done, specifically for this one port, a "quick port"
a lot of care and thought went into the way they adjusted the raytracing here. a "quick port" would have been to just dial everything down until it runs stable.
but that's not what they did. they deliberately adjusted things in a way that makes it run faster but also still look cohesive.
like the way they adjusted the distant mountains. a quick and dirty port would have just reduced the BVH distance and left it there (see Watch Dogs Legion). but they hand adjust what gets included in the BVH so that, while the trees get culled, the underlying geometry of the hills still gets traced against, even tho these mountains are far further away than their general BVH distance is set up.
they also hand adjust the BVH update rate for specific objects. so that important characters like Alan and Saga update every frame, while other less important objects update at half or even lower rates as their importance goes down.
the PC version didn't have any of these adjustments in place, so all of this had to be specifically implemented for the Pro version.
in the video Alex even explains why they couldn't just implement these settings easily on PC as it would clash with some RT settings, so if implemented in the PC version it would basically need to be a completely separate RT mode that, when toggled on, would need to lock you out from the more granular settings you have.